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Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6933

I hope this works for you,

Yep, it's still the same link, and the bitrate is also fixed..

<== Original


Lunar Silver Star Story Complete Music Soundtrack - (23) "Luna's Boat Song"

Short and sweet. The vocal treatment is definitely better overall. Good job giving more density to the vocals, along with subtle but strong layering touches like at :27, :36, and :58.

For what I'd tweak, the vocals should cut through more. Their now-lower volume makes the soundscape noticeably murkier than last time. Also, with the vocals lower, the snare is now too loud & upfront and makes its pattern seem too boring. Kind of weird hearing the drums so much louder than the guitar work, as the guitar is pushed back as well in this version.

You hooked up the main issue, though some of the sound balance suffered a little. Maybe you'd be willing to fiddle with it some more, after the vote. In any case, it was an understandably delicate balance to work with, and the minor issues of the new end result were certainly not enough to hold this back now, IMO. With some quick touches, DA's vocals carry more weight and set into the track more. Good deal. Nice work, Majin & DA, and thanks for such a quick resub. Good luck with the rest of the vote.



Yep, this addressed the mixing issues that I had. Not only that but the harmonies add a lot too, good choice to include them. As Larry said though you could bump up the vox volume by about 3-5db. It's not a big deal but it wouldn't hurt. Anyway;



Hmmm... Well, I never had a chance to hear the original submission since you used the same link, but judging from what I hear now, I don't think this is passable yet. The vocals are pretty buried by the instrumentation, and their execution is actually several steps down from the original singer's. Dragon Avenger's voice worked better in the context of Summoner's Love, but this song makes some of her weaknesses too exposed. The verses in particular need some improvement.

I love the instrumentation; it sounds like a Disney pop song! However, I also don't feel like there's quite enough rearrangement yet, from either of you. Aside from the added harmonies (which are nice), the vocals basically follow the source tune verbatim, lyrics and all. I'd love to hear some more personalization. The structure of the piece is basically identical as well, except it's actually shorter than the original. I don't feel like 2 minutes at 39 seconds was enough time for you guys to really make the song your own. Keep at it!



Never heard the original sub. A couple dealbreaking issues I have: The volume of the vocals (of course). Also, Jill approached me on this one, and I went back for another listen, and another, and another. My original vote was to PASS, but this does have a major quirk in that the verbatim lyrics and melody (masked by the volume of the vox IMO) are a little too much of a cop-out for me to feel comfortable in my previous vote. I'm not going to get into the habit of changing my votes on a regular basis, or hopefully ever, but Jill did point out a valid flaw that I just somehow didn't take into account the first time around. All in all, bring out the vox, and perhaps alter the lyrics and melody just a bit to include more re-interpretation. The added harmonies are nice, but you could take this one a little bit farther than it is right now.


Otherwise, this is a pretty song.


Listening to this again, yes the level of rearrangement is just on the line for me, it could have definitely done with some changes in the lyrics to add more of a personal edge to it. However, the main issue I identified earlier (what a quick resub!) has definitely been resolved. I do think the vocals could be just a touch louder overall, but the performance overall sounds a lot more polished now and the vocals blend more with the instruments instead of just sitting raw on top as it did before. The addition of harmonies also makes things sound smooth.



Jill's hit this one. The vocals sound really throaty, and the arrangement is straightforward and predictable. There's not too much different besides instrumentation. To the mixers' credit, they've turned down the saccharine levels to the point where the mix doesn't quite make me want to puke all over myself like the original did.

idunno. If I were you I would just remix a better song.




Conservative arrangement paired with lackluster vocals. As Jill mentioned, this is done up as a Disney power ballad, and the singer's timbre doesn't match that style at all. It sounds like she's trying to front a NOFX cover band.

Towards the middle of the song, when the vocals are more buried, she sounds okay, but her first entrance is really weak, dry, and nasal.

To summarize, the overall product doesn't work for me. In order for this to be passable, her voice would have to absolutely carry the arrangement, and I know this is harsh, but I just don't think she's capable of pulling off the genre.


I'm gonna listen to Sufjan Stevens for an hour until that digi-piano sample is out of my head.


truly the idea is pleasant and there are some moments where it is momentarily all working but all in all this is a track that benefits a lot from the original. the vocals seem to be the issue for everybody and i can see why - they are hard to follow at times and the lyrics seem to "read" rather than sung and maybe that is where the disconnection ultimately comes from. as its been mentioned before, the vocals are also pretty throaty and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, i don't think the tone sits well with the track surrounding it. in a harsh nutshell, this genre is not cut out for a thin voice like that and that is where this ultimately fails

as for the instrumental stuff, you're doing alright with it for the most part as it reminds me of a mid-90's disney pop ballad ala aladdin but like jay chou for some reason except without nearly the execution.

while listening to the original, the major grip was clearly the mixing as it detracted from the audience's attention. however, upon second observation, its clear that the mixing had only covered up the underlying issue of its fringe arrangement.


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