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CMC - Conceptual Music Competition 6: Into the Virtual World (RESULTS!!!)

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not supposed to post the link here, pm it to abadoss and they're all released together on sunday.

Also, 95% complete and I get writer's block. 4am miracle my &^$&^$%

and also, that wikiupload is terrible, i cant even download the file because of the backwards form system they're using.

Gah. >_<

In that case, remove the link in your quote as well. =P


I've just submitted mine. It's my very first composition in Sonar Home Studio, and I would have liked to give it a bit more work, but I'm way too busy tomorrow. Good luck to all, and I look forward to listening to everybody's music! :)


I would definitely have been in on this one (cool theme) but I definitely needed time to work on that album project I've been doing. Once I finish that I'll be all over these CMCs.

Also Prophet I'd really like it if you could PM me or email that flp, because I'm still getting a handle on what exactly FL7 can do (just bumped up from 4.3)...


It should be about 8 AM for GMT. Although, we're no longer in Daylight Savings, so I'm not certain how that affects things. At this moment, it's 10:25 AM. Maybe you can use that as a reference.

Oh, and for everyone else, today is the last day to turn in your entries!


Alright, the deadline has passed. I am waiting for a correct link from one of the contestants. Once I receive that, I'll post the entries and voting can commence. I'm really impressed by the turn out for this round. There are a total of 11 entries! That's more than any CMC or TOMC round ever!


voting is one week this time round isnt it? two weeks really was too long last time.(actually I forgot to vote in the end because I thought I had looooads of time left..im a bad planner see..)

voted. if anyone wants my .flp, just make sure you've got the smigen FPC download (and sytrus, i don't know if that comes with FL nowadays) and get it here.

enjoy! i'd like to record this live at some point and ditch the robovoice, but for now i thought it was cool.

EDIT - Raijin's text ain't working, mistaken upload again?

the lyrics? works fine for me. I'll post em here anyways if you like.

(EDIT: I see now, the file has an extra DOT on the file extension, the project site is linked correctly but the forums arent)

I don't suppose that flp would work with v4.5 would it? or is there any way you can save it in the older format?

A Million voices urge me on

But they're all up inside my head

A million hands that judge my work

Could they all be wrong

I try my best, I give my all

Weaving patterns in the air

Hear the melodies

Weaving sounds inside your head


And all of these melodic waves

Will they wash me out to sea

I'd be lost eternally

And though the rain clouds never lift

They block my vision of the world

Let the rain pour down on me


'Cause I will rise, I will burn

My vision will clear as my heart it yearns

Sweat droplets form on my face

Wipe my brow and I'll struggle on


Poems words and paper waste

Tools of trade, my great mistakes

Come together, bear my soul

My story to the whole wide world is told

Never once, Never twice

Captured the essence of my life

Stay awake don't sleep tonight

Sunrise makes everything alright

Bridge + Chorus


And everything that I'm missing

Lies locked inside my head

...don't dare to dive too deep...

And every lie and every whisper

Already put them down to pen

My life's notation scrawled for you (And only you)

The public eye forms its opinion

Harsh and cruel and always cold

Ignore the crowd they're easily led (They're easily led)


I say what I mean, I mean what I say

I'm pullin the strings of the puppets in the play

I'm all by myself getting further away

In my virtual world where night turns to day


Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing this for

Sometimes I wonder what this crying is for

I don't know, I don't know....what I'm doing this for

(Don't tell me what is wrong what is right)

I don't know.....what this crying is for

(Don't tell me that I'm wasting my time)


Congratulations Maquis. I enjoyed your entry very much.

Thank you everyone for your comments. For me, reading the comments at the end is just as important as doing well in the competition. It is a nice feeling to know that people have listened carefully and pondered on your entry. It sort of makes it all worthwhile when people take the time to write such thoughtful reviews.

stringfield, (I hope you read this), I especially appreciate your kind words about my entry. I think the trouble is that I was so determined to write a straight orchestral piece that I lost sight of the theme.

In this case, I know why I haven't scored highly and agree with the voters. So the fact that I haven't done too well doesn't bother me in the slightest - the feedback is what I'll take away from this competition and remember.

Anyway, I hope to participate in the next competition. Thanks again Abadoss for keeping this whole thing running. Your work doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. :)


Wow, thank you everyone who voted! I'm surprised and thrilled - there was some very good competition, and I know it was really tough for me to pick a favorite.

I love the idea of this competition. I've been sequencing MIDIs for several years now, and I just bought Sonar Home Studio a month ago with hopes of seriously upgrading my music. This is just the sort of thing I like to do with my compositions - express an idea, a story, a character. It's a great way to learn, especially with the constructive crits at the end.

I've got a few ideas for the theme, so I'll make up my mind and PM one to Abadoss soon. See you next round! :)


mine was a hit or miss. i'd have recorded the vocal parts...but i didn't have a mic. oh well. if anyone wants the bones from this project (aka, a version of the flp compatible with whoever wants it) just give me an email and i'll send you one.

see y'all next round?

EDIT - if you all can remember, please link to CMC7, again.



I just realised that my vote and comments didn't reach you Abadoss. :/

I obviously forgot to press the send button or something (the email isn't in my sent items). What's more I spent ages typing up those comments and now they're lost forever as I didn't back them up. );

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