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My brother is completely into Warhammer. I followed his example once, but quickly gave up cause of the (IMHO) complicated rules and hefty prices.

Also used to play Pokemon for a while; had quite a collection at one point, but since A) I could never beat my bro and B) out of neglect and boredom that phase quickly passed as well. I tossed all my Pokemon cards out to be recycled.

Lately tho, partially because of sometimes seeing ppl playing it at school, and partially cuz of my obsession with Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series I've expressed a slight interest in both YGO and MTG. Guess I should check out the Atomik (games/comics store) near where I live sometime.

Except of course I don't have anyone to play with...

I had a friend who was at one point buying a new Euro game practically every week. We started with Settlers, and then began going through the BoardGameGeek list from the top. So over the year we burned ourselves out on...

Puerto Rico

Tigris & Euphrates

Power Grid


Railroad Tycoon

Ticket to Ride

Shadows over Camelot

Robo Rally


A Game of Thrones (+ expansions)

Twilight Imperium (+ expansion)

War of the Ring (actually never played this one, since it's pretty much 2-player)

Not to mention the occasional round of Apples to Apples. :P

How can you be missing pirates?! Ever since my trip to Berkeley, I have been exposed to every game on this list. All great fun, but god damn are each game *sans apples to apples* expensive.

Settlers of Catan is an awesome game. Me and my friends play regularly. I have also been known to play some epic Diplomacy games.

I've heard Catan is a good one, but I've anly really seen it at the mall in those board game kiosks that go up around Christmas.

How can you be missing pirates?! Ever since my trip to Berkeley, I have been exposed to every game on this list. All great fun, but god damn are each game *sans apples to apples* expensive.

Pirates is another game they bought that I watched but never really got the chance to play.

And yes, that's several hundred dollars' worth of games there.

Settlers of Catan is an awesome game. Me and my friends play regularly. I have also been known to play some epic Diplomacy games.

I played that game once - it was kinda fun. I've also played LotR Risk, and own the Nintendo Monopoly game (although that game is for meetup traveling).

I'd say the biggest thing I was into before though was competitive M:tG. My friends and I poured a ton of money into it and we'd have the cards to compete in Type II and Type 1.5. The only bad thing is that some of the people in the area had all the big Type I stuff so it was impossible to compete on their level :( .


AD&D Second and A Half was a good deal of my genesis. Me and my best friends whiled away many an hour in my homeboy's basement calculating THAC0's, rolling for initiative, and so on. We experimented with some other systems (Imagine, Heroes Unlimited, etc.,) but Dragonlance was our mainstay. Eventually that pretty much ended though, since I was the main DM and got sick of dealing with the BS. Mainly, that is, one of my friends had just become the worst rules lawyer ever, and when I DM, I powertrip something awful and cease to give a flying fuck about the so-called rules. Didn't help that me and another of our regulars were horribly ADD. I do have many, many fond memories, though.

As for CCG's, played MtG waaaaayyy back in the day, and stopped playing after Ice Age. I realized how silly they were at that point (anyone with more money and time to invest in collection will whip your ass every match,) and haven't really tried any others since.

Played Warhammer (Chaos) and 40K (Termanids) for a brief period, then realized what a rip off those games are, too. So much money.

Still love games like Illuminati and Munchkin. If you've got the time for role-playing, you definitely have the time for Steve Jackson games.

Pretty much the only geeky things I think I've never done have been LARPing and going to a con. Good times.

Thus ends my long ass post. Sorry guys.

As for CCG's, played MtG waaaaayyy back in the day, and stopped playing after Ice Age. I realized how silly they were at that point (anyone with more money and time to invest in collection will whip your ass every match,) and haven't really tried any others since.

That's the problem with the tourney/non-casual scene. But, they do a pretty decent job of keeping things reined in these days via the different formats. You can go to a competitive event where everyone spends the same amount and builds decks there, and it's a level playing field. Of course, you need to know how to put together a deck that way, so it really isn't quite level- but it isn't about the money at that point. But, if you're trying to play constructed competitively, yeah, you're gonna need to drop a lot of cash. Hence why I don't play competitively. ;)

Course I still have managed to drop a lot of cash, but it's just a trade-off. Instead of a weekly movie night or what, we usually have MTG nights, which over time costs the same amount- sometimes more, sometimes less, but thus far I've been happy spending the amount I have compared to the entertainment I've gotten out of it, so I'm happy. I wouldn't call it silly outright, though, I guess is my point- it isn't entirely about money, though again you do need to be willing to buy some things.

Somebody was saying they were thinking of getting into either YGO or MTG- I haven't played YGO paper, though I've played a GBA cart of it just to see what it was like. From what I can tell, I'd definitely stick with MTG. YGO is less complicated, but it feels like less of a game to me as a result- but maybe things have changed with that. I used to view YGO as sort of an entry-level MTG but it costs just as much as MTG and I don't know if it gives as much in return yet. But that's just IMO. The GBA game was fun, though.

But YGO is less complex, and MTG results in a lot more rules stickiness- but, deviant that I am I actually enjoy figuring that stuff out. If there was money in it, I'd try to get judge certified, but I don't think I could do anything locally so it isn't yet worth my time.

And I'm with whoever said they vowed to avoid Warhammer- for me, though, there's not even a real temptation (thankfully). I don't have much disposable income (further proof that one can do MtG on a limited budget), and I am definitely not going to get into painting figures, though I admit some cool results can come of that. But for me, just can't do it. The collector in me dug Mage Knight, though, what with the work already done.

God, those D&D games sound so wicked.

Too bad it's just my and my younger brother over here D:

No way we could afford all the books if we wanted to play anyway...

Just for kicks though, if we wanted to try it, what would we need to get?


All your basic needs for D&D. They've intergrated the 3 core books, and have included a couple of things from the Player's Handbook 2 and probably more of the Monster Manuals. Its all very base, though, and doesn't usually have descriptions of monsters and suchlike, but its good enough to get by.


I used to play MTG back in high school. In fact I was even a "guru" for a while (Wizards gave me free shit to hand out to people to get them involved in MTG-- most of which I kept for myself or just gave to my MTG nerd friends). But I never crossed the line into pen & paper RPing... something about losing the last bit of dignity I had scared me out of it (especially after watching other ubernerds orgasm over it-- good lord).

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