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Just to add about Claymore, I found the series pretty bland and generic for the first few episodes until they got to the Teresa/Clare arc. It filled the hot anime chick with a huge sword slashing up monsters void that had been in my life. But around episode 6 I started getting interesting in the plot, and after episode 9 I was hooked and have been anticipating the release of a new episode each week. Plus, any show where limbs just suddenly and unexpectedly come flying off can't be all that bad.


Everything i was going to post has already been mentioned. i watched up to episode 14 today and I'm fairly impressed. Everything picks up when it goes into Clare's back story. I Keep hoping that Raki is going to get strong and help out, that would really make the series for me. It does remind me of Berserk some ways, that's definitely a good thing.

Everything i was going to post has already been mentioned. i watched up to episode 14 today and I'm fairly impressed. Everything picks up when it goes into Clare's back story. I Keep hoping that Raki is going to get strong and help out, that would really make the series for me. It does remind me of Berserk some ways, that's definitely a good thing.

I think when someone calls something a Berserk copy or "Berserk with boobs", I think it should be received as a compliment. I mean nothing can really measure up to Berserk manga since it's so meticulously drawn. But Claymore's drama is pretty good for a fantasy action anime/manga. And Claymore is a bit strange since the voice acting makes it more compelling and the anime version is actually more violent than the manga.


I just watched it. They are following the story pretty well. But they will have to stop at a certain point because the manga doesn't collect as many chapters as other ones because of the monthly release thing. Pretty good episode though. The ones after this get really good.


Massive amounts of win this time. The next couple episode are going to rock for its the northern campaign. Get to see Undine. yay. She entertains me. Then we get to see Clare pwn.


I think I should start reading the manga. I will admit however that the series has taken a different "feel" than what it once had at the beginning. Of course, I don't mind, being that it's still made of awesome.

Holy FUCK that was an awesome episode.


I'm hoping that when Clare finds that kid, that he's not useless anymore. My buddy thinks the kid is going to be a new male claymore, which i guess i could see happening. I refuse to read the manga at this point because i know if i do I'll enjoy the next 9 or so episodes less. When this season ends at 26 I'll likely pickup the manga.

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