zohar Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Hello. They are my first remixes to OCR. All remixes are piano solo music and I played and recorded all of them. 1. Wind Scene http://chronomusic2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/upfile/No_0020.mp3 2. Singing Mountain http://chronomusic2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/upfile/No_0021.mp3 3. Corridors of Time http://chronomusic2.hp.infoseek.co.jp/upfile/No_0023.mp3 If no problem, I want to submit one of them. Please any comment and advice . I come from this thread.(Japanese. Attention!!) http://bubble6.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/piano/1172091919/l50 Quote
SSB Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Wow. These are really good if you ask me. I'd just say to keep doing what you're doing. Quote
Scarlet IX Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 So far Ive only had time to listen to the Wind Song, but from that I can infer that youre pretty good with piano. The song was soft, soothing, and very harmonic. I would suggest you increase the volume slightly though (I had to put my speakers on full blast to hear some of the softer parts). Id love to hear the original source so I could make a comparison. Quote
zohar Posted April 26, 2007 Author Posted April 26, 2007 Thank you Scarlet lX. Here is the original source. 1. Wind Scene http://bluelaguna.net/downloads/mp3s/ctmusic/09+-+Wind+Scene.mp3 2. Singing Mountain http://bluelaguna.net/downloads/mp3s/ctmusic/48+-+Singing+Mountain+(unreleased+track).mp3 3. Corridors of Time(Time Circuits) http://bluelaguna.net/downloads/mp3s/ctmusic/51+-+Time+Circuits.mp3 And... I uploaded wrong file(Corridors of Time). Please download again (same URL). Quote
Dafydd Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 Yeah, you need to raise the volume on this. Other than that - wow. This shouldn't have a problem getting past the judges panel. Just raise the volume. Quote
Kanthos Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 I'd also suggest a bit of EQ as well as adjusting the volume. The low end of your tracks sounds a little bit muddy. It has nothing to do with your playing; it probably has to do with the acoustics of the space you recorded in. It won't take much to clean it up though; the recording was well done. I love the subtle jazz influence on the Wind Scene track, and Corridors of Time is amazing; I'd say it's the best one of the three. These are all really great and I hope to see them accepted soon Quote
Scarlet IX Posted April 26, 2007 Posted April 26, 2007 After listening to the source, Im even more impressed. Youve taken such a simplistic, sparse piece and made it into a intricate harmonic construct. I definitely think its OCR worthy, though with the standards as strict as they are now, I dont have a clue what would or wouldnt make it past the judges. Quote
zohar Posted May 1, 2007 Author Posted May 1, 2007 ... I think these volume are small too. When recording, I used a digital piano and IVORY. And, recorded date are filed as midi files, so it's easy to change EQ, reverb and VSTi etc. except my piano skill. 2nd ver., I used IVORY Yamaha C7, (1st ver., I used IVORY Steinway D.) and, modified the settings of gain, EQ and reverb. Maybe, sound become clearer than 1st ver. What do you think? 2nd Ver. and Sheet musics. (Probably NOT EASY to play!) http://briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/bc/fffa123jp/lst?.dir=/28ff&.order=&.view=l&.src=bc&.done=http%3a//briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/ By the way , I'm afraid I dont have a sense of naming. orz Wind Scene -> Wind Scene Concert Paraphrase (determined) Singing Mountain -> ??? Corridors of time -> ???? Please give me a good idea. Quote
Marine Posted May 23, 2007 Posted May 23, 2007 私は、その三の唱歌、「Corridors of Time」、が大好きです。とてもきれいですが、ちょっと静かなすぎます。でも、zoharさんはもう分かっていますね。 提案の名前:「Temporal Eloquence」。 すみません、私の日本語はちょっと不味いです。日本語の学生だけです。 I really like the third song, Corridors of Time. It's very beautiful, but a little too quiet. But you already know. I'd like to propose the name "Temporal Eloquence" for it. Quote
zohar Posted June 19, 2007 Author Posted June 19, 2007 Here is Final Version and new remix(To Good Friends). Gain is enough? http://briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/bc/fffa123jp/lst?.dir=/28ff&.order=&.view=l&.src=bc&.done=http%3a//briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/ >>Marine Sorry for delay in response. Your Japanese is very good. These are final version.I incresed gain of these mix as much as possible. If incresed more, noise enter. And, thank you proposing name. How do you translate "Temporal Eloquence" in Japanese? (in Japanese) 返信遅くなりました。日本語上手ですよ。私の英語より上手かもしれません。 音量に関して、可能な限り上げました。これ以上音量を上げるとノイズ(noise)が入ります。 また、新しい曲(To Good Friends) も作りました。宜しければ聴いてみて下さい。 DTMは完全に初心者ですが今後も、ピアノ曲中心に作って行こうと思います。 ところで、「Temporal Eloquence」とはどういう訳になるのでしょうか? Quote
Tensei Posted June 19, 2007 Posted June 19, 2007 No gripes with the arrangement at all, but your mixes seem to be kind of drowning in reverb. It's almost as if I'm hearing the piano playing from an adjacent room, rather than having the feeling of being up close and personal. Also, some EQ would go a long way to make these mixes REALLY sound top-notch. Quote
Dhsu Posted June 20, 2007 Posted June 20, 2007 I agree with Tensei-San about the reverb...you should decrease it a little bit, so that the pieces won't sound so muddy. As for the gain, if you can't increase it anymore, don't worry about it too much...piano pieces tend to be soft anyway, and listeners can always turn up their volume. The actual arrangements are beautiful...they make mine sound like beginner Suzuki Method pieces. ;_; It's so great to see arrangers from Japan are interested in OCR, and it would be a crime if these weren't accepted on OCR. I don't know how to translate "Temporal Eloquence" into Japanese, but my interpretation of it would be something like "fluent in the language of time." Thank you for sharing these pieces, and good luck with your submissions! I hope to hear more from you in the future. Quote
zohar Posted June 22, 2007 Author Posted June 22, 2007 Thanks for the responce. I decreased reverb and changed various setting of VSTi. How about these sound? (I uploaded to same URL.) >>Dhsu Nice to meet you. I love your piano pieces (especially, remix of Castlevania 3). Thank you. Quote
Psychotic Ninja Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Really enjoy the Arrangements, especially Corridors of Time. And as Dhsu says, it's good to see some people from the Japanese remixing community interested in OC ReMix. Quote
Dhsu Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 Thanks for the responce. I decreased reverb and changed various setting of VSTi.How about these sound? (I uploaded to same URL.) Hm...it's hard to say which is better. The old MP3s are louder, but in my opinion the tone of the new MP3s is better. I feel the reverb is still a little bit too much in both versions. But I think that even if you submit it like this, it will be fine. >>DhsuNice to meet you. I love your piano pieces (especially, remix of Castlevania 3). Thank you. Thank you, I'm glad you like my music. Your pieces are also wonderful...the arrangements are very creative, and your performance technique is flawless. It's almost like hearing the Chrono Trigger Piano Collection (if it existed ~_~ ). I can't stop listening to your "Wind" arrangement! I think it is the best one, and you should definitely submit it first. Quote
Liontamer Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 I can't stop listening to your "Wind" arrangement! I think it is the best one, and you should definitely submit it first. We've had it for a while. I'll check the revised version. Seems like the production has been played with even more, so we'll need to see what sounds the best. Quote
DrumUltimA Posted June 22, 2007 Posted June 22, 2007 zohar i just started listening to wind song, and this is quality. I'm probably not going to say much different than anyone else... but the reverb does make things a bit too muddy (especially in the lower registers!) I'd also like to hear some more higher frequencies (eq-wise), it sounds pretty fuzzy now. However, the arrangement, technique, performance... it's all beautiful dude. Stunningly beautiful. You've definitely got a great gift, thanks for sharing it with us Quote
Liontamer Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 That heavy reverb gave the track a lot more body and made it sound like it was played directly on a piano. I wouldn't have cut the reverb down this much. Now it doesn't sound roomy and organic anymore. If it were mine, I would have just raised the overall levels around 5.5db and made sure it didn't clip. Nevertheless, this is still more than fine for OC ReMix, so if you wanted to leave it like this, that's fine. Quote
Dhsu Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 I personally prefer the smaller sound, but that's just a difference in taste. What I really wanted to ask is what you meant by "played directly on a piano"? As opposed to indirectly through another person? Also, zohar, if you end up reading this thread again, would you mind re-uploading your "Dimension Breach" arrangement? I'm getting a 404 error... Quote
Liontamer Posted July 10, 2007 Posted July 10, 2007 What I really wanted to ask is what you meant by "played directly on a piano"? As opposed to indirectly through another person? As in, played on an acoustic piano, as opposed to a digital one. Quote
zohar Posted July 11, 2007 Author Posted July 11, 2007 I personally prefer the smaller sound, but that's just a difference in taste.What I really wanted to ask is what you meant by "played directly on a piano"? As opposed to indirectly through another person? Also, zohar, if you end up reading this thread again, would you mind re-uploading your "Dimension Breach" arrangement? I'm getting a 404 error... Oh! Can you read 2-channel? "Dimension Breach" is under developing. I'm practiceing this song. Please wait 3~7days. Final Version Score was completed yesterday and uploaded. As for recording, I usually use midi recording. So, all of my arrangement were played by myself. But, after recording, I often edit midi files to mend miss touches. >>Liontamer I'm sorry. I think my sound become better gradually. Please wait a little more... >>All I uploaded 13 files. http://briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/bc/fffa123jp/lst?.dir=/28ff&.order=&.view=l&.src=bc&.done=http%3a//briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/ I get wave edit software and using it to improve these sound. What do you think these sound? Quote
Dhsu Posted July 11, 2007 Posted July 11, 2007 Oh! Can you read 2-channel? No, but using Google Translate helps me get by. "Dimension Breach" is under developing. I'm practiceing this song. Please wait 3~7days. Final Version Score was completed yesterday and uploaded. Ah, I see. I tried playing through the score, and it sounds very beautiful! I can't wait to hear your recording. Quote
XG Beatz Posted July 14, 2007 Posted July 14, 2007 Maybe you should give the midi file(s) to someone more experienced in arranging. Quote
Dhsu Posted July 14, 2007 Posted July 14, 2007 Why would he do that? His arrangements are among the best I've heard on the site. Quote
XG Beatz Posted July 15, 2007 Posted July 15, 2007 Bad word choice, an arranger also chooses the instrument(type) used, so maybe a different virtual piano would fit better, but I should have used the word mixer, because I see a lot of people commenting on the use of reverb(I also think this could be done better), so an experienced mixer may be able to get the full potential out of it. But they're a very good pieces, don't get me wrong. Quote
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