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... So here's the idea. Vote for your faves and I'll be sure to make sure all votes are counted in the early rounds of the LIVE battle on my show. We aren't going for who would win in a fight or anything (because the Sentinels from the Matrix would wipe the damn floor with Robby the Robot or Rosie from the Jetsons), we're really just asking who's the coolest most Robotty Robot around?

You can see pics of all the contestants on my myspace (as well as pics of the veto's contestants who didn't quite make the cut for the real thing).

Let me know what y'all think? Feedback is definitely appreciated. And please tune in for the LIVE countdown on Thursday Sept 20th 6-9p EST during WHFR's "Space Week".



You can type your votes right here if you'd like.

And... Scratch & Grounder were considered but they didn't quite make the list (which is kind of silly considering there are a few sources that have more than one entrant). Sorry about that, didn't mean to leave anyone out.


I gotta say...

The iron giant is gonna win.

It took a full on hit with a nuke, and survived.

No one else on that list can brag of that.

Also, he can stomp most of the people on that list flat.

Or just eat them.

...I need more to do.


I was going to protest that MEGAS wasn't on there, but then I realized that there appear to only be robots with AI on that list.

So in that case, I have to protest that Glitch isn't on the list. :razz:

As much as I'd like to vote for Mega Man or R2-D2, my vote goes to...

GIR! He's just that awesome.

I was going to protest that MEGAS wasn't on there, but then I realized that there appear to only be robots with AI on that list.

So in that case, I have to protest that Glitch isn't on the list. :razz:

As much as I'd like to vote for Mega Man or R2-D2, my vote goes to...

GIR! He's just that awesome.

Glitch should've made it. Sorry.

We're gonna start doing these once a month or so. So I'll start posting topics to ask for entrants before the actual brackets are made to make sure no one gets left out.

Thanks for all the feedback though guys, honestly I appreciate it.

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