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So, Shael Riley, what have you been up to lately?

Well, I graduated from college just over two years ago, released an independent album of poorly produced, though cleverly constructed, electronic vocal pop, and moved to New York City, where I most certainly don't have a job. Also, I've been gaining weight!

I have mixed feelings about the aforementioned. Anything more promising on the horizon?

Yes! I've recently been involved, as an actor, in an independent miniseries fashioned loosely after an amalgamation of the formulas that once brought us Saved By the Bell, Superhuman Samurai Cyber Squad, and Captain N: the Game Master. The show has recently developed a small but extremely vocal following on www.screwattack.com, where the show is webcast, and they are eagerly anticipating the release of Episode 3 this coming Friday.

Check out episode 1 here

and episode 2 here.

Rever--Rever being screwattack's questionabley-selected video format--giving you trouble? You can download the episodes as Quicktimes at the PBC Productions homepage here.


When I saw your name in the credits of the first episode when it was put up however many days ago on Screwattack I got fairly excited/aroused, and I was actually going to come here and make a topic about it to congratulate you in regards to the awesomeness, but figured that coming from some random fan of your music that you've never spoken to it wouldn't mean much. Run-on sentences aside, now that the topic's been made, allow me to bestow upon you the aforementioned and well-deserved congratulations that I oh so selfishly kept from you earlier, Shael: hooray for Shael!

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