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A few alternative hypotheses:

Charlie isn't really dead. All we saw was him crossing himself and holding his breath, while Desmond's in the other room with a couple of air tanks that would fit through that blown-out window. Since Desmond knows that it's not Penny's boat and Claire might not actually be getting rescued, he could decide to prevent the vision from coming true by saving Charlie.

The flash-forwards were just Jack imagining the future, not actual glimpses of the future. The flashbacks always occur along with a shot of the person from the flashbacks apparently thinking of what we just saw. In other words, we aren't just seeing what happened in the past, but seeing their memories. That's why "future" Jack is still talking about his father as if he's alive - he's not completely used to his dad being dead, or at least naturally imagines his dad still being at the hospital with him.

Just some thoughts. The standard dead Charlie/real future explanations are more probable, but it's fun to think about other possibilities that would still make sense.

A few alternative hypotheses:

Charlie isn't really dead. All we saw was him crossing himself and holding his breath, while Desmond's in the other room with a couple of air tanks that would fit through that blown-out window. Since Desmond knows that it's not Penny's boat and Claire might not actually be getting rescued, he could decide to prevent the vision from coming true by saving Charlie.

The flash-forwards were just Jack imagining the future, not actual glimpses of the future. The flashbacks always occur along with a shot of the person from the flashbacks apparently thinking of what we just saw. In other words, we aren't just seeing what happened in the past, but seeing their memories. That's why "future" Jack is still talking about his father as if he's alive - he's not completely used to his dad being dead, or at least naturally imagines his dad still being at the hospital with him.

Just some thoughts. The standard dead Charlie/real future explanations are more probable, but it's fun to think about other possibilities that would still make sense.

Either way, it was still a dumb move.


I am sorta liking how this show is starting to piss off everyone. But I think it's still an engaging show, even if it's becoming almost as cheap as Heroes now.

I liked how Walt grew at least 6 inches since his last appearance.


For those that have been saying that Lost doesn't have a story that they are following, right on the season 1 DVD, Lindeolf and Cruz talk about they have had everything planned out for roughly 5 seasons which they are getting (Since the seasons are now 16 episodes each, 3 16 episode seasons = 2 normal seasons...). Also, it hasn't been getting too wierd at all... we have been prepared that we are going deep into the supernatural aspects of the island from this season in and why everything works the way it has.

Its never been a normal "Crash on a island and try to survive" show.. for that, go read Hatchet. They have stated from the very beginning its very Sci-Fi oriented in nature but its not billed as a Sci-Fi show cause its less focused on events and more on the characters going through these events.

About Charlie:

He chose to die there... yes he could of lived though that but it would of only led to Desmond getting another vision and having to avoid his death over and over again... at least this way he was in control... thats what "Greatest Hits" was about.

And besides, he died a hero so what better way could you really ask for to go out?

About the Flash Foward:

I think that what we just saw is how season 5 is gonna end with seasons 4 and 5 running with life off the island for everyone and the flash backs will be about all the crap that went down before getting off... cause I really don't think they are out of the red yet.

With it not being Penny's boat, that means we are getting the second island war (We have heard about the first one many times) and possibly either a revival of DHARMA or Widmore taking over what DHARMA was up to.

Who was in the casket:

I think it was Locke... Why you ask?

Well, he has no family or friends to come, and Jack showing up like that was more of a "Yeah... you were right about everything and I screwed up big time.." thing... and Locke pissed off quite a lot of people on the island, including Kate...


This episode was absolutely awesome, I kept shouting all by myself in front of the TV "THAT'S IT, HE'S DEAD!!" "NO WAY!!" FUCK YEAH" etc...

My biggest complaints though comes from the scene where Ben threatens Jack about killing the three losties caught on the beach. Why didn't the others simply do it?! Since when where they more humane than their leader?

And about Ben, I simply cannot figure out what was his plan. Was he serious about "talking them out" of calling for rescue, and getting out of this infernal island where they got stuck three months ago"?! And why did he bring Alex? Whatever. Let's just consider he suddenly lost all of his intelligence and all of his ability to make other people do whatever he wants them too because of the obvious fears he had. I wouldn't be suprised to see that it all was a brilliant scheme from Benjamin Linus though.

My 2 cents about the coffin, I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sawyer. I mean no friends, no family, and Kate answering a clearly affected "why would I go see him"... why not. And tell if I'm wrong, but I think I've heard Jack saying to see his father "up there". That seems a lot like a subtle ambiguity that means a lot.

No ideas concerning Naomi thought. It seems a fairly elaborate trick, with the picture, the whole scenario... for once, Ben might just have said the truth. And the fact that Locke got involved... that gives some credits to Ben. I mean it's not like Sayid saying something, but it's still Locke!

Nothing to say about the underwater base. It seemed pretty logical to me that Charlie died, I accepted it and it was very emotional. Though I have a few doubts about Desmond. I don't know... he didn't seem to be telling the truth, don't you think? He had some weird chuckles. It's the first time we don't actually get to see the vision before it happens. And it didn't go exactly like he said it would. I mean, he would have noticed that he was there, he didn't mention a keypad, just a switch, nor did he see how Charlie actually drowned... I don't know. Smells fishy. But well...

So yeah, lots of things still coming. The question obviously being how will I wait until february to have some more.


My 2 cents about the coffin, I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was Sawyer. I mean no friends, no family, and Kate answering a clearly affected "why would I go see him"... why not. And tell if I'm wrong, but I think I've heard Jack saying to see his father "up there". That seems a lot like a subtle ambiguity that means a lot.

I THINK, I heard Kate say "I have to go, he's gonna wonder where I am"

I'm assuming that she was talking about Sawyer. If I did in fact hear that. I'll have to re-watch it. For the moment, Kroze has me convinced about Locke being in the coffin. ;-)Good point about the "up there" btw! Never thought about that.

I THINK, I heard Kate say "I have to go, he's gonna wonder where I am"

I'm assuming that she was talking about Sawyer. If I did in fact hear that. I'll have to re-watch it. For the moment, Kroze has me convinced about Locke being in the coffin. ;-)Good point about the "up there" btw! Never thought about that.

Even though I am convinced that being emprisoned in a remote island for 3 months does bind, I don't think it would be thaaat far fetched that Kate got herself a new man. I mean she seems to be married. She's driving a Volvo! Do you really think she would be driving a Volvo with Sawyer? And she already almost got married as we saw in her flashback earlier in the season. But still, pure speculation.

But still, pure speculation.

Absolutely true. lol

Like I said earlier, I love the show cuz I never know what to think.

I just think that Sawyer dying isn't as fitting as Locke. And Kate would proooobably go to Sawyer's funeral. Unless of course there lots of stuff yet to happen between them. Which I'm sure there is... err... but... uh... yeah.

Edit: Maybe Kate and Sawyer are conning happily ever after! :smile:


When Kate said "he" would be wondering where she was, it sounded like there was a touch of fear in her voice, as though there would be consequences if she disobeyed... and given the level of desperation Jack has been driven to, I wonder if in this flash forward they aren't exactly free to live their lives as they would. Perhaps there is an undisclosed cost to their "rescue" by Naomi's crew. And perhaps, in exchange for making the decisions that led to that rescue, they allowed Jack to escape that cost--only to really give him a much harsher psychological toll, knowing that the price of his return to the rest of the world without any catches was essentially the lives of every other Lostie.

When Kate said "he" would be wondering where she was, it sounded like there was a touch of fear in her voice, as though there would be consequences if she disobeyed... and given the level of desperation Jack has been driven to, I wonder if in this flash forward they aren't exactly free to live their lives as they would. Perhaps there is an undisclosed cost to their "rescue" by Naomi's crew. And perhaps, in exchange for making the decisions that led to that rescue, they allowed Jack to escape that cost--only to really give him a much harsher psychological toll, knowing that the price of his return to the rest of the world without any catches was essentially the lives of every other Lostie.

Very cool idea. Very PLAUSIBLE idea. Niiiice.

Unfortunately this thread is making very far to anxious for something starting far away. :sad:


I was just talking with some friends about this (one of them finally got around to watching it a couple nights ago) and I don't know why it never occurred to me, but it seems like it would be an entirely plausible move for them to open next season from the end of the last flash forward in this finale, and then go from there with the main show while making the flashbacks be focused on what happened to get them off the island. It would be a refreshing and probably intriguing move to switch up the formula (so instead of trying to get off and remembering life before the island, Jack is trying to get back on and remembering life on the island).

The more I think about it, the more I sort of hope they do it.


Not sure how many of you are knowledgable about the Lost Experience from last summer, but it gives some pretty big clues as to who Naomi is working for, who's on the boat, and WHAT the boat is.

I'm almost 100% certain that the ship that Naomi came from is Mittelwerks ship, the Helgus Antonius that he had custom built by Paik Heavy Industries. The ship was made to have quarantine zones, and is a hospital/containter ship. I think it's fairly obvious why Ben and John don't want the boat to come to the Island. I'm not sure HOW they know, but they know that the ship is carrying the Spider Virus (Spider Protocol) And Mittelwerk is coming to release it on the island.

Reading the memo from Mittelwerk during the Lost Experience Game confirms this.

Team -

After careful scrutiny of the census figures, geological

reports, customs inquiries and geographical surveys prepared

by yourselves and the experts at the CCS, the core group has

deemed, regretfully, that site alpha

--------- (4888), beta (1060), and delta (10120) remain

unsuitable for carrying 00000000000000>>>> out the SPIDER

PROTOCOL -- even taking into consideration the recommended

parametric recalibrations. --------

Despite my initial (and continued) reticence, it seems

that fate has dealt its card. We may have no choice but to fall

back to the original island target. While THF has not utilized

the site for some time, its unique properties render it more

than adequate for our purposes at this particular juncture.



THF, obviously, is The Hanso Foundation, and they haven't utilized "The Island" since Dharma was wiped out however many years ago. But now Mittelwerk wants to go back and test the Spider Virus on the island.

And, of course, the map that Mittelwerk was carrying could very well be the Lost Island. (Note the small Island to the north, which is possibly the smaller Island that Jack and Kate and Sawyer were taken to)


So yeah, the Helgus Antonius is on it's way to the Island to unleash the Virus onto the island for testing. (Maybe Dharma tested it once before, hence the QUARANTINE on the inside of all the Dharma hatches. Or maybe they planned to test it in the future and just QUARANTINE stamped all the doors just to be safe.)

If you're not familiar with The Lost Experience, check out Lostpedia for all the info on it, including info on the Helgus Antonius and the blueprints for the ship, Mittelwerks plans, the full Dharma Orientation video and Mittelwork talking about his Spider Virus and how he wants to unleash it upon the world.


Wow, interesting.

See, gotta pay attention to all that supposedly-cheap, extraneous crap. ;-)

But still, my 2 cents on the finale:

1) What I want to know about the flash-forward is why is Kate free? Wasn't she--and still is--a wanted fugitive?

Not that I don't want her to be, she's one of my favorites, but I always imagined her as being the only character that can't go back and the implications of that...

2) Was Jack called a "hero" in the pharmacy because he saved that child? Wouldn't everyone have also recognized him from surviving the plane crash and whatnot? Their rescue couldn't have gone without media coverage...

3) Did anybody else notice, at the very end of the scene at the radio tower, Locke walking behind the radio tower as Kate (I think) looks on? What's he gonna do...

Finally, the idea of having flash-forwards from now is is a cool one. Is approximately the halfway point of the show, chronologically speaking. It'll be its own epilogue!

I liked how Walt grew at least 6 inches since his last appearance.

He's a child actor. Give him and the producers a break. :-)

Edit: cleaner


Kate's license plate is 4QKD695

/ = divided by

... = repeating

~ = approx.

4/6/9/5 = 0.148148148148148148148...

However if you round up, (or has a calc that rounds up) it'll be

0.14814814814814815 or ~0.15

5/9/6/4 = 0.023148148148148148148148...

Yeah I couldn't sleep yet.

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