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<Bison> To you, the day Bison invaded your village, was the most important day of your life.

<Bison> But to me, it was Tuesday.

* ChunLi stares incredulously

Fixed, and irc'd.

"To you, that day was the most important day of your life, but to me....it was Tuesday."



That is what my phone says to me when I start it up. Truly one of the greatest lines ever written in film

As bad as this sounds for the direction the movie is taking, we can all rest assured that there's no way they can top casting a Frenchman as Guile in the first movie.

He's from Belgium.

Kelsey Grammer as Blanca.

Best. Movie. Ever.


Fixed, and irc'd.

You have to admit that I was pretty close for pulling that out of my memory, though.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but the lines in that movie are classic. I can still remember way too many of them:

Quick, change the channel!!


I bet people like you like to watch yourselves on tv, Bison.


Bison's hammy psycho-crusher and guile's American flag uppercut still stand out vividly in my memories.

And of course, VanDamme is Belgian. He's way too manly to be French. (I stil love you Douli.)


Oh come on! Raul Julia's last and best movie!

"What's the matter? You came here expecting to find a madman, and instead, you found a God?"

"For I beheld Satan, and he fell from heaven, like LIGHTNING!!!"

"But why? Why do they still call me a warlord? And mad? All I want to do is to create the perfect genetic soldier. Not for power, not for evil, but for good. Carlos Blanka will be the first of thousands. They will march out of my laboratory and crush every adversary, every creed, every nation! Until the world is in the loving grip of the Pax Bisonica. And peace will reign and all humanity will bow to me in humble gratitude."

C'mon, you just can't beat that...


Chunli: Ziyi Zhang/Lucy Lui/Kelly Hu/Devon Aoki?

Cammy: Jessica Biel/Summer Glau/Rebecca Romijn

Could throw some other cameos in there too:

Ryu: Kane Kosugi

Dudley: Brian J.White/Michael Jai White

Alex: Triple X (too big?)/some other wrestler

Vega: Christian Bale (too old?/big?)

Q: Anyone could do this really, just heavy breathe


Agreed. (I also think she's unfit for Kasumi in Dead or Alive.) I say, "if they're going to do this shit, then they better do it right." And I can't think of a popular A-list star who is fit for the role of Chun-Li, but there has to be someone out there. They need some no-name actors with good martial arts skills, and they should shift more focus onto Ryu and Ken.

And by 'they', I mean the people who are probably going to rape our childhoods by making this movie (hey, I'll give them a chance, but I've got my fingers crossed)

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