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If I can help it, I'm going to shoot for playing an hour a night at 8pm EST starting either tomorrow or thursday, and longer on friday nights.

I need to rush myself a character so I can help in gathering items and whatnot. Wes, it might be helpful if we know what we're looking for once we get back up to a respectable level. So if you could PM me a list of what you're looking for, or at least post here what kinds of stuff we should be looking for, that'd be great!



I have a level 73 necro USA East Ladder but my computer will probably be in the shop before the end of the week

Rundown of gear.

Arm of King Leoric (weapon)

Homu. (necro shield)

Trang-Olu Armor

Undead Crown

Magical +3 summoning skills ammy

Marrowwalk boots

Chance gloves

Nagel and a rotating ring with various addons. I have most of the way points for normal and NM with the ability to solo any boss on those difficulty levels with rather solid speed. I am a summoner geared for hell raising and all out wars capable of a total of 30 different summons (golem/skeletons/revives) Access to all curses and a level 21 corpse explosion which clears rooms in a hurry. I can blitz anyone If on USA east to hell difficulty from there though you will be on your own. My price will be the NM forge most likely. You can keep the lower one.

As for equipment this character only needs 3 for optimal summoner Arach belt (unique spiderweb mesh) and stones of jordan. As for items i still need a necro torch and an anni.

I will try to make but i am on spotty conditions till the middle of next week.


Damn, nice summoner. I have a level 86 summoner with this gear:


Harlequin Crest (my brother and I have found 4 so far, as well as 3 occys, so we're almost rich)


Trang-Oul's Scales

Trang-Oul's Claws

Gloom Trap (yeah this sucks)

Tearhaunch (this sucks too)

Rare ammy (gives +2 summoner's skills)

Nagelring (27 mf)

Rare ring (some 15 mf ring I think)

My necro is designed pretty much for mfing and for d key running (my brother and I have amassed 4 or 5 complete sets of keys).


So my roomie and I have accounts on West, but I'd like your guys' opinions on this: We just traded for a Ber rune (finally!), but we're unsure on whether we want to make CoH or save up for a Jah and make a 'nigma. The CoH would make uber-killing a bit easier, but Enigma makes our hammerdin truly godly (we made a perfect Hoto :D ). What would you guys do in our situation?

Also, is the economy more stable over on East? I keep hearing it is, but I don't know for sure. The economy over on West is retarded. =P


Man you got some of the gear i need to finish off this build esseintally well done. Depends on the character nigma is sweet but honor is ownage. Depends on what you want to use it for.

What are your character names? Mine is Tel_Horde at least thats the necro.


My necro is GhoulRush...I haven't been too concerned with the gear though, since the skeles tank like everything, and if they can't then Revive works nicely, and the merc has a reapers toll and Crown of Thieves. Most of the stuff my brother and I find goes to his chars, since his hammerdin and smiter have crazy mf and ownage, respectively.

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