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  • 2 months later...

ok after EXTENSIVE play of supernova 2 (only arcade machine around and i go 5 times a week) i have come to the conclusion that konami doesnt know how to make ddr games anymore

seriously all the new "difficult" songs are absolutely retarded

it pains me to say that itg 1 and 2 completely blows away supernova 1 and 2

in those games the difficult songs just have difficult steps as opposed to ddr which they decided to go "rofl let just make a bunch of ridiculous stops and call it a 10 footer"

  • 3 weeks later...
  Atmuh said:
as opposed to ddr which they decided to go "rofl let just make a bunch of ridiculous stops and call it a 10 footer"

As in "Let's throw in a shit ton of stops for no reason to confuse the fuck out of players!"?

Anyway, I love me some ITG2. LOOOOVE it. Driven Intense especially. I love the idea of scripted mods (see WinDEU's Insomnia for a great one that isn't part of ITG/2). I also like how the steps go to the songs, and careful place of mines without going overboard add a lot of fun (pandemonium's medium chart comes to mind). And alternate is fun, and a great way to show off. Before my arcade removed it's ITG2 dedicab, I was up to the level of passing 12's (hardcore of the north-level 12) and failed Euphoria expert with alternate on in the end :/ (but passed it beforehand without alternate on). Unfortunately, now there's no ITG anyway near me.

Not to say that I don't like DDR...Extreme was great. Supernova...not so much. But I just like ITG better.


I agree with Atmuh. Paranoia hades is absolutely retarded. They took hardly any time making the step chart for that song. Not just for Hades though; it is for a lot of other songs.

BTW, any of you guys ever tried Pump pro? It looks pretty good. A lot of the pros are playing that now.


And yes, it is a hell of a lot harder than 4-panel stuff. Well, I cannot vouch for PIU:Pro because I've not played it, but there are songs on previous incarnations of PIU that are insanely difficult (Dignity comes to mind).

  Atmuh said:
difficulty does not equal fun

To a certain extent, it does. I'm probably considered "not great," though, so I'm not one to talk. For me, the fun comes mostly from the feeling of moving fast (I'm normally pretty slow so this is sort of unusual for me) and the achievement of doing well and that comes primarily from difficulty.


The only copy of DDR I have is DDR superNOVA for the PS2. Oh, and DDR Hottest Party, but that is so bad I don't even think about it.

Anyway, I consider myself pretty good at DDR. I can play most 6-foot songs, a bunch of 7-footers, and I think one 8-foot song, tho it's been a while since I checked.

I've gotta ask though, what do you people do for playing doubles? The most I've done is using a couple of dictionaries to hold the mats in place and hoping for the best. And I'm not about to shell otu $300+ for a Cobalt Flux. Help?


If you're worried about a pad to play on and you don't want to spend 300 on a cobalt flux, you could by two Red Octane Ignition pads (total =$100) and tape them together or something.

Gameplay wise, just get stepmania. It can do DDR/ITG and Pump if you have the correct peripherals.

  Broken said:
If you're worried about a pad to play on and you don't want to spend 300 on a cobalt flux, you could by two Red Octane Ignition pads (total =$100) and tape them together or something.

Gameplay wise, just get stepmania. It can do DDR/ITG and Pump if you have the correct peripherals.

after i broke a redoctane ignition pad in 3 months i gave up on home pads

ive broken like 7 or 8

  Brushfire2004 said:
Speaking of Stepmania, where can I find a repository of Stepmania packs?

my bro just dled a torrent from demonoid with like a ton of everything ever

  • 4 weeks later...

Anime Dreamer has a great back-log of sim-files for SM if that's what you're looking for.

The packs I'm currently using on my stepmania are mostly of the Dance Anarchy variety right now, though.

Edit: Atma, you've broken 8 red octane ignition pads, WTF? Do you play with cleats?

I've had my pad for 1+ year and my only gripe is that the up arrow can be unresponsive. Most of the arcade pads I play on don't even get serviced, so my home pad is a step up, lol.

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