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Well, as some of you may know, Rooster Teeth's excellent machinima series Red Vs. Blue will be ending with Episode 100 in a few hours.

Red Vs. Blue, aside from being hilarious, also seemed to help open a wider audience to machinima in general. It created several spin-offs, but I think that machinima is now more genrally known.

If anyone hasn't seen the series, start with Season 1. You can probably find torrents of it, or buy the official DVD from www.redvsblue.com

What about the rest of OCR? Any other RvB watchers?


I love Red vs. Blue. it is so effective in it's comedy.

the jokes are not all halo related so even the casual audience can enjoy them.

caboose is my favorite character. so mindless. lol

its a great show and i expect to support them by buying the seasons on dvd.

also Microsoft has been very supportive instead of just shutting them down, like everyone thought would happen. gotta give props to the Big M!


I am a big fan a RvB. A couple of my friends are too. I'm sad to see it come to an end but I guess all great things end sometime. Life will never be the same without me waiting for the next RvB episode.


Who would have thought that a question as simple as, "Why is it called a warthog?" would spawn 100 subsequent episodes? I've probably watched every episode of the series at least twice, and you've got give everyone over at RT major props for being so creative, and, with VERY few exceptions, kept the jokes comming every friggin epsode.

So yeah, I started watching sometime in the 2nd season, but I've got all 4 season's on DVD, and I've been a sponsor since about the 3rd season, because seriously, these guys are awesome.



When i read when ep 98 came out that it was going to end at 100 I almost cried in real life. I really need to go back and watch season 5 though, I tried to pick it up in the middle and I'm confused as all hell. I'll prob end up buying the season 4 and 5 DVDs since I already have the 1-3 DVDs, might as well get the whole collection.


I didn't know it was ending. Oh well.

Tucker: Man, I am so unbelievably stupid.

Simmons: Sarge, did you just spit inside your own helmet?

Tucker: I don't know what the technical military term for it is, but, we're pretty F***** up here. We need men!

Vic: Dude, how long have you been down there?

Church: Tex walked up to him (Jimmy), ripped his skull right out of his head and beat him to death with it.

Tucker: Wait a minute, how do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible.

Church: That's exactly what Jimmy kept saying.

Jimmy: This doesn't seem physically possible. (As he's being hit in the head with the oddball.) *dies*

So many good memories. Farewell Rooster teeth. Maybe 1-800-magic will work out for you, but caboose's voice actor, Joel, is a bad main character for it. Oh well.


I'm lucky enough to be good friends with the RT crew and have been to their offices a few times... been following the series from the beginning and started me off doing machinima myself (And getting paid for it... heh).

Its sad to see it end but really, Burnie did drag out the last 2 seasons more then he should have...

And I am not sure how I feel about what they did with the three different endings.


I have the first two seasons of RvB on DVD. I kind of lost interest in season 3, where things like "plot" and "scenery" started interfering with my enjoyment of the humor. Still, some good classic jokes in there.

In short, even though I'm a former RvB fan, I'm still sad to see them drop it. I guess it eventually had to go.


Sarge: Blarg. ALSO... Honk. ... Are these really my lines? This is ridiculous. Who wrote these?!

Sarge: Where the blarg is Griff? He's got a honking coming to him!

Simmons: What's the motivation here? Is there some boss alien's ass I'm meant to be kissing? Blarg honk sir!

Sarge acting as E-mail spam: Would you like a bigger penis?! Where would you like it? I can suggest some places.

I only started getting interested in the series a week ago. Played from episode 1 straight through to 99. And today: 100. Good times. Shame it's ending, it will be missed.

The Blood Gulch Chronicles is ending....I don't think the whole Red Vs Blue series itself is ending. We'll see.

When they said it was ending, I assumed that they meant RvB stuff in general, besides maybe an occassional special. But it would be interesting if they started a new show based on halo in the RvB universe. Though, I can't see them doing it in the near future.

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