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See, the thing is... it's not LARPing.

Like, at all. You can play it that way if you want, but you can also just run around killing people.

Anyone else see a slight problem here?

If it ain't LARPing, I have a feeling the WA police are going to want to have a talksie with you. If you're not doing it for real, it's role playing. Live.


Or at least keep the thread open for people who DO want to discuss the game, intead of filling it with off-topic banter.

Where are these people, exactly? If anything, you should be happy your thread's getting bumped.

Anyone else see a slight problem here?

If it ain't LARPing, I have a feeling the WA police are going to want to have a talksie with you. If you're not doing it for real, it's role playing. Live.


*sigh* Really, now. I know people are smarter than that. When I say "killing people", I mean getting into card duels. You don't have to do anything special to do that, do you? After all, I seriously doubt you call Magic or Wow TCG players LARPers, do you? No, you don't because it's a card game.

That is what TDL is, an organized TCG; the differences include larger scale fights, an organized structure, and highly simplified play, but it is a TCG regardless. The fight style allows you to go up to people and challenge them, which is where the live action comes in.

That's all.

--Jack Kieser


You can sugarcoat it and try to bend the facts all you want, but your friend the wiki begs to differ:


Now please, no more of this. Leave us. If someone is interested, they'll post.

You can sugarcoat it and try to bend the facts all you want, but your friend the wiki begs to differ:


Now please, no more of this. Leave us. If someone is interested, they'll post.


I already dealt with this. Read on. Go to the Technomancer website. Go to the PA forums, where the CEO of Technomancer is ready and willing to answer questions.

I love how I didn't start this, either. The Damned did, if memory serves correctly. Yet I'm getting all the crap (btw, Damned... I'm looking forward to the Pkmn album. I hope all is going well with it. ^^).

As I said before, and as I will say one more time, the game can be played any way you want. You don't have to play by the wiki if you don't want to. Ultimately, the wiki is there to flesh out the cards; later on, Technomancer will release cards based on the Wiki info.

Now, YOU stop it. I see no reason why I should have to leave a thread I created for a purpose, while you can stay around to give me crap about something that should have been dealt with 3 pages back.

--Jack Kieser






















I already dealt with this. Read on. Go to the Technomancer website. Go to the PA forums, where the CEO of Technomancer is ready and willing to answer questions.

Naw, I'm good. It states in several places that the game is a LARP. That's good enough for me to call your ass out.

I love how I didn't start this, either.

Mayhaps, but you're the OP. Suck it up.

I see no reason why I should have to leave a thread I created for a purpose, while you can stay around to give me crap about something that should have been dealt with 3 pages back.

Yeah, 3 pages back, when you should've stopped trying to claim the game isn't a LARP. What's the deal? You ashamed, or just trying to justify the game after everyone jumped on you?

Now, YOU stop it.

no u


*sigh... again*

I'm trying to correct a misconception. You say that the (limited) knowledge you have now is good enough. That's fine, I guess; free world. It's just wrong, that's all.

I'm very content in the knowledge that I go to a school with people who wear chain mail and cloaks TO SCHOOL. I have nothing to be ashamed of, because I know what bad is, and I'm certainly not bad. What's just... disappointing, I guess, is the immaturity. As I said earlier, this is all for fun. That's what PAX is all about; gamers getting together to party. But everyone who came to this thread so far has some big deal, probably some problem with me (this thought based on an earlier post I read) that basically makes it impossible for anyone who is serious about playing at PAX to actually discuss the game.

Someone earlier said that if people want to discuss the game, they'll come. Well, thanks to this needless arguing, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who did come thinks, "Well, screw that." Which is completely against every tenant TDL was created for, namely the most people possible playing.

Please, now. This is getting ridiculous. If you don't have anything constructive to say, then don't say anything at all. I have been nothing but cordial to you. You could at least show a margin of respect; if not for me, then for your fellow gamers who actually care.

--Jack Kieser

PS, to DJTempora and all those other people who love to "quote": I like how you guys selectively quote to your hearts content. Really, like I said, read on, and you'll find what I mean. That DJT quote of me not liking how I didn't start things, totally out of context the way you quoted it. Nice job.

And Global-Trance... yeah, I totally agree with you. Ridiculous. Nice ASCII, btw. ^^

PS, to DJTempora and all those other people who love to "quote": I like how you guys selectively quote to your hearts content. Really, like I said, read on, and you'll find what I mean. That DJT quote of me not liking how I didn't start things, totally out of context the way you quoted it. Nice job.

I thought you might enjoy that. Cheers.



So... considering I would REALLY like to get back on topic here...

Is anyone here actually going to PAX? The projected attendance is something crazy, like 20k or something. I think last year was 16k, which is already pretty insane...

At least we're in a bigger place, though.

--Jack Kieser


Wow. And I thought I had already picked the noob of this year for me to hate on. I just may have to rethink my decision because you're proving that you have the potential to be even more retarded and stubborn than he is. This is the internet. You will be questioned for what you said and you'd best not try to go back on your own words. Everyone can clearly see that you've been wasting your time trying to argue that this clear LARP is not one because you don't want to be labeled as such. If you really wanted this topic to just talk about the event without this so called "banter" then you should accept the cold hard fact that this event is a LARP and that you just want people to participate.


It took a lot of thinking for me to decide whether I was going to push this further; one of the things I hate in the world is hypocrisy... but I hate ignorance above all, so one more time. But I promise, this is it. After this, I am done. I'm not going to argue with you people, because you obviously get jollies out of trying to get me mad (and though you probably think you have been, because you can't dictate vocal tone through written word... you haven't) and that's not what I'm here for.

Once and for all, when people LARP, they assume a charater. They assume a role, and identity, and they follow that role to a T. No one here can dispute that. I certainly am not. But, I will not follow this formula, and many other people won't either, when I play TDL.

If you look on the Wiki, the name I use is either Jack Kieser or Phaze, depending. You may think, "Well, isn't that role playing? You're giving yourself a name and a character!" Simply... no, it isn't. I use these names because I don't like giving my real name out on the internet or to people I don't know. As I'm sure you're aware of, the world is filled with crazies.

Now, do I doubt that people WILL give themselves characters and act as those characters? No, I do not, and I have never once in this thread or any other said as such. However, this behaviour is not integral to the game itself, which is what I've been TRYING to tell you all.

The term 'Live Action' has been applied to this game for the sake of a (semi)accurate moniker to be used in short. Let me explain why. In the Magic TCG, if you lose a duel, you can ask you opponent for a rematch, no harm, no foul. If you lose all of your Life Tokens in TerraDrive, you are out of the game. You can't play anymore. Simple as that. You can acquire more life tokens, sure, but until then, no duels for you.

Further more, I am a faction leader. For the sake of tracking people and matches, people will be assigned to my faction. Additionally, factions will be tracked, and if a faction can assassinate another faction's leader, additional points will be awarded. So, in the event of a large-scale battle, I will be, as per my Faction Leader Card's special ability, be able to tap other faction members to fight on my behalf. I will (theoretically, we're still hammering this out) have the ability to micro- and macro-manage fights, assigning faction members to opponents as I see fit.

Will I be filling this 'role'? Yes. I will. Hence the 'Role Play' aspect of the moniker. However, and this is important, will I be yelling "YARR!" because the Crossbones Exchange is a band of cyber pirates, as per the Wiki? In short, no. I will not.

I will state this integral fact one more time: charater role playing is not an integral part of the game; it is allowed and, if you enjoy it, encouraged, but in no way is it REQUIRED to play the game, which is ALL I've been trying to say up to this point. If someone wants to sign up for TerraDrive just to try to get to the top of the leaderboards, then they can. They don't even have to join a faction. People can play the game however they see fit, so as to accustom as many people as possible, which at base is what the game is really all about.

Is TerraDrive, at it's core, a LARP? I think I have made my point clear. Can it be played as one? I never said it couldn't. But is it one AT IT'S CORE? No. It is a card game at its core. A massive scale one, but a card game, none the less.

I hope this clears up both the game and my position on this nonsense.

--Jack Kieser

It took a lot of thinking for me to decide whether I was going to push this further; one of the things I hate in the world is hypocrisy... but I hate ignorance above all, so one more time. But I promise, this is it. After this, I am done. I'm not going to argue with you people, because you obviously get jollies out of trying to get me mad (and though you probably think you have been, because you can't dictate vocal tone through written word... you haven't) and that's not what I'm here for.

Once and for all, when people LARP, they assume a charater. They assume a role, and identity, and they follow that role to a T. No one here can dispute that. I certainly am not. But, I will not follow this formula, and many other people won't either, when I play TDL.

If you look on the Wiki, the name I use is either Jack Kieser or Phaze, depending. You may think, "Well, isn't that role playing? You're giving yourself a name and a character!" Simply... no, it isn't. I use these names because I don't like giving my real name out on the internet or to people I don't know. As I'm sure you're aware of, the world is filled with crazies.

Now, do I doubt that people WILL give themselves characters and act as those characters? No, I do not, and I have never once in this thread or any other said as such. However, this behaviour is not integral to the game itself, which is what I've been TRYING to tell you all.

The term 'Live Action' has been applied to this game for the sake of a (semi)accurate moniker to be used in short. Let me explain why. In the Magic TCG, if you lose a duel, you can ask you opponent for a rematch, no harm, no foul. If you lose all of your Life Tokens in TerraDrive, you are out of the game. You can't play anymore. Simple as that. You can acquire more life tokens, sure, but until then, no duels for you.

Further more, I am a faction leader. For the sake of tracking people and matches, people will be assigned to my faction. Additionally, factions will be tracked, and if a faction can assassinate another faction's leader, additional points will be awarded. So, in the event of a large-scale battle, I will be, as per my Faction Leader Card's special ability, be able to tap other faction members to fight on my behalf. I will (theoretically, we're still hammering this out) have the ability to micro- and macro-manage fights, assigning faction members to opponents as I see fit.

Will I be filling this 'role'? Yes. I will. Hence the 'Role Play' aspect of the moniker. However, and this is important, will I be yelling "YARR!" because the Crossbones Exchange is a band of cyber pirates, as per the Wiki? In short, no. I will not.

I will state this integral fact one more time: charater role playing is not an integral part of the game; it is allowed and, if you enjoy it, encouraged, but in no way is it REQUIRED to play the game, which is ALL I've been trying to say up to this point. If someone wants to sign up for TerraDrive just to try to get to the top of the leaderboards, then they can. They don't even have to join a faction. People can play the game however they see fit, so as to accustom as many people as possible, which at base is what the game is really all about.

Is TerraDrive, at it's core, a LARP? I think I have made my point clear. Can it be played as one? I never said it couldn't. But is it one AT IT'S CORE? No. It is a card game at its core. A massive scale one, but a card game, none the less.

I hope this clears up both the game and my position on this nonsense.

--Jack Kieser

Or the short version:

It's not LARPing, it's LARPing!

Whatever, guys. I already said I'm not going to push this anymore. You just must not appreciate a truly logical debate or discussion (seeing as I've been the only one here to present any logic or real in-depth proof, seeing as mis-quotes, and jpegs of incomplete information qualifies as non-sequitur and your assumption of "It's not larping, it's larping" is ad hoc reasoning. It's latin, look it up. By the way, never once said it's not larping, it's larping... I just said that you didn't have to play that way.)

It's alright though. I won't waste time pitying you for your lack of mental capacity or ability to logically debate; it took us Grecians centuries to perfect our logic, so I wouldn't expect any of you to be good at it, especially given current western culture.

I'm through with being cordial; it gets me nowhere. Post to your heart's content.

--Jack Kieser

PS: For it being an "eyesore", you sure are wasting a lot of YOUR time in here, aren't you? I'm sure that says something about you, too...

PS: For it being an "eyesore", you sure are wasting a lot of YOUR time in here, aren't you? I'm sure that says something about you, too...

I, for one, haven't wasted any time here. I've enjoyed myself thoroughly. The only person wasting time in this thread is you; it's an ill pursuit to argue against the inevitable.


I use these names because I don't like giving my real name out on the internet or to people I don't know.

Uh, whoops.

shit guys

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