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OCR00800 - Chrono Trigger "The Trial in Concert"


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Simply astonishing. I've listened to many of the piano arrangements on this website, and this one takes the cake. I would say that it's the most professionally done and shows all of the elements of a real classical piano arrangement. If a random lover of classical piano listened to this, they wouldn't think for a moment that it could be from a video game, and much more would also love the song. It also encompasses many differents styles, keeping the song interesting for every moment. Suspense is another element - while I was listening, I knew that the same thing wouldn't repeat more than once if any times at all, so I wondered constantly what was going to happen next. In all, this song is worth the download for people that love piano, and many of those that don't will still enjoy it.

Congratulations Spekkosaurus, this is some amazing work.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I can honestly say that this is the best piano remix of a video game song I've ever heard. I sat and listened to this about 4 times after I downloaded it. It's been on my playlist since I saw it was newly posted. I'm more of a drums and guitar person, but believe you me, I mean it when I say I wish I could do what Spekkosaurus did on this song. Amazing. The playing is so well done, it's easy to forget it's a solo piano when you're listening to it. "The Trial in Concert" is perhaps the best candidate for a closing track on an OCR mix CD.

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To do something like this on one take is very amazing. Good solid piano work here and fans of Chrono Trigger music will enjoy this. Although I didn't like this as much as gutzalpus's Time's Scar piano rendition this comes a close second.

There are however a few problems - it sounds like his piano needs tuning (or perhaps it is just my ear), and there are minor glitches in the piece. I feel that if he had perhaps sat down and written it out and worked it out, it might have taken this piece to a new level. BUT having said that, I have to state again that to do something at this level on one take is incredible.

Good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...

*Bows down before spekkosauraus* This has to be my favriote peice here at OCremix. It's a peice like this that makes a paino freak like me jump for joy. If there where more peices like this at OCremix, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably be the happiest man in the world. and it's peices like this that make me wish *I* could play paino.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

Spekkosaurus, I'm a classical pianist who has been playing for about eight years now, striving to attain a level of mastery in all aspects of the instrument. Listening to this remix, I must say you are truly a genius that has gone far beyond that level of mastery. This interpretation, from a musical and technical standpoint, is flawless. It brings to mind the Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2, the first and third movements of the Pathetique by Beethoven, and the style of Rachmaninoff. I am especially astounded at your accuracy and mastery over the instrument- dynamics, tempo, and all. I'm working on a dramatic FF piano battle medley that I am trying to record live, and it is extremely difficult. However, you have done a more difficult arrangement (dare I say) perfectly.

I have but three questions.

First, did you use sheet music while playing this? Or did you have it all planned out in your head?

Second, what was the kind of piano you used, and what recording software/hardware did you use?

Again, I cannot get over the beauty of this masterpiece.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I agree with Zircon on what he said. You are really a TRUE genius with this piece. Currently your's and Crono's Symphony are my two ultimate fav songs on this site, and my favourite songs out of all that i listen to (i listen to lots :P)

This piece was so moving, it is indeed flawless and a great masterpiece. The air and feeling it gives to me cannot be easily created by any other piece. This one is very unique and so awesome.

Hearing things like this makes me wish that I took piano lessons when i was younger.

And i am also wondering if you did it from sheet music or just off the top of your head? And if it WAS from sheet music, then I hope you could give a link to it or something as i would be SOOO DELIGHTED to be able to have the notes to this piece and once i get around to learning piano this would be my number one piece I would want to play :D

Keep up the awesome piano skills

Cant wait to hear more of your Remixs!!! Ill be looking forward to it!


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Hearing things like this makes me wish that I took piano lessons when i was younger.

AMEN. Actually, I DID take piano lessons when I was younger, but I quit. STUPID MOVE THERE. Now I'm trying to get back into it some, but working near full time hours kind of cuts down on free time for practice unless you're highly motivated (and I'm not).

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Its a very good piano arrangment, there's no denying.

Its a very VERY good piece of playing...

but its too looooooong.

As good as it is, I found myself wondering "Will it ever end?" after a brief while...and kinda stops it being as good a track it could have been if it was shorter.

And this doesnt go away after a couple of listens through.

Nevertheless, Its still good.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Its a very good piano arrangment, there's no denying.

Its a very VERY good piece of playing...

but its too looooooong.

As good as it is, I found myself wondering "Will it ever end?" after a brief while...and kinda stops it being as good a track it could have been if it was shorter.

And this doesnt go away after a couple of listens through.

Nevertheless, Its still good.

This is relatively short in comparison to other classical piano pieces.

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