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This is a song I started two days ago from Ocarina of Time. It's a rock song, the general theme being a disgruntled Link's ultimatum to all the people he's been forced to save again and again (and then again). There are some things I'm already planning to fix, like the bridge's balance between right and left, the patch used for the chorus' lead and the volume of that lead. Also, I'm planning to redo the vocals, maybe add some background vocals, and redo all the guitar. I'm forgetting something else...meh, whatever.

The tracks used are Kotake & Koume's theme (or whatever their names are) for the verses and the Song of Storms for the chorus.

http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar (in case you're not familiar with either theme)

Critique away.


ok. Not bad. Needs some work. It doesn't seem to go anywhere. I would make the chorus a bit louder, like, make a big impact and let people KNOW it's the chorus. Vocals lack a bit of pitch control imo. It's not bad but could use some work. There's also not much dynamic range in the vocals...er...not much range period. lol I like the part about the gun and the game being child friendly. Looking forward to the next update :)


I agree. As for the vocals having no dynamic range and pitch control...well, I was just lazy and burned out at that point (kills my ability to hit higher notes). Anyways, I was worried about the whole song going nowhere, but the problem I ran into is that the song would end up sounding disjointed when I would try to take it in a different direction. Maybe I should bring in another theme? I was hoping the bridge would break it up a bit, but listening to it again with fresh ears...too little too late by that point.

And that gun and child friendly line was originally going to be a quip about Carmelo Anthony and guns, but there were too many syllables to work out for such an obscure reference. I'm glad you liked it, though.

  • 2 weeks later...

Conceptually, I love the ideas behind what you're trying to do here. The issue is that the vocals are very dissonant with the Guitars, especially at the start of the song. Harmony has done a great job in the past in mixing vocals with a Remix, as has Pixietricks, you might ask them for some suggestions. I really like this song though, I'd love it if you kept me informed of it's progress.


Oh hello. How did I miss this? Not usually a fan of vocal remixes but this one has great potential. (The "child friendly" line was classic. :P)

Sounds like there's a lot of production work still needing to be done...need to sharpen the EQing and bring up the levels of some stuff, esp. lead guitar. With hard rock like this I'm expecting a lot more punch and compression. You might want to talk to the other guys around here that do guitar rock for more info.

Love the arrangement and concept, and this WIP is pretty damn enjoyable even in its rough form. Really hope you keep working on this, would be a shame to not see it through. ;)

One minor thing - when you redo the vocals, I suggest you change the word "anyways" to "anyway" - it'll still rhyme with "days." "Anyways" is considered incorrect, though many people use it informally, and in the context of a song with otherwise standard English, it sticks out and sounds wrong.

Yeah, great foundation, please keep working on it.

One minor thing - when you redo the vocals, I suggest you change the word "anyways" to "anyway" - it'll still rhyme with "days." "Anyways" is considered incorrect, though many people use it informally, and in the context of a song with otherwise standard English, it sticks out and sounds wrong.

This makes me think of the "let's unthaw now" line from Lover Reef.


Sounds like there's a lot of production work still needing to be done...need to sharpen the EQing and bring up the levels of some stuff, esp. lead guitar. With hard rock like this I'm expecting a lot more punch and compression. You might want to talk to the other guys around here that do guitar rock for more info.

Granted, but keep in mind that it was all literally thrown together over the course of two days, most of which was spent untangling wires and experimenting with different mic angles. I didn't even bother to touch the EQ. The production in the final version will be much improved, promise. It's mostly concept at the moment.

Love the arrangement and concept, and this WIP is pretty damn enjoyable even in its rough form. Really hope you keep working on this, would be a shame to not see it through. ;)

It's nice to see positive feedback. I had actually put this thing on hold so I could work on another remix, but now that I've gotten some additional feedback to work off of, I'll be sure to see this one through.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just making minor tweaks at the moment. I've started remixes for both Jet Force Gemini and Fire Emblem 4: Seisen no Keifu (both have incredible soundtracks, but no remixes on this site), so the workload could be cyclical. That way I can move from one to the other and constantly have fresh ears. So much faster that way. I'm going to redo the guitar for Reap What You Sow fairly soon...whenever the Fire Emblem one is ready to have the guitar recorded. Multitasking is a beautiful thing.

yo atlas where are you from

Longmont. It's great, really - all the crime of Boulder but with none of the entertainment.

by the way i think your song has great potential i want to hear your next sub of this

I like hearing things like that. Especially since I've only been singing since mid-December.

so when is the next version coming?

When my JFG project goes past one minute I'll put up a WIP thread for it and start working on this one again. Shouldn't be too long after that. The JFG song is turning out much better than this one so I'm waiting to see what I can take away from it first.

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