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Hey all!

Some of you have followed this for the last half-year, some of you have no idea who I am! Whoever you are, I've just finished my debut album and am releasing it online for free! This is a 12-track, nearly-50-minute-long album, featuring many different styles, sometimes more than one in each track, ranging from techno to ambient, drum and bass, rock, noisecore and chillout. This project has been a long time coming and many tracks were scrapped and rewritten until I was satisfied.

This is probably the most important place I can release this, as it is thanks to OCRemix that I ever started making music to begin with (I listened and wanted to try it for myself) back in 2004. This kind of music has now become a major factor in my life and hopefully my future, so I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who commented on my preview sets I released every so often (many of you were mentioned in the readme). Other than that, I don't want to sell this album, but if you really like it and would like to do me a great favor, I'll soon have a paypal donation page set up on my site. Every amount, no matter how small, means a lot - as does every comment I've ever gotten. Please say anything and everything or drop me a PM or email.

So, what you came here for:


That's actually an information page, where the download link can be found - but read those instructions near the link or you might not figure it out. Don't worry, I'll get another mirror and a torrent going soon.

Anyway, in that pack I've provided album art, a playlist, and instructions on how to make the physical CD, of which I'll have a picture here pretty soon. So slick, so shiny, so black! All the music is in high-quality MP3 format, but if you want lossless WAV or FLAC files, an email is all it takes and we can make arrangements.

Anyway, thanks and happy listening! My next one will probably be out early 2008.


Giving it a listen as I type. I appreciate this, you releasing this album for free and letting us listen to it. I don't think I can help much in the constructive criticism aspect, as I'm not a muscian and can't find ways to help you improve. For what it's worth though, I'm really liking Spirit Walk and Atlantis Groove.

Keep up the good work, and can't wait to hear your next project dude!



Thanks a lot, you guys! Appreciate the feedback.

A bit of an update: I've added another mirror so you won't have to use FileHO (which apparently is now delivering the album in corrupted, 0 byte form). The downside of this is that it's MegaUpload, so just keep in mind the wait timer and the three letters and all that. Anyway, it's downloadable once again, so to those who don't have it yet, enjoy.

One more thing - I've got a pic of the finished CD package! Have a look. The disc is all black, though I forgot to pop it out for the picture.

Remember, if you want one of these, email me. I'd probably ask for a few bucks to make and ship.


That paypal page is still to come. Again, thanks again to commenters.

  • 1 month later...

Oh, right. Aside from the opportunity for a shameless bump of this album, I'll mention here that I now finally have the paypal page set up on my website, which can be found below in my sig.

So feel free, as I said there, to become one of my best friends! Every amount means a lot.

Now, to make this a little more than just a shameless bump, I'll tell you guys I've got a lot in the works!

- A site restructure is on the way, intended to suit more than one album, etc. It might wind up looking a bit better, too, once it's done.

- Three tracks are sounding really good at the moment for my following album, due out early to mid 2008.

- Even further along than that is my entry for the Original Video Game Music Contest over at VGMix, the current theme of which is a "high-speed racing game" - and my entry's sounding pretty good at the moment! I'll post the finished entry in WIP:Other come early September as the contest comes to a close. Depending on what theme the album winds up taking, this track may be featured, making it the first public release from the set. But all that's still up in the air.

- I'm now SOLD OUT of the super shiny black first edition of the physical CD! Thanks to everyone who bought one. Now keep in mind that you can still buy the album - I just need to have more made. And of course, always remember that buying is only to support me - you can always still download the album for free.

So yeah. Overall, stay tuned because there ought to be a lot more coming in the next couple months! I might set up a mailing list to coincide with the site restructure.


Radiowar: Thanks a lot! I always appreciate the comments. To tell the truth, Fulcrum was the earliest track made for this set - I posted it here once a year or so ago and decided to throw it in with all the new ones. Glad to hear you like it!

SGX: Thanks, I'd already checked out jamendo earlier and I might actually consider having torrents done by them - they seem to do a good job, but I'm wondering how they deal with rights and all that. Would they "own" the album, meaning I can't post it myself anywhere unless its through their torrents, or is it totally free and they just help distribute, or what? Anyway, thanks for checking this out - I've listened to a lot of your music as well and thoroughly enjoyed.

OutLander: Sweet, good to hear it. About video game music - I pretty much just sit down and start working with no ideas and each one forms itself. The only one I really intended to be a reference to VGM would be Superbox 3000 - but other than that, I wouldn't be surprised if video game music and OCRemixes influenced me somewhat as I grew up with and enjoyed them just as all you guys did. Actually, I've had several people tell me some of my music (particularly some of my older ones) reminds them of Metroid Prime, which I take as an incredible compliment, and when I was first getting into music I was really into with that game, so maybe that subconsciously gives me a few ideas.


Well dude,

Aurora and Circuit Breaker: *nods*

I took a second and third listen to Atlantis Groove, not only because I liked it but I was deep into the intro up to :51. Seriously, it's been ages since I last heard a xylophone. ;-) And on top of all of this, you managed to create a smooth, ambient finish is what really got my attention.

The album itself is great and I can't wait to hear more from you in the future.

SGX: Thanks, I'd already checked out jamendo earlier and I might actually consider having torrents done by them - they seem to do a good job, but I'm wondering how they deal with rights and all that. Would they "own" the album, meaning I can't post it myself anywhere unless its through their torrents, or is it totally free and they just help distribute, or what? Anyway, thanks for checking this out - I've listened to a lot of your music as well and thoroughly enjoyed.\

You keep all the rights. They have you select a creative commons liscence for it on there. It's perfectly safe. The torrents they make are really nice quality and healthy too. Oh and the cool thing is they provide for you widgets that will stream all the tracks on your album, so you can post those anywhere and people can listen without downloading anything.

edit: btw I like the album :). Cool style. Songs are put together intelligently. It's a good listen. Thanks for sharing.

OutLander: Sweet, good to hear it. About video game music - I pretty much just sit down and start working with no ideas and each one forms itself. The only one I really intended to be a reference to VGM would be Superbox 3000 - but other than that, I wouldn't be surprised if video game music and OCRemixes influenced me somewhat as I grew up with and enjoyed them just as all you guys did. Actually, I've had several people tell me some of my music (particularly some of my older ones) reminds them of Metroid Prime, which I take as an incredible compliment, and when I was first getting into music I was really into with that game, so maybe that subconsciously gives me a few ideas.

Awesome. So that's why images of some 16-bit randomness popped into my head when I heard that one.

I take it then that you just kinda start messing around until something comes to you, then?


Many thanks to herograw for new hosting! Hopefully it'll be more reliable than the others.

Also, I really appreciate your comments, sgx and Angelic Sound Factory. And yeah outlander, I rarely go into these with a plan. I do try to keep them all from sounding like each other, though. About that - I'm going into this second album with the intention of trying a lot of new styles and genres, so be expecting somewhat of a departure from Antechamber.

I've updated the site with herograw's new mirror!

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