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OverClocked ReMix Chess League TEAM TOURNAMENT!

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  Rainman DX said:
Another ringer? Time will tell, I suppose.
Looks like maybe. It'll be up to the team captains to decide whether to draft though.

Deadline passed, we have three players.

Anyone else up for captaincy? Uranus and JD are currently my guys, Rainman or damathacus, would you like to captain?

  kamoh said:
Looks like maybe. It'll be up to the team captains to decide whether to draft though.

Deadline passed, we have three players.

Anyone else up for captaincy? Uranus and JD are currently my guys, Rainman or damathacus, would you like to captain?

Frankly, I want to be on one of these guys' teams. Can we have just 3 captains this go around? I mean, I'll pick up the slack if someone has to, but I think I'd enjoy it more if it was just the three behemoths and some of us patzers making up the teams.

  Rainman DX said:
Frankly, I want to be on one of these guys' teams. Can we have just 3 captains this go around? I mean, I'll pick up the slack if someone has to, but I think I'd enjoy it more if it was just the three behemoths and some of us patzers making up the teams.

It IS just three this go-around. I just mentioned the two of you because I thought you had shown interest.



Some keys:

Teammates may not watch your game, but they may coach you from AIM or something. For this reason, use 10/10 clocks in order to cut down on the impact of teammate coaching. Undo Turn is STILL not allowed.

Reports are always going to be a +1/-1 swing. The divide is the same as a win vs. a loss, but the team not involved ends up in the middle.

No bypasses. The Rusty Buckets, for playing four less games, are given four "bye" points to offset the advantage of playing more games.

If you have problems, you should try and petition your captain for advice - but I'm usually the best source as well. Captains are marked with a © in the standings above.

The Rusty Bucket is a Tavern in Columbus, where JD lives. The Nordic Wegie is a cutesy term for the breed of two of my cats. The Married Woman is what Margo is.

Margo is still looking for a team name :P

Start playing now, and the last moment for games will be MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH @ 11:59 PM (pacific time). Super Bowl Sunday should never be the end of an OCRCL week.

  damathacus said:
Mm. I like our chances.

I have to say, I think Kamoh did a remarkable job of splitting up the talent so that, while one player might have a small edge over his/her two opponents, across teams, the advantages are negligible.

  Rainman DX said:
I have to say, I think Kamoh did a remarkable job of splitting up the talent so that, while one player might have a small edge over his/her two opponents, across teams, the advantages are negligible.

Yeah but I didn't do that. You can thank your team captains for somehow putting themselves in the 1, 2, and 3 slots (I put myself 1 because I figured the weakest player might be 14...which was true). This is purely coincidental to a certain degree - the entire schedule is made simple but can be horribly complex - later tonight I will undoubtedly be breaking down my team's matchups and seeing where we need points if we're not gonna get them, and try to give reachable goals to all my players. For example, my goal is 10 points (3-0-1).

  kamoh said:
I'm going to make it very very difficult for JD or Keegan or Uranus to basically dictate the entire match out to their teammates.

Where theres a will theres a way. =P

  Rainman DX said:
Okay! First games done. I didn't do super poorly, but a bad choice in the first game and a missed fork in the second lost it for me both times. Sorry guys.

Rainman DX vs. Johnderrilll, 0-2.

You were supposed to pick up an extra point :'(
  Rainman DX said:
Okay! First games done. I didn't do super poorly, but a bad choice in the first game and a missed fork in the second lost it for me both times. Sorry guys.

Rainman DX vs. Johnderrilll, 0-2.

good games rainy


Just a quick vote here:

Would you guys like to do this tournament for a second week, next week? We'd go Tuesday 6th to Tuesday 13th (no games on V-day for those of us lucky enough).

  kamoh said:
Just a quick vote here:

Would you guys like to do this tournament for a second week, next week? We'd go Tuesday 6th to Tuesday 13th (no games on V-day for those of us lucky enough).

Works for me.

Edit: 2 wins against amazchess. This new guy is pretty good, i just hope i didnt scare him off.=( Just that I was all pumped up after my games with Keegan.

  salaxzar said:
Works for me.

Edit: 2 wins against amazchess. This new guy is pretty good, i just hope i didnt scare him off.=( Just that I was all pumped up after my games with Keegan.

yeah, talk about instant trial-by-fire for him. But I expected it - I think because his AIM sn had chess in it and everything I kinda lofted him at high expectations. He probably considers this a major challenge (I hope) and we'll see more out of him in the future.

In other news, The Rusty Buckets are dynastic. I may dock them their bye points.


I'm afraid I may have inadvertently taken advantage of Amazgr8's incapacitated state for our first game. He was pretty tired, and I didn't take him seriously just how tired he was - but he slipped a little, and I ran away with our first. We'll finish up later when he's feeling up to it.

Rainman DX vs. Amazgr8, 1-0.


Come on team, we can do better!

Bahamut wins 2-0 vs. Dama in some close matches, although in both games tricks by me won out. Here's the second game which illustrates one of them:

;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game
;White: damathacus
;Black: ilovepsi84
;Date: Wed Jan 31 05:40:18 GMT 2007

1. d2-d4 d7-d5
2. c2-c4 e7-e6
3. b1-c3 g8-f6
4. c1-g5 f8-e7
5. g1-f3 b8-c6
6. g5xf6 e7xf6
7. e2-e4 d5xc4
8. f1xc4 f6xd4
9. f3xd4 c6xd4
10. c3-e2 c7-c5
11. e2xd4 c5xd4
12. o-o o-o
13. e4-e5 b7-b5
14. c4xb5 d8-d5
15. a2-a4 d5xe5
16. d1-f3 a8-b8
17. f1-d1 c8-b7
18. f3-g4 a7-a6
19. b5-c4 f8-c8
20. b2-b3 c8-d8
21. d1-d3 b7-e4
22. d3-d2 d4-d3
23. a1-d1 e4-f5
24. g4-g3 e5-c3
25. c4xd3 b8xb3
26. d3xf5 d8xd2
27. d1xd2 c3-c1+
28. d2-d1 c1xd1++


Two wins versus Kholdstare. He actually had me on the run for a while in the second game, invading my territory and taking a rook. It got very complicated, but I got a couple of passed pawns in the centre and began a slow push. We weren't able to finish because of connection problems, but he decided to concede rather than replay to that point.


Yea and ironically my internet reutrned without me having to kick its ass just now. I had dma on the run in the first match too slightly but I didn't finish it. Not on the ball today overall. Good match dama, I'll beat you next time.

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