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pixietricks selected for Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword

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Woohoo! Congratulations Pixietricks!

I haven't personally played Civ4 yet, but I've played every other one. The composer also did the music in Civ3? While it was compared to Civ2 quite a bit in terms of Gameplay, it seems most agree the music was very, very good.


well done pixietricks, hope 2 hear u on game soundtracks soon. u were the 1 who did the voice in 'Via', were you not? I just wondered, cos i remembered id downloaded that an made a video of it with clips from Final Fantasy X, so i thought ur name sounded familiar. anyway, the vid is on youtube under 'crispymongoose' if u wanna see it, otherwise, well done, congratulations, and so on... :)!!


Well, the release date for Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword has been updated. It's now July 23rd (which, perhaps unfortunately, is <i>after</i> Otakon weekend).

The CivFanatics forum has a ton of updated information on the extras here:


Jill is mentioned once again, re: the soundtrack for the scenario "Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice".

The zombie-fighting and space-colonization scenarios also sound good...

Just in case anyone's interested, the website for BtS is currently up and featuring some very interesting music. Pixie, is that one of the ones that you worked on?

...that certainly sounds like her in the chorus. But, I'm no expert. Though I can't wait to hear the solo piece she mentioned. KF


Strange... That is the main theme I sang for, but the version up on this teaser site sounds like the MIDI choir - not us. Either they used that temporarily until the real release, or they mixed in our vocals to the point that the words are indistinguishable. We did have real lyrics. I think it's just the MIDI choir, personally. They're probably saving up the good stuff.

EDIT: (July 15th)

The real recording is up at the above address! It's a little lo-fi, but that is the main theme I was a part of. Don't know how I'll get my hands on the solo recording, though, unless I buy Civ IV *and* BTS.

...Or if Michael Curran is nice enough to give me a copy. ^_~

  • 3 weeks later...

So... has anyone picked this up yet?

I did on Tuesday, as soon as I was able to find it in stores. Incidentally, I've been about an hour late to work every day since. Needless to say, I'm having a lot of fun with it so far--I'm really enjoying the new features they've added, and am itching to try out some of the mods (especially "Final Frontier" and "Fall from Heaven").

EDIT: (July 15th)

The real recording is up at the above address! It's a little lo-fi, but that is the main theme I was a part of. Don't know how I'll get my hands on the solo recording, though, unless I buy Civ IV *and* BTS.

...Or if Michael Curran is nice enough to give me a copy. ^_~

The 'solo' recording that you mentioned... Does it sound like a dark/ominous theme, with some of these lyrics:

'I remember cold wind, I remember.

Forever, the wind will blow,

Forever, the bell will toll

Dreams of dreams are distant

Mankind is asleep, the end is far away

The end is far away, mankind is asleep'


I'd like to say it is... but I'm not entirely sure as it's lower than I'm used to hearing you sing.

That song in particular is used as the opening for the "Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice" mod/scenario, the one that's fantasy-themed. KF

Ok, so I'm going to be buying this game. What do I actually need in order to play it? I mean, do I need to get just civ 4 and the expansion, or both expansions, or just the expansion, or what?

You'll need Civilization IV, and the Beyond the Sword expansion. You don't need the other expansion (Warlords).

After installing it, by the way, I'd recommend downloading all the patches/upgrades (you can do that through the title screen when you start up the game), especially if you have a somewhat older machine (like myself). KF

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