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I think there should be a forum where you post your music, could be a remix, or non remix, I know there is already something like this but I think it should have it's on forum. This is a communitee of muscians, it would be an insult not to have it! I think they should both be put under the same roof, not two sub forums, because one would get more reponses than the other. I do remix music, but I create music most of the time, and there is proffesional judges on this forum. Mayby the catch to this forum is the possibility of having judges rate your music. The difference between this and the other forums similar to this one is that it's specifically made for rating, like judges decisions, people give you feedback and rate it as such, just like the judges. And mayby add some standards for fun, and make a leader board. Like, judges rate this song, Legend + or whatever, and the more songs you have the better. Just to encourage some competition similar to video game ladders.

What do you think?

I think there should be a forum where you post your music, could be a remix, or non remix, I know there is already something like this but I think it should have it's on forum. This is a communitee of muscians, it would be an insult not to have it! I think they should both be put under the same roof, not two sub forums, because one would get more reponses than the other. I do remix music, but I create music most of the time, and there is proffesional judges on this forum. Mayby the catch to this forum is the possibility of having judges rate your music. The difference between this and the other forums similar to this one is that it's specifically made for rating, like judges decisions, people give you feedback and rate it as such, just like the judges. And mayby add some standards for fun, and make a leader board. Like, judges rate this song, Legend + or whatever, and the more songs you have the better. Just to encourage some competition similar to video game ladders.

What do you think?

As far as arrangements go, VGMix3 will essentially provide that premise when they eventually go live. No sense in repeating what's already planned by another site within the community.

As far as arrangements go, VGMix3 will essentially provide that premise when they eventually go live. No sense in repeating what's already planned by another site within the community.

For the record, to clarify, the reason we're not implementing something like this isn't because someone else is already planning to do so. It's a conscious decision on my part specifically (but I believe the staff support me) to avoid turning the site into a popularity contest. The original poster indicated it'd be "insulting" NOT to have a forum for rating someone's music; I have essentially the opposite opinion. Before VGMix 1 existed, this decision was made.

I do view the competitions that are run as being an excellent way of allowing the competitive spirit to thrive in a context that seems more appropriate, but I've never wanted anything of the sort to extend to all of OCR.

For the record, to clarify, the reason we're not implementing something like this isn't because someone else is already planning to do so. It's a conscious decision on my part specifically (but I believe the staff support me) to avoid turning the site into a popularity contest. The original poster indicated it'd be "insulting" NOT to have a forum for rating someone's music; I have essentially the opposite opinion. Before VGMix 1 existed, this decision was made.

I do view the competitions that are run as being an excellent way of allowing the competitive spirit to thrive in a context that seems more appropriate, but I've never wanted anything of the sort to extend to all of OCR.

Indeed. Then again (sloppy), I thought about it, but didn't link to the relevant section of the FAQ. Antonio Pizza had a great summation way back just emphasizing that popular voting on a large scale in this community just wouldn't work. There's no way a whole forum would be dedicated to something of that nature.

And with that...

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