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You should use something else for recording audio, cooledit or soundforge, or one of those free ones that were mentioned earlier, and then save it as a wav to use in FL. If you really want to, load a random sample, and in the channel settings, press ctrl+e to go to the recording interface.

I have Cooledit, but my point in questioning was that I wanted to have it so I could play a keyboard and have the audio come out of my speakers as SimSynth, Osc, Soundfont, whatever.


Oh, sorry.

If you have your keyboard connected to your computer and drivers installed, go options>MIDI options, and under remore control input select your keyboard, it should be on the list.

EDIT: WTF? I said that to DM Lee not you... oh well


Okay here's a pickle for you guys to fix.

I attempted to make a fadeout in my song by pressing the record button and gradually turning down the master volume. Somehow it moved to the start at payback, so at the start of my song there's a pointless annoying fadeout...

It's too late to undo the recording.

What can I do about it? I've tried deleting the events, over-riding the recording with actual events, setting it to a controller, the reset button and everything, but it still does this stupid god damn fadeout, and it won't let me record over the top of it or anything! In fact, it's gone and messed up and faded out repeatedly through all the song, sometimes leaving it virtually silent for a long time, and just turning up and down randomly every now and then, it's completely ruined my mix!! What the heck am I supposed to do??


Actually, there is a pattern which the automation is stored on. Just move the pattern which the automation to the end of the song and voila! Complis!


Ive had this problem before but it never bothered me because I dont usually use samples, but upon actualy testing the sound compared to soundfonts I would much rather have my beats done with samples.

The problem is, last night i got about 800 or 900 or so wav samples from a few sites (a lot were drumloops and drum samples, but there were also vocal samples and various other things I would really enjoy using) and only about 40 or so of them are recognized by fruityloops.

They are wav files but fruity just doesnt see them so I can't even use any of them.

Is there something i need to change in the audio properties or something?

I am going to check the help file in fruity right now and if i find the answer I will delete this post.



When you have an mp3 or wav file they both show as "winamp media file" so you dont really know whats what...

The site I went to for these claimed everything to be in wav format, though 90% of everything was mp3...

OMG! i have like 800 mp3s to convert to wav format... sigh...


don't know if this was ever asked...but sorry, i just don't feel like looking through 79 pages :). anyway, is there anyway to create triplet/sixteenth notes in FL? im not sure it thats the proper name (haven't had music class in years) but what im talking about is like for a drumroll that is really rapid. like i saw the piano roll for a drumroll, and it had like three notes inside each step...how do you do that? ill take a screen shot if you don't know what i mean...but im sure you do...kinda. thanks


In Piano Roll

Doeble click on a sixteenth note. Window pops up, you got two rows of three boxes.

On the second row, set the boxes to 0:0:8. When you do this on the second note, move the note onto thefirst and then make sure you double click the second note and not the first. Duration is the same but make thestart time have it's third box turned up to 8 instead of 0. Do the same for the third note.

is it possible to somehow export a work-in-progress in the demo as a midi file and then oipen the midi file and start working on it again?

Yes, go to tools>marco>prepare for midi exeport then save it as a midi and open it.

In Piano Roll

Doeble click on a sixteenth note. Window pops up, you got two rows of three boxes.

On the second row, set the boxes to 0:0:8. When you do this on the second note, move the note onto thefirst and then make sure you double click the second note and not the first. Duration is the same but make thestart time have it's third box turned up to 8 instead of 0. Do the same for the third note.

ah i got it now, i messed around with that before, but never really knew how it worked. thanks alot xelebes. i even put it in my new WIP! how tasteful

In Piano Roll

Doeble click on a sixteenth note. Window pops up, you got two rows of three boxes.

On the second row, set the boxes to 0:0:8. When you do this on the second note, move the note onto thefirst and then make sure you double click the second note and not the first. Duration is the same but make thestart time have it's third box turned up to 8 instead of 0. Do the same for the third note.

ah i got it now, i messed around with that before, but never really knew how it worked. thanks alot xelebes. i even put it in my new WIP! how tasteful

:P There's a much easier way.

Simply adjust the snap value in that little black window way up there that probably says "Line" right now.

In Piano Roll

Doeble click on a sixteenth note. Window pops up, you got two rows of three boxes.

On the second row, set the boxes to 0:0:8. When you do this on the second note, move the note onto thefirst and then make sure you double click the second note and not the first. Duration is the same but make thestart time have it's third box turned up to 8 instead of 0. Do the same for the third note.

ah i got it now, i messed around with that before, but never really knew how it worked. thanks alot xelebes. i even put it in my new WIP! how tasteful

:P There's a much easier way.

Simply adjust the snap value in that little black window way up there that probably says "Line" right now.

I could never get that to work... :(


Yes, go to tools>marco>prepare for midi exeport then save it as a midi and open it.

thanks but I can't figure out how to change those back into my original channels and original song on the playlist. in other words...how do I change this little midi file back into the project I had going


Yes, go to tools>marco>prepare for midi exeport then save it as a midi and open it.

thanks but I can't figure out how to change those back into my original channels and original song on the playlist. in other words...how do I change this little midi file back into the project I had going

Edit>copy>and paste into new channel. I dont use the playlist so i dont know about that.


Tip o' the day: Learn to use the playlist, it's one of FL's most useful tools.

Also, there's no way to export to a MIDI file and keep all your playlist information in it, MIDI simply doesn't handle that stuff. I'm afraid FLP is the only format that'll save your playlist.

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