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UPDATE: Uploading a teaser refill to make you happier. I can tell you I'm not working on this at all atm but I will, promise. For teaser refill, check below

UPDATE: Goin' slow because of school and projects. Thanks for hangin' in there though!

UPDATE: I'm looking for patchmakers (mainly combinator patches that really uses the original sound in a new way) for this ReFill. Everyone that's interested in making one or more patches for this (right now) OCR Exclusive ReFill PM me with some info and what you want to do and I'll hook you up with some samples as the project develops. The first samples that's going to be finished is the drums so I would appreciate if someone was interested in that. Thank You!

Current contributors: Malcos, V___, avaris

I recently hooked up my GameBoy Classic to my comp to sample some beats and now I'm thinking, heck I should do a refill of that. Would anyone here be interested? Just answer this thread and I'll hook you up when I'm done. Please mention some stuff you'd like to see in the Refill in this thread, like many different drum sounds, a lot of white noise, many different pulsemodulations and such..

I thinking of releasing it for ocremixers only , that's how much I love you ;)

Please give me all the feedback you can, PM, in the thread or e-mail me at anothersoundscape@gmail.com with any suggestions or feedback! Thank You!

Here's an mp3 teaser of some early sampling, this is only one notes that I've pitched, Going to sample each and every note later on:


TEASER REFILL: Here's a refill with my first sampling attempt (I'm using all new "better" sampled sounds in the real deal). It contains three drumkits (707, 808 and 909) all with bassdrum, snare and closed/open hi-hat only. Three raw sounds from the pulse channel of the gameboy, no multi-sampling just one sample and pitching. Three "blips" from the same three sounds, also pitched. A "sinewave" created in the gameboy wave channel. And some other goodies.

THE REFILL: http://soundscape.escariot.net/GayBoy.rfl (760kb, Save As)



Since I live in sweden i can't detect irony.. okay jokes aside.

A ReFill is a reason exclusive format that you can save samples, patches and other reason material in. It's used to release new patches (patches are instruments or such) to other users.

Click Here for more info

Thanks zircon for changing the title!

  • 2 weeks later...

The Pezman: then let me give you all a rundown of how I'm doing this:

First, I have some kind of software that I burn to a Gameboy cart. This software allows me to manipulate the Gameboy sound engine in almost any way I want. Then I plug my gameboy from the headphones output into my MacBook Pro (for that real chirpy sound). Then I use audacity (I like open source) to record, for example, one hit of every drum in a drumkit. then I cut them out, save as .wav and import into an NNXT (since redrum has to few channels for the sets in this case) and start mapping them out.

When I'm going to do the actual bleeps (the pulse channels) I'm using the same method but for a sustained note, then I try to loop it in the nn-xt so you can sustain for ever ;P the sustained notes are probably not going to be multisampled since it makes a little to no difference to the sound.

The actual blips and bloops (non-sustained notes) are going to be multisampled, that means I'm sampling every semi-tone so that the sound won't change speed when I pitch it.

Then I send these sample packs around to my "associates" (yah.. V___ and Malcos right now) and we make some kick ass patches with the combinator and such. then I pack it into a ReFill with the ReFill-packer and send it out to you. Don't you just love it?

Anyways, there you have it. Thanks for showing interest!

I've been terribly busy lateley but I'm going to start sampling some more today. Some drumsamples are already at Malcos for touchn up :)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Everyone seems eager and I must be honest, I'm not working on this at all atm. But do not loose hope, I uploaded a teaser refill with some early early sampling that you can toy around with! Just say it was my refill if anyone asks ;)

Get it at the first page!

You're welcome!

  • 4 weeks later...

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