Binjovi Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I don't max out one monster because the game tends to be kind of easy that way. Keeping your monsters all about the same level is the way to make things interesting. I also try to build a fairly well-rounded team right in the beginning and don't often stop to collect new pokemon until after the elite 4 so that I'm doing less training before I get to the gyms. It really makes the game difficult. I went up against Fantina with pokemon in the mid 20s range and managed to come out barely on top. A wildly intense fight to be sure, with her level 34 Gengar and my level 22 Shieldon duking it out at the very end. I have to say, I'm loving this game. But I've always enjoyed the Pokemon games. Even Sapphire was alright. I just can't wait to get that National (Shouldn't it be called International?) Dex and get all my old fellas back (Venusaur FTW!). I was also curious. Does anyone name their pokemon, and what kinds of names do you pick? I didn't start naming them until I picked up Leaf Green. Right now my party consists of a Torterra named Dorito (lv. 35), a Luxray named Sphinx (lv. 35), a Drifblim named Zeppelin (lv. 35), a Whiscash named Nazamu (lv. 34), a Bastiodon named Chateau (lv.35), and a Meditite named Chi (lv. 36; will be a medicham soon) . Oh yeah, my little sister got a lucky egg, but I think she traded it away. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Traded the lucky egg!? Oh MAN that sucks. I guess the person who got it is lucky... Anyway I was thinking. Would anyone be interested in setting up cup battles? I don't remeber what they were called. Back in the day with pokemon stadium they had cups where you were limited by level. I thought this would be cool because it doesn't really take all that long to set up a level 25 team. That and you don't get to battle against people with lower level pokemon that much. Anyone in? Quote
Binjovi Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 If she did trade it, she traded it to my cousin who lives on the same block as us. Getting it back is less of a problem. I'll be up for some cup battles after I get the Nat. Dex, and after I pester my father enough to change our wireless network settings so I can connect to the Wi-Fi (right now I'm stuck offline). Then I'll be in. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Sweet I guess I need to get on the IRC. Usually I lose interest in pokemon games simply because I get bored of trying to raise lvl 100 EVERYTHING. That or my friends get bored and there's no one left to play with. We've beeng waiting for this internet crap for a looooong time. Better find that surfing pickachu for some cup battles... Better finish this paper that's due tommorrow morning...... Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I name my pokemon...well if I can think of a name for them, otherwise no nickname. At the moment my named pokemon are. Striker (33 Staravia) Mellow (33 Gastrodon) Star (32 Luxray) Torg (35 Torterra) My other two are just their species name, a Ponyta (30 something) and Golem (30). The golem is a lower level cause I trained up a Cranidos (charger) to see if I liked it and switched back. I'm going to be replaceing Striker with a Chatot though once I can get access to the route they're from. And I'm debateing what else to drop...I know I'm dropping the ponyta...and possibly the Golem in favor of useing Lucario. If anyone wants a Rampardos (lv 32 or so, named Charger), I'd be willing to trade him for a decent fire type I might concider tradeing the golem but I dunno. Quote
Binjovi Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I name my pokemon...well if I can think of a name for them, otherwise no nickname.At the moment my named pokemon are. Striker (33 Staravia) Mellow (33 Gastrodon) Star (32 Luxray) Torg (35 Torterra) My other two are just their species name, a Ponyta (30 something) and Golem (30). The golem is a lower level cause I trained up a Cranidos (charger) to see if I liked it and switched back. I'm going to be replaceing Striker with a Chatot though once I can get access to the route they're from. And I'm debateing what else to drop...I know I'm dropping the ponyta...and possibly the Golem in favor of useing Lucario. If anyone wants a Rampardos (lv 32 or so, named Charger), I'd be willing to trade him for a decent fire type I might concider tradeing the golem but I dunno. Yeah, Golem is definately amazing. It's superior to Cranidos in my opinion because of it's dual type. That's why I'm using a Bastiodon. Being Rock/Steel means he hardly takes any damage at all. I'm currently leveling up a Ponyta named Spur to use against Candice, the ice gym leader. Unfortunately, I believe Ponyta/Rapidash, and Chimchar/Monferno/Infernape are the only fire pokemon in the Sinnoh region, so you're going to be stuck with your ponyta if you want a fire pokemon. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait till you get the National Dex. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I've noticed that my starter doesn't really take a lot of damage. I haven't taken the time to look up it's weaknesses exactly but I don't often get nailed. Only eletric and fighting seem to really do anything. I supposed grass does too. But I've always had a strong flying move on him so they've never really got the chance to hit me with grass. Gotta love how drill peck sounds like a machine gun. Have you guys seen hyper beam yet? Pretty intense. Quote
Binjovi Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Yeah. Empoleon, being dual typed with steel, only has three real weaknesses: electric, fighting and ground (grass only does the normal damage since steel types have a resistance to it). He's got some real nice Sp. Defense stats too. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 You know what it was then. I think I got hit with grass knot is why i'm thinking that. It's based on the weight of the pokemon and well, my empoleon is a fat ass... I didn't look up anything really while I was playing. I was pretty suprised with the water/steel evolution. I was impressed with the design on the grass starters final form too. Nothing like a big tree growing out the side of your back. Reminds me of venusaur. Memories. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 So you're going to be stuck with your ponyta if you want a fire pokemon. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait till you get the National Dex. Oh yeah I know...doesn't mean I can't start hunting already though . I really don't like ponyta very much...kind of boreing to train, maybe it'll improve as a rapidash but...I dunno, the entire pony thing just doesn't do it for me at all. I'm trying to shuffle up my team a bit right now cause it seems to have alot of weakness to ice/plant/water. Quote
Binjovi Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 You know what it was then. I think I got hit with grass knot is why i'm thinking that. It's based on the weight of the pokemon and well, my empoleon is a fat ass...I didn't look up anything really while I was playing. I was pretty suprised with the water/steel evolution. I was impressed with the design on the grass starters final form too. Nothing like a big tree growing out the side of your back. Reminds me of venusaur. Memories. Unfortunately, my cousins were staying here while their house was being built and I couldn't NOT learn about all the new stuff. Normally I'd keep it all a secret, but whatever. Yeah, I love my Venusaur. He's the first one coming over through the Pal Park. Second is Skarmory. They're my two favorites. Oh yeah I know...doesn't mean I can't start hunting already though .I really don't like ponyta very much...kind of boreing to train, maybe it'll improve as a rapidash but...I dunno, the entire pony thing just doesn't do it for me at all. Ponyta is a drag... and it doesn't evolve until the 40s I think. Quite annoying. But you work with what you got. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Gotta catch that chansey man. It's held by the chansey. I don't know where you find it in these versions but i'm assuming the saffari zone. And we all know how fun that place is... I remember back in the red and blue days spending all day fishing for a dratini. Too bad i didn't realize that dragon/fly is a LAME duel type. After spending all that time xping it too. Those dragon pokemon will sure eat those experience points like no tommorrow. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 Too bad i didn't realize that dragon/fly is a LAME duel type. After spending all that time xping it too. Those dragon pokemon will sure eat those experience points like no tommorrow. In all fairness, just about every dragon is duel typed with something weak to ice like flying or ground once its fully evolved, with an exception for kingdra and the legendairies. I still think they're worth the investment though...that maybe just be because I happen to like dragons in general though. I switched my ponyta out for Lucario...I think I'm going to name him Josey or something weird like that. Quote
Bahamut Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I remember back in the red and blue days spending all day fishing for a dratini. Too bad i didn't realize that dragon/fly is a LAME duel type. After spending all that time xping it too. Those dragon pokemon will sure eat those experience points like no tommorrow. The move versatility & the superior stats of a lot of dragon pokemon more than make up for the dual types. Quote
atmuh Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 evilhead traded my a mahikarp named waterslut and i gave him a sneasel named BALLS!!:) Quote
The Damned Posted May 3, 2007 Author Posted May 3, 2007 I tend not to use nicknames, there are over 600 different species and for most of the ones I've caught I have at least 2. I have luck incense which doubles how much money you get from battles, found it in some cave somewhere, but am still trying to find the lucky egg. What? There are only 493 species. Also, anyone know about any Windows XP 64-bit edition drivers for the Nintendo Wifi USB adapter? I don't want to go buy a new wireless router if I can just use the wifi thing I already have. Quote
Dexie Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I was also curious. Does anyone name their pokemon, and what kinds of names do you pick? I didn't start naming them until I picked up Leaf Green. Right now my party consists of a Torterra named Dorito (lv. 35), a Luxray named Sphinx (lv. 35), a Drifblim named Zeppelin (lv. 35), a Whiscash named Nazamu (lv. 34), a Bastiodon named Chateau (lv.35), and a Meditite named Chi (lv. 36; will be a medicham soon) . I only name Pokemon I plan on using in my party. That being said, I've got... Torterra: Yggdrasil Luxray: Atem Lucario: Anubis: Togepi: Orion Honchkrow: Nightshade Golduck: Ducki (Real original, I know XD) Quote
Bahamut Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 No names for my pokemon - I'm not terribly original with names, so I rather not have to think about them. So far in my main party, I have: Lucario - level 81 Garchomp - level 61 I have others I'm raising, but you'd have to battle me to find out what they are . Besides, I'm not finished with training all of them. Quote
OmegaDonut Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I tend not to use nicknames, there are over 600 different species and for most of the ones I've caught I have at least 2. I have luck incense which doubles how much money you get from battles, found it in some cave somewhere, but am still trying to find the lucky egg. There was a sidequest in Colosseum XD where you got the Lucky Egg without having to hunt down a lucky Chansey. Chances are, there's quite a few players out there that have it. Try making friends with someone who did and cloned it on their Emerald. (Not me, though. I won't have my hands on a DS and Diamond until I sell back my textbooks to the university.) Quote
KakTheInfected Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 My turtle stater in Diamond is FRRRRRUNKIS! but other than that, no nicknames. Some names are in Japanese but that's only because I transferred my Japanese save over. Quote
The King of All Kupos Posted May 3, 2007 Posted May 3, 2007 I find it absolutely ridiculous that they've essentially made God a pokemon that you can catch in D/P. Seriously, Arceus creates the universe and then loses in a fight to a kid with some goofy animals? Please. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Yeah, I got confused thinking that there were 151 per generation. 493 is still a lot though. Its not like people name *every single pokemon* that they catch...normaly it's just the pokemon they are concidering useing in their final team. Nameing all of them is kindof ridiculous. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 So 10 Chanseys later and I STILL don't have that freakin lucky egg. And what's with those little jerks poppin out my ultra balls? Also, if any of you want a Mime jr. or a Tauros I have a grip from running around route 209. Quote
Bahamut Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 So 10 Chanseys later and I STILL don't have that freakin lucky egg. And what's with those little jerks poppin out my ultra balls? Also, if any of you want a Mime jr. or a Tauros I have a grip from running around route 209. No kidding - I looked it up and I found out that the chances of the Chansey holding the Lucky Egg is 5%. Quote
LiquidGlass Posted May 4, 2007 Posted May 4, 2007 Same percent as running into one... Oh well, i'm not going to do anything else until I get one. I'll just open it up and run around when i'm bored. That's something I could do while watching TV or a Movie or whatever. Does anyone have a shroomish they'd be willing to trade? I just found out it can know a combination of false swipe, spore, and stun spore. Thought it would be nice to have the ultimate pokemon catching pokemon around. Quote
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