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I hope this one revises the missions systems that ZX had, if the sequel will use one as well. Having to go to a data room to accept a mission, going back after completing it, and being able to do only one mission at a time all annoyed the hell out of me. Plus, it defeated the point of having the Metroid-esque exploration because certain items or characters appear at certain locations only after accepting a mission, even if you've been there already.


ZX was pretty solid, though good God did I get tired of the aforementioned problems with the mission system/map. Also, I was borrowing the game from a friend, and so did not have the manual, thus making the different Biometals' various moves all completely trial and error for me. Very irritating. Hopefully they'll explain things a little better this time around.


Well don't that model A look like a familiar character (hint hint)

Anyways, I do look forward to this game, hopefully they can put in more ability's than they had in ZX, I found it quite tedious just killing in the same manner with about 6 weapons most of them really similar.

I am glad to see the normal person mode to have a gun.


ZX was fun and interesting, but the lack of character growth made it get boring by the end. Almost all the upgrades were optional except the Biometals themselves, and weren't all that great to begin with.

If this turns out to be a ZX 1.25 then I'm not bothering. Still never finished ZX. Fucking lava puzzle!


Character growth? In a Megaman game?! LOL :D

Hehe j/k Yea I get what ya talking about. ZX was a great successor to the Zero series and its nice to see the Old series start to connect with Legends. Seeing the track record of Inti Creates with the Zero series I am confident they will take what made this game good and make it even better. I'm kinda interested in seeing how these new protagonists play out. I thought Vent/Aile were ok. Kinda nice seeing both new guy/gal getting separate storylines (hopefully they are actually 2 different people in the same world. Not like Vent/Aile being the same person per say).

What I want fixed? Better uses for BioMetals than, "Hey...why bother with Fx, Px, or Lx (when not around Ice, Dark Areas, and Water). Zx, Ox and Hx are better anyway".

A Map system making more sense.

How about actually either dubbing the whole damn game or not bothering and just leave all the Japanese voice dialog >.> I swear CoA does the most bizarre localizations sometimes. Either fully localize it or just leave it alone. I'm still stumped why they took out all the Japanese voices but they leave the anime movies in Japanese with subs.

Thats about it...ROCK ON!! *flies away*


Objection! *Bangs table*

Fx was actually a good form to use in most situations, I believe. If you alternately tapped primary and secondary fire you could lay down a pretty good shooting rate. Moreover, shooting upwards was a big help in several areas. The only time at a distance that Fx is truly inferior to Zx is when you're fighting a boss. You'd probably be using Zx then anyway, provided you weren't already using Ox.

Lx had its uses outside of the water too. Lx had better reach with the halberd than the ZX Saber or the Dual Hx Sabers. The Lx form was very nice for clearing out enemies just below you in midair. I used that form for several jumps where an enemy was waiting for me below. However, I will admit Lx's usefulness outside of its reach is pretty limited.

And I agree with you about Px. It had some good things about it, but I think the Shadow Dash function should've been standard if the form was to really be useful.

Anyway, getting back to Advent like the thread is intended:

I'm actually looking forward to this one. From the news at Atomic Fire it sounds like you'll be developing the powers of the Model A as the game goes on. Nice if it's true. The ZX form of the first game was pretty good, but really it wasn't ideal for a lot of the game. If Model A is more modular, it might make for some interesting twists. Though I do wonder what other Biometals they could include? Craft is the only one that comes to mind immediately.

Though I must say, I did like the exploration element of the first game. It was kinda fun trying to explore your way around rather than just having divided up levels like a traditional Mega Man game. It was a nice change; I think that sort of Castlevania-esque feel really made ZX a lot of fun. I sincerely hope that gets left in Advent.

Hopefully they'll spill more of details soon. If Advent's anywhere near as good as ZX, I'll be satisfied for quite awhile.


Mm. I'm worried now.

This is starting to look like that 'Axl' game that they were whispering about years ago. Model A? Two pistols? A familiar helmet. The ability to transform into defeated Reploids.


At least Prometheus and Pandora will be in it. They were some seriously cool characters, and fighting them both at the same time in ZX was wicked.

But Axl was not a character I was very fond of in the X series. I mean, he practically took all the wind out of X's sails, and he wasn't that cool to begin with.

X: Infinite potential. Could copy the DNA of his enemies and use their power to upgrade or modify himself. No silly transformations involved, just more powerful.

Axl: Not only upgraded, but turned into the people he fought.

I guess you could have a debate of what is "better": becoming your enemy, or simply taking some portion of them and adding them to your already advanced self, like X.

Still, I hate powers that consist of "You're as good as the person in front of you... in fact, you're just a copy."

Even the four guardians in the Zero series had more character and coolness than Axl. And they were side characters.

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