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Thanks for arranging everything Skrypnyk.

Now, agenda! I assume the traditional stop at the Young Street arcade is in order? What else is going on that day, or in general? What did you guys do at the last summer meet?

the wine tasting thing starts (or ends?) at 11:30am, so if you want you can go there for a bit and then come down.

Actually the wine testing thing was what was preventing me from wanting to come. So, if that's not on the "schedule" then put me in the "maybe" pile.


Hey lookatme; I'm Picasso!

Actually the wine testing thing was what was preventing me from wanting to come. So, if that's not on the "schedule" then put me in the "maybe" pile.

You uncultured swine!


Ah what're you lookin at ya hockey puck?

Well whatever... I'm not really gonna catch a cab to go check it out for an hour or so and then show up late to the meetup. Plus someone told me recently that Jack's does flare bartending... so I guess that counts for something.

MOST IMPORTANTLY though gentlemen... I will be sans internet until Juneish. Skrypnyk has my number if anyone needs me. I'll be at the Jacks for noon on the 5th.

You know what?

I think I'll come too.

I've missed these meetings.

Se you guys there!

Need a ride? I'm going to pick up Matt who lives in Burlington too.


whatup folks...

Rayza's been fillin me in on what's been goin on! YAY meetup!

well seeing as I work all day Saturday (4am - 4:30pm) I won't be in attendance..


Rayza tells me you guys are lunchin' at Jack Astor's. I'm gonna try to pop out of work for a brief moment and just stop by and say hi before I must run back...

weekend should be good for roaming around the city

Just a reminder note for anyone driving in.. The DVP is closed ALL WEEKEND. Shitty..


owait, fortunately it won't affect me. Unless they close the Gardiner due to falling ice again, I should be good. :P

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