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I call BS. What are you making in COLA now? Take your ass to the BX and buy one.

300...but AF galley decides to take it automatically for food I dont eat (am currently resolving this issue). btw who are you and what exactly do you know?

what exactly do you know?

Oh, I know everything. I know where you sleep, I know where you work. I know the roads you take to get there. I know where you spend your free time, where you go to drink, to smoke, to enjoy yourself. I quite possibly know almost exactly your day-to-day activities, from now until your PRD.

Doritos finally released that game.

"dash of destruction" is availible in the marketplace for free.

Not a bad game, multiplayer is pretty fun.

I still haven't been able to get into a multiplayer game, I don't get the lobby :/

ah well 190/200 gamerscore in 30 minutes ain't a bad deal :tomatoface:

I still haven't been able to get into a multiplayer game, I don't get the lobby :/

ah well 190/200 gamerscore in 30 minutes ain't a bad deal :tomatoface:

Yeah, I got them all in about 20 minutes as well.

What confuses you about the lobby?

It's only local, not live if that clears anything up.


There is a tiny bit of lag in the controls though. Any help on how to fix this?

Sorry, I have no idea.

Around these holidays, outside of the gifts I get; I plan to buy one 360 game.

Just one.


I am considering Bioshock and Mirror's edge.

Also, maybe Sonic Unleashed.


Nobody ever buys only one games for the 360. They say that then they proceed to buy 20 more. The 8-game ratio for the 360 is THE highest in game consoles, so the numbers seems to support that idea.

So I finally bought my new HDTV(and I love it), and my games look beyond awesome now.

There is a tiny bit of lag in the controls though. Any help on how to fix this?

Most TVs nowadays don't have the lag problem so much anymore, but there are a few ways that generally can speed it up. Look for a "Game mode" in the settings. This basically turns off a lot of features like noise reduction, scaling, some color modifications, etc. If you don't have a game mode, try turning off noise reduction functions, and make sure your screen size is set to "native" or "just scan (on mine)". This means its outputting the same resolution as what the game system is putting out. If your TV is 1080p, make sure the 360 is set to output 1080p. This makes it so the xbox does the scaling (with no lag) and the TV doesn't have to do any processing on the image which can add lag.

Nobody ever buys only one game for the 360. They say that then they proceed to buy 20 more. The 8-game ratio for the 360 is THE highest in game consoles, so the numbers seems to support that idea.

The difference is I can only AFFORD one.

I would love more, but my options are limited.

Although, I could buy several arcade games instead. =D


Okay, so I have a problem with my 360. (And no, it's not a RRoD, so no worries there.) Whenever I'm played on Xbox Live (which is frequently at the moment, considering that I just got Left 4 Dead for Christmas), there's a fairly good chance that I'll get randomly disconnected. There's no rhyme or reason to this that I've been able to find; it just sorta happens.

Now, my setup is a bit odd. My modem is in another room, with my mom's computer, and I have both my computer and my 360 in my room. So the modem goes to a router, which splits off into my mom's computer and my room (this is a fairly long cord, which is why I only have the one). In my room is another router that splits off into my computer and my 360.

So has anyone run into this sort of thing before? Have any idea how to fix it? Is my setup killing my signal or something?

The difference is I can only AFFORD one.

I would love more, but my options are limited.

Although, I could buy several arcade games instead. =D

Oh, I can't afford them, but I buy them anyways. The only food I have in my apartment right now is ritz crackers and ramen noodles, thanks to fallout 3.

It's worth the sacrifice.


first off yadiobetuer thats not funny and use the edit button

secondly the reason im jacking my bros account for 1 post is because no one will post my help for jovian

[16:29:44] <atmuh> hey someone post in the xbox360 thread on ocr that the dude with the problem is probably having NAT issues and should run the xbl test connection and if nat doesnt say super happy working he should forward some ports


Actually, that's the odd thing. After it boots me, if I tell it to just reconnect to Live it says that it can't connect. But if I go back to the dashboard and run the XBL connection test, it'll say everything's fine and THEN I can reconnect.

The new dashboard doesn't have all the nice technical things like the old one had; all it has is "connected to network", "connected to internet", and "connected to Xbox Live", all of which work whenever I test the connection (but it still randomly drops).


Well...my newly-released Holiday Bundle 360 is starting to hang...just after a month of purchase. I know it's not a Jasper unit, but it's simply pathetic that 360 consoles are still sucking to this very day. Despite the excellent line-up of games, the 360 is simply the worst console of all in terms of hardware. Even my age-old n64 and SNES still work today.

And to those who are wondering; this is my 3rd 360. And no, I can't send it to MS 'cause I don't live in the US. It all depends on the warranty from the shop I've bought it from. People have suggested that console hangs are due to the hard drive...and I'm starting to suspect it a bit 'cause I'm using an old 20 GB hard drive from my first 360 with the Arcade one I have now. Then again, with all these problems we've been hearing from these days...particularly ones that come with those who downloaded NXE...anything's possible.

I wonder if any of you people are going though the same thing. Old hard drives on new 360s? Problems with the latest NXE update?

first off yadiobetuer thats not funny and use the edit button

secondly the reason im jacking my bros account for 1 post is because no one will post my help for jovian

Stop being a dick, it's Christmas. Also, learn to fucking type, get off your brother's account and make your own.

Also, learn to fucking type, get off your brother's account and make your own.

This made me laugh pretty hard. You don't know about atmuh I take it? :tomatoface:

Still, he helped the guy and you double posted without needing to.. get off your high horse, it's christmas.


Alright, I switched my whole home setup around so now there's only one router, and then I went ahead and forwarded the ports that Google said I needed. I was playing Left 4 Dead for about two hours and didn't get disconnected once, so that's certainly an improvement... Though that may just be the whimsical internet gods messing with my head.

On a side note, Left 4 Dead is insanely awesome. I played most of the way through No Mercy, and we did fine up until the part where you have to wait for the helicopter. There were only three of us (Bill was being NPC'd), and the other two guys weren't particularly good, so try as I might I could get them organized enough to actually survive the ending. At one point the helicopter was actually overhead, but a Tank creamed us before we could even get out of the building with the minigun, much less get all the way over to the helipad. The short version is: I played the hell out of the demo, so I was good enough to rescue them (unless they did something insanely stupid), but whenever a boss zombie managed to get me they could never get around to rescuing me, and once I was gone they folded fast.

We played the finale a good half-dozen times before giving up. Good times were had by all. And hey, my connection seems to work now!

Nope. This is why I usually lurk and don't post much.

Don't feel bad, I still like you. Just don't come to conclusions that include you being an ass at a forum, it never turns out well.. for anyone. atmuh is probably the most efficient troll on OCR ever, he's also quite funny at times.

Now, spread the love :wink:

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