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Hey, I got a quick question thats been bothering me since Ive had FL Studio and Ive finally got around to seeing if anyone knows about it.

Alright, so I made a song which was taking keys from stairway to heaven and putting them on a hip hop beat, since aside trying to perfect decent remixes I also make rap beats. But anyhow, I used a soundfont harp for the song since I have nothing close to real acoustic for such a song....well, lemme get to the point.

When I burned the song onto CD, theres a chirpy kinda mess up that sounds like water bubbles when it plays, and I have no idea what the problem is.

Ocassionally I had this problem with wav sample piano keys and such but now its just irratating me. The song can be found here: http://www.soundclick.com/util/DownloadSong.cfm?ID=996717

Any ideas?


I have been thinking the past few days how great it would be to have a new fruity loops 101 thread, but like, FL101-advanced or somehting like that.

An FL thread dedicated to the more technical issues for those already pretty familiar with the program but want to do more technical things than just reverb, eq, etc...

Like I have asked recently about the ability to flange only certain frequencies in a sound so you would only get heavy flange on certain notes and light flange on others.

There are also other things I know myelf would end up asking like yesterday I was wondering if it possible to do any kind of multiband distortion, like adjust higher distortion in the third band and first band, where as the middle would be only lightly effected... or even something like filer distoriton where you would use low passing on a distortion device without low passing the audio itself (basically the low end of the sound would distort unless you opened the low pass cutofff all the way then the whole sound would be affected). Same princible for high pass, band pass... Or how would things like multi bandpassing a sound (would probably take several instances of a sound with a seperate range of bandpass on each and different effects on each channel for the sound you really want).

See, stuff like this would probably really confuse the noobs, and just make the thread longer andif someone wants to browse the thread for the highly technical stuff, things like this would be lost forever kinda.

Just wondering if a more high level fl 101 thread would be good?


Need a little help here with TS404...

The problem I'm encountering here is with distortion. I made an somewhat irritating preset with TS404. When I play it in Fruity everything is just fine, with annoying distortion and all. Now here's the problem: when I export my song to mp3, the distortion's gone not completely gone, but the screaming noise is gone. Anybody know what's this about?

I could post my preset, if it is of any help.


I'm still hacking away at it ... I haven't covered very much, though, since I've been particularly busy over the past weeks. I'm about a fifth of the way through my bit.

DM Lee: Hopefully, once myself and Mythril have finished, the new FL 101 will be mostly for advanced questions. Almost every basic question has been asked and addressed throughout this thread ... Although I suppose having an FL Masterclass thread wouldn't be such a bad idea.

Edit: Wow, I'm further than I think. :) I've got about 18 pages left. Then we have to make categories, order the responses according to the categories, fix it up so it's more HTML worthy, find somewhere to host it (would Pretzel be willing to put it in with the guides on this site?) ... Sounds like fun!


I have a question.

I know that you can tie a keyboard into FL and have input from it.

I'm wondering if there's a way I could get a drumpad or electric drumkit to do the same thing.

I just don't want to buy some drumpads and find out I can't do it.


Idont know anything about drumpads at all, but I would assume it would have to use be midi compatible, like, it would record the hits as midi information to play the song back for you... if it was something you would have to record as audio then I dont think fl would support that, you would need some kind of audio processing tool like cooledit or acid or something.

I dont think fruity records live audio, just midi, but I could be wrong and if I waisted space here sorry.


K, i didnt know.

I thought everything has to work through piano rolls in fruity unless it uses the step sequencer.

If you recorded audio live would it be just a really long note on middle c or something, or one block in the step sequencer or something?

I havent dealt with recording audio with fruity yet, sorry.


I haven't tried recording anything in Fruityloops via external things (keyboard, etc) so I really have no idea how it works.

..how does it work?


Firstly, does the drum module have a MIDI output? If it does, you can export MIDI data from it, although you'll only have the MIDI data rather than the sound of the module.

It should have a sound output on there somewhere, although if you want to record in FL, you need the Producer Edition. If you've got that, you can record from an audio source straight into FL ... I think this is covered in the manual, and there's a guide in the "Tutorials" section of your Projects folder. I'd explain a bit more fully, but I don't have the Producer Edition, and I'm supposed to be busy.

K, i didnt know.

I thought everything has to work through piano rolls in fruity unless it uses the step sequencer.

If you recorded audio live would it be just a really long note on middle c or something, or one block in the step sequencer or something?

I havent dealt with recording audio with fruity yet, sorry.

There was a post on this a little while ago... You should use something else for recording audio, cooledit or soundforge, or one of those free ones that were mentioned earlier, and then save it as a wav to use in FL. If you really want to, load a random sample, and in the channel settings, press ctrl+e to go to the recording interface.

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