eternal Zero Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 You're forgetting that Twilight Princess uses techniques that are almost a decade old.If it had dated graphics, but killer gameplay, that would be different. Sorta like King of Fighters. But this game has dated gameplay and music, but pretty graphics. That alone isn't enough. You're forgetting this is group of games we're trying to create doesn't depend on time. By your flawed logic, we might as well eliminate all of the classics from the older systems. Quote
Raziellink Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 You're forgetting this is group of games we're trying to create doesn't depend on time. By your flawed logic, we might as well eliminate all of the classics from the older systems. You're spreading a "superiour" vibe. I don't like it. I'll try to explain again, if i'm still wrong, flame me, i'd deserve it. I think Twilight Princess shouldn't be a must-have, simply because it is just a shade of what it could've been. Naturally, that isn't a reason to say it sucks. But the things it did wrong, really, REALLY botherd me. The control scheme (even with the Wii-mote) is still stuck in the past. Thesame happend to the Wind Waker. I constantly had the feeling that i was playing Ocarina of Time. The music was a let-down aswell. Done with techniques that are almost ancient. And the new songs weren't as good as Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. While playing the game, i constantly felt like i wasen't playing a new game, while i did pay € 60 for it. While Zelda games NEVER let me down in the past except WW. I don't think it's a must have, simply because the game says "been there, and done that in a better fashion then this". Maybe it's just me, but that's cool. I can vote "no" if i want to. Hope you can understand why i think this way... Quote
Mouser X Posted June 4, 2007 Posted June 4, 2007 You're forgetting that Twilight Princess uses techniques that are almost a decade old.If it had dated graphics, but killer gameplay, that would be different. Sorta like King of Fighters. But this game has dated gameplay and music, but pretty graphics. That alone isn't enough. 4. Please try to keep fanboyism to a minimum. I know I'm asking some of you to stop breathing, but this thread could be awesome or irritating as hell depending on how we handle ourselves.In other words, I didn't reply to your vote about Twilight Princess, because you are allowed to have your opinion, and I am allowed to have mine (in a manner of speaking, I'd consider my post more toward fanboyism, which is another reason I didn't post). If I was to vote on it, I'd give it a YES for sure. However, I'm not, because I played the Wii version. Sure, they're nearly identical, but I figured the same as Sephire. There should be plenty of others who can vote for it.What I'm trying to get at is, please don't let this get out of hand. So you disagree. You gave it a no. That's fine. Others gave it a yes. I would prefer that it be left at that. I *think* the people who gave it a yes, understand your position, but probably disagree with you (I disagree, but I love the general play-style). This is why we're voting for it. Anyway, sorry to intrude. I just figured that I *could* have replied, but decided not to (until now), since we're each entitled to our opinion. Mouser X out. Quote
sephfire Posted June 5, 2007 Author Posted June 5, 2007 Yes, voting. That's what I forgot to do today. Halo 2 -- UNDECIDED I really just can't decide. I don't fawn over it. It has it's flaws. It's overrated. But the multiplayer does have a wide appeal. I give up. Devil May Cry 3 -- YES Best DMC to date. A tad cheap with the difficulty at times, but this is improved in the Special Edition release. If you have a choice, get that version. Okami -- YES I think the thing I love most about Zelda series is that it clearly inspired much of the gameplay in Okami, one of the most beautiful games ever created. In memory of Clover Studios, every serious gamer should own this. If any of you claim you want developers to take risks and be original, Clover should have been your hero. Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes -- borderline YES If only Kojima had directed this remake, it would probably have been perfect. I'm sure delegating the task to the Silicon Knights of Canada was a necessity, given how busy Kojima was with MGS3, but the differences show. Still, despite his absence, this is a fine game, and your only chance to experience "Snakey goodness" on the cube. Quote
dsx100 Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I know many of you love Twilight Princess but Raziellink is entitled to his opinion. Don't flame him for disagreeing. I love Twilight Princess just as much as anyone else and I disagree with what he says but I still respect that he has opinion and the right to voice it. People are always going to disagree with each other and we just need to accept that and realize that I doesn't matter if the game makes the list or not. All that matters is that you like the game and you love playing it. I know thats how I view things since at least 4 of my favorite games have recieved a majority no and at least 3 are still undecided. Just a Few Examples Metriod Prime 2 Zelda The Wind Waker Mario Kart DS Jak series Tekken series And I know Soul Calibur III will and up on this list too. Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 5, 2007 Posted June 5, 2007 I'm not flaming him for disliking I game I enjoyed. I was pointing out that the logic he was using to explain himself was not appropriate for this thread. His continued explanation, however, was sufficient. Halo 2: YES Solid FPS for the Xbox360 and quite seriously one of the reasons for it's wide success. This in mind, it's not meant to be played alone. Ever. So if you have no friends and/or Live, you should not own this game. Jump Superstars: NO It's an amazing game, but it's meant for a very specific group of people: Fans of Shonen Jump. Okami: YES Amazing visuals with a great sense of style. Beatmania: YES Surprised? Quote
sephfire Posted June 5, 2007 Author Posted June 5, 2007 Special thanks to everyone who has stuck with us this far. ****************************************************************************** ***ROUND EIGHTEEN*** Resident Evil Code: Veronica Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Meta Score: 9.4 Under Defeat Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Sega Developer: Grev Ltd. Meta Score: (not available) Burnout Revenge Console: Playstation 2, Xbox Publisher: Electronic Arts Developer: Criterion Games Meta Score: 9.0 Gradius V Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: Treasure Meta Score: 8.2 Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: Ubisoft Meta Score: 8.6 Beatmania IIDX 12: Happy Sky Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: Konami Meta Score: (not available) AirForce Delta Storm Console: Xbox Publisher: Konami Developer: KCE Studios Meta Score: 6.6 Capcom Classics Collection 2 Console: Xbox Publisher: Capcom Developer: Digital Eclipse Meta Score: 7.3 Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Console: Nintendo DS Publisher: Konami Developer: Konami Meta Score: 8.5 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Console: Nintendo DS Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Game Freak Meta Score: 8.5 ****************************************************************************** My votes: Burnout Revenge -- NO It's Burnout, which means it's fun. If you're going to just get one Burnout game though, get Burnout 3. Revenge kinda sucked the fun out of Crash mode, which is the condensed form of everything that is awesome in Burnout. Revenge is good, but not the must-have that Takedown is. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones -- NO It was a decent apology for Warrior Within and a positive note to end the trilogy on. Still, not quite enough to merit Must-Have status. If you loved the first game, pick this up, but be sure to own The Sands of Time at all costs. Quote
The Coop Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Resident Evil Code: Veronica (Dreamcast)- The first Resident Evil game to finally ditch the pre-rendered backgrounds, and go full 3D. It's also a great entry in the series. Very nice graphics, some good cinemas, a story with a bizarre twist or two, a nice balance of RE3 action with the RE1 slower pace, and a solid gaming experience from beginning to end. It's a bit stingy with the ammo at times, but they're all like that. YES. Under Defeat (Dreamcast)- One of the last great games to be released on the system in Japan. It's a shmup, but it's a shmup with style. Gorgeous graphics, two loops to play through, lots of action and blasting without resorting to being a "bullet hell" shmup, some cool bosses, a good challenge, and the best explosion and smoke effects the Dreamcast ever produced. It's gameplay is kept simple, but the game 's crafted very well from start to finish. It even offers background variations for the second loop, which adds a nice touch. A very good game, and a solid YES. Gradius V (PS2)- After the somewhat disappointing Gradius IV, Konami handed the reigns of their long running series to Treasure. The result, is a fresh take on a series that was beginning to grow a bit stale. Very nice graphics, good tunes, some great gameplay ideas with with options, fun boss battles, new visual takes on a lot of the Gradius staples (sans the cheerio shooting Easter Island "Moai" heads), and a rather interesting twist to the opening and ending. In short, a fine entry to the series, and a YES. AirForce Delta Storm (XBox)- Take the original game, give it better graphics, more planes, more missions, and the same generic type of story, and here you go. The arcade-y controls are still spot on, and the sheer number of planes give you a lot of choices in terms of how to go after the missions. The missions themselves are on par with the DC, in that the occasional odd mission gets thrown in to spice things up. One of the few flight games on the XBox, but like it's DC prequel, if you can get past the generic story behind it all, there's plenty of fun to be had. A Borderline YES. Capcom Classics Collection 2 (XBox)- The second set of Capcom's retro packs, and it's just as good as the first. Games like 1941, The King of Dragons, Strider, Super Street Fighter II Turbo (HOLY SHIT IS THIS VERSION HARD!), and Magic Sword make this thing worth getting on their own. But add in other fun games like Eco Fighters, Quiz & Dragons, Knights of the Round, Side Arms Hyper Dyne and Captain Commando, and you've got even more reasons to own this compilation. It's got a few duds in it, like the horrid original Street Fighter, but most compilation have ones you don't wanna play. There's plenty of things to unlock, like music, artwork and such, so it'll give you something to go after while you play. It's another fine compilation, and a YES to me. Quote
Raziellink Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ***ROUND EIGHTEEN*** Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin: Yes Ouch, a tough call. The game itself differs itself from the rest of the series by adding some new things, but those things are minimal. The whole 2-person play works better then other games who promise thesame, but the music wasen't as good as earlier entries, and the enviroments were...JUST not as high quality Dawn of Sorrow. All in all, i thought; this game doesn't deserve a "must-have status". But, then i recalled what the reviewer of said about this game. It's a great game, not because of what it does different, but it's a great game because it sticks to a tried and true formula that's excellent. OBJECTION! I know what you are going to say. It's alright for Castlevania to stick with thesame formula for over a decade, but not for Zelda? That's a nice contradiction! I know, it is contradicting myself. But i feel that since Symphony of the Night, a lot of progress has been made with the formula of Castlevania (due to additions such as other characters which gives you a different background and storyline and improvements on things as gameplay and graphics), and that Zelda just did thesame thing over and over again since OoT (And some things, even back to ALttP!). Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Burnout Revenge: NO If crash mode isn't as fun, I have no reason to play a Burnout game. I'm sure it makes a good racer in itself, but I've never given it that chance because I've never owned it. Beatmania: YES Is it possible for you to just have me down as a positive for each Bemani game? Speaking of which, if it hasn't been done yet, I'm nominating ITG 1&2. For those not in the know, these are the two games made from the makers of Stepmania where they went all out with the DDR system. Having at most 4 arrows to hit/hold simultaneously instead of the old 2. Capcom Classics Collection 2: YES A fine compilation. Has a couple old games in there you don't want to play, but makes up for it tenfold with the awesome games that are in there. Castlevania Potrait of Ruin: YES This game maintained that same Castlevania feel while giving a fresh take on the series. Having two characters really made the game feel like anyone who favored a particular style of play could enjoy it. The main game was a load of fun and especially Sisters mode. There's good replay to be had here and the multiplayer wasn't bad if not too easy for a skilled slayer. Quote
Drack Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ***ROUND EIGHTEEN*** Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin YES. This game, as far as Castlevania go, is incredible. The world is massive, the items and weapons are numerous, the enemies are cool, the bosses are interesting, the story is decent, It references Bloodlines, the 2-person system works well, the puzzles are innovative, and the replay value is incredible. I've done no-damage runs on the final boss using (spoiler) *Richter* on Hard mode even. Not to mention the other secrets being a hell of a lot of fun. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl YES. This is borderline, but if you haven't gotten sick of Pokémon from R/S/E this is an incredible game. While the formula hasn't changed much, there is an important feature that give this game a lot of life: Wifi. You can trade and battle online, and even do anonymous trades over WFC. If you decide to play a pokémon game, this is the best one by far in my opinion. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn't played the GBA ones, though it's not a must-have if you have. Chances are, though, that if you have played the last few games you're an addict and will buy it anyway Quote
dsx100 Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Burnout Revenge: NO This game does very little to change the formula established in Burnout 3. The Revenge mode is unique but not all that great. The graphics and sound are absolutely no different from Burnout 3. I see absoultely no reason to own this game because it is so much like Burnout 3 its ridiculous. They also did something that I thought wasn't possible and that was make crash even crappier. I though Burnout 3's crash mode was a step down from the Burnout 2, just imagine what I think of Revenge's. I am hoping Burnout 5 has more to offer than this game. If you have Burnout 3 or want to get Burnout 3, then there is no reason to get Burnout Revenge. Quote
sephfire Posted June 6, 2007 Author Posted June 6, 2007 Burnout Revenge: NOIf crash mode isn't as fun, I have no reason to play a Burnout game. I'm sure it makes a good racer in itself, but I've never given it that chance because I've never owned it. Have you played it? I can't count the vote otherwise. Beatmania: YESIs it possible for you to just have me down as a positive for each Bemani game? There's only 2 left in the lineup, I think. You won't have to vote on many more. Speaking of which, if it hasn't been done yet, I'm nominating ITG 1&2. ITG 1, yes. ITG 2, which was not released on consoles, no. Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Yes, I have played the game. I've only played with friends and we play Burnout for the crashing, hehe. Quote
Hy Bound Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 I'm not exactly sure how to vote, so i'll just list it here... YES: Jak 1: I absolutely loved that game; the sense of scope of it was just really empowering and being able to see that much from that far away was incredible for that early on. It also had some damn fun game mechanics. YES: God of War: That is one of the most well-paced action games on any console ever. And again, the sense of scope to the entire game has never been this good. If only the sequel had the same feel to it. YES: FF XII: I have only gotten through about 1/2 of it, but its actually fun to have random encounters since it doesnt keep kicking you out of the exploring mode. The Boss battles aren't as good as the others in the series, since they last about as long (in-game) as about 30 seconds. But yes, this game kicks ass. (BTW, Why did they take out the world map for this game AND X?! WHY?! It was the best part of the game, once you get the airships and such... ) NO: Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I HATED THIS GAME! There was nothing fun about it, all it was was collecting shit. It was hard to get passed the absolutely pointless-feeling beginning, but once you did, it didnt change that much. Also, the melee weapons in first-person had the worst hit detecting. The graphics were also quite terrible. NO: Killer 7: Why do people like this game? I don't understand... It had to be one of the most boring on-rails shooting games ever. Which even includes the flashplayer games. Quote
sephfire Posted June 6, 2007 Author Posted June 6, 2007 Vote on Round Nineteen, you must. ****************************************************************************** ***ROUND NINETEEN*** Taito Legends 2 Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Destineer Developer: Empire Oxford Meta Score: 7.0 Space Channel 5 Special Edition Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Agetec Inc. Developer: Sega Meta Score: 8.1 Rygar: The Legendary Adventure Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Tecmo Developer: Tecmo Meta Score: 8.3 Jak 3 Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: SCEA Developer: Naughty Dog Meta Score: 8.5 Tales of the Abyss Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Namco Bandai Games America Developer: Namco Bandai Games Meta Score: 8.0 Rez Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Sega Developer: UGA Meta Score: 8.2 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Rockstar Games Developer: Rockstar North Meta Score: 9.5 Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Tri-Ace Meta Score: 8.5 Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 Console: Xbox Publisher: Interplay Developer: Black Isle Studios Meta Score: 8.0 Midway Arcade Treasures 2 Console: Xbox Publisher: Midway Developer: Backbone Meta Score: 7.4 ****************************************************************************** My votes: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas -- YES Take everything that is great about GTA, double the scope, add the ability to "level up" your character's stats, put together yet another awesome voice cast, and you've got San Andreas. Quote
Drack Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 ***ROUND NINETEEN*** Midway Arcade Treasures 2 NO - It was entertaining, but no single game in this collection struck me as a "Must Have" .. Mindless Games like Rampage World Tour were fun for a few hours but most of these "treasures" are relics from a time where games didn't need a lot of content to sell. Every era has its great and not so great games, and I feel that not enough of those featured in Midway Arcade Treasures 2 were of the former category to label this collection as a Must Have. Quote
The Coop Posted June 6, 2007 Posted June 6, 2007 Taito Legends 2 (PS2)- Okay. First thing to be said for this game, is ignore the IGN and Gamespot reviews. They are horrid, horrid reviews that show the person either only play two games (IGN) or none at all (Gamespot). They give bogus reasons to ignore this game (no interviews? OMGFT!), and they give absolutely no insight on each game on the disc. They're pathetic reviews, by sorry excuses for game reviewers. Now... this game rocks for all the right reasons. Besides having 39 Taito games on a single disc, each game is emulated very well (thought not all are perfect, like the hyper weapon on Metal Black which you can't focus and unfocus at will). Games like Raystorm, Darius Gaiden, G-Darius, Elevator Action Returns, Space Invaders '95, and Metal Black are worth the $19.99 price of admission alone. Add in little seen (but quite fun) games like Arabian Magic, Dungeon Magic, Cleopatra's Fortune, Gun Frontier and others, and the package is made even sweeter. Like all compilations, there are some duds on this one, but the good far outweighs the bad. A Yes for sure. Rygar: The Legendary Adventure (PS2)- Lots of people remember this game on the NES, this sequel does the original proud. Nice graphics, fun gameplay, very good symphonic music, a nice sense of style with the character and setting designs, and some fun bosses. It stumbles a little in the area of translation and voice acting, but you've heard a lot worse. In short, a good 3D action game that's a short (you can get through in 6-10 hours), but sweet. Yes. Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 2 (XBox)- "Remember the first game? Well, have some more". This phrase literally sums up BG:DA2 to a tee. So much of this game looks and feels exactly like the first one, it may come off as a bit lazy at first. But this game continues the tale of the first one, and offer up the same type of gameplay that balances RPG elements (Stat building and such) and Gauntlet-like Hack 'n slack action, with five new characters, all new levels, and the same nicely done for the time graphics and music. A YES in my book. Midway Arcade Treasures 2 (XBox)- The second entry in Midway's ongoing quest of bringing back the old days... though the game's aren't quite as "old" as before. Like before, Digital Eclipse handled the emulation, and like before, it's done well for the most part. There are some issues with games, like Hard Drivin' (there's some spotty collision detection), MK2 and MK3 (the shadows blink on and off a lot as you play, but the gameplay isn't affected at all), and Primal Rage (there's a rare bug that freezes the game), but for the most part, these games look, feel and play like they did back in the 80s and 90s. With games like Mortal Kombat 2, Mortal Kombat 3, Primal Rage, Narc, Xenophobe, Gauntlet II, Wizard of Wor, Xybots and Cyberball 2072, there's plenty of fun to be had that makes the $19.99 (or less now) price tag worth it. Add in some other fun games like Championship Sprint, Hard Drivin' and Rampage World Tour, and you've got plenty of solid, entertaining games that makes this compilation worth getting. It's not quite as strong as the first MAT thanks to slightly lower quality emulation work, but it's still worth a Borderline YES from me. Quote
dsx100 Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Jak 3: YES!!! In my opinion this game is the best in the Jak series and one of the best single player experiences avialable on the PS2. Just read what I said about Jak1 and JakII a few pages back and apply that to this game. What makes this one better, well lets see: Better combat thanks to new weapons upgrades and Light Jak. Smoother framerates and much better sound. Larger and more expansive world, tons of explorable areas. The story is more tied into the game than any of the other games. The story is also deeper and there are tons of interesting twists. As I said before, you really need to play all three games to get the best expriece out of any of the games, especially Jak 3. Anyone who has a PS2 should play this game at least once. Its a fun and engaging experience. Grand Theft Auto San Andres: No Same reasons I said no to GTA III. Only, by the time of its release I personally think other games pull off the free roam aspect much better. The graphics are even more dated as well. The technical issues are inexcusable. The new features, like the level up, just aren't interesting enough for me to make the game feel new. The story is even more dual than the others. I just don't think this game is a must have or play for that matter. Ok game thats fun for while but the level of entertainment just isn't that great compared to other games. Quote
SirChadlyOC Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Sephfire, could you update the first post sometime soon? I was hoping to vote on all the recent stuff that I missed and the things that are still too close to call, but it's really hard to find all the rounds in one convenient place. That being said, here are a few votes: Elite Beat Agents (DS): yes. As the best (and only) rhythm game available for the DS in America, EBA succeeds mostly because of its difficulty and extreme depth. Although the spinny things are really annoying and not very commute-friendly, the overall gameplay shines. The music is not perfect, but it's pretty good. I swear, some of the redone songs in EBA are better than the orginals (I'm looking at you, Ashlee Simpson and Avril Lavigne). I enjoy it as one of my top three DS games. Brain Age (DS): I think this is a must-play game, but it's not a must-own game, so no. It's a new and innovative idea that is cool for awhile, but it lacks the depth required for me to keep playing it. Same for Big Brain Academy. Animal Crossing (GCN): Normally I'd say yes, but I'm going to say no because the DS version outshines it. The Wi-Fi compatibility and stylus make it much more convenient and efficient to use. It's a good game, but you'd be missing nothing by buying the DS version instead. Quote
Raziellink Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 ***ROUND NINETEEN*** Rez: Yes Anybody heard about the Trance Vibrator? Wicked... I know i was in for a shock when i bought it (gameplaywise) since it only asks you to aim and shoot. However, when i finished the first part of level one, the character got sucked into the next. But not just the character. Through the force feedback, the music and my continued staring at the tv, sucked me in aswell. For a couple of seconds, i felt like I was the main person in the game. No game has done that before, so it makes good on it's promise to deliver a game like no other. Easily a yes. Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Tales of the Abyss: NO Good and fun game, yes, but for good reason it shares the same flaws with Tales of Symphonia. Rez: YES Amazingly fun and addictive game. On a side note: Trance Vibrator which came with a protective covering? Wonder where you're supposed to put that thing when you're gaming, lol. Though to be fair, I never used it and only heard of it, so I don't know if it really adds to the experience or not. Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria: YES This game is incredible. The look and feel are your standard RPG look I suppose. Nothing too special there, but the game feels weird at first. Why do you ask? This is because the entire game world is 2D. You can only walk left and right and jump and crouch. Houses and shops are done by pressing up on the d-pad when at the location. The platforming in the game is excellent as well. The crystals add much potential to how high you can climb as long as you've got quick and steady hands. The combat is a strategic style with assigned AP points to your party, which can be customized a LOT. You get 20+ characters throughout the game and aren't obliged to use most of them if you don't want to. I'd rather not continue because there are still so many mechanics I've left to cover. Really though, this game is worth your time even if you don't have any time to spend. Also, notice how I didn't say NO to Rez because the DC version looks better and the PS2 version suffers from slowdown. Do remember not to judge a game based off of a remake or a port of the same game, it's kind of annoying since we've restated the rule a bunch of times already. >_>; Quote
Thin Crust Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 Here's my yes vote. Dreamcast Powerstone 2 Soul Calibur Street Fighter III: Third Strike PS2 Burnout 3: Takedown Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King Final Fantasy XII Guitar Hero Katamari Damacy Kingdom Hearts Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Onimusha 2: Samurai’s Destiny Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Shadow of the Colossus Soul Calibur II Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies God of War Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy XBOX Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge Halo Ninja Gaiden Black Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Psychonauts Resident Evil 4 Soul Calibur II Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Conker: Live and Reloaded Castlevania: Curse of Darkness Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance Gamecube Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem Skies of Arcadia Legends Soul Calibur II Super Mario Sunshine Nintendo DS Advance Wars: Dual Strike Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow NEW Super Mario Bros. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Mario Kart DS PSP Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Here's my no vote. Dreamcast Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Metropolis Street Racer Capcom vs. SNK Sonic Adventure PS2 Ace Combat 5 Playstation 2 Devil May Cry Grand Theft Auto III MegaMan Anniversery Collection Silent Hill 2 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht Devil May Cry 2 Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec Silent Hill 3 Silpheed: The Lost Planet Tekken Tag Tournament Twisted Metal: Black XBOX Burnout 3: Takedown Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Dead or Alive Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath Doom 3 XIII Gamecube F-Zero GX Ikaruga Mario Power Tennis Metroid Prime Viewtiful Joe Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$ Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Mario Party 5 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Pikmin Star Fox Adventures Tales of Symphonia Resident Evil Nintendo DS Metroid Prime: Hunters Quote
eternal Zero Posted June 7, 2007 Posted June 7, 2007 That post right there put you in a massive debt. If you don't understand, read the first post of the thread. Quote
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