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My soon to be step-dad just moved in with his LCD TV. So I thought,

"Sweet, I got a new home for my Wii!"

So I told him about it and hes like,

"No, No video games on this TV"

his excuse was that VGs make LCDs die faster.

Is that truth? or is it just a lame excuse?


I can tell you right now that that is bullshit because there's no difference between graphics shown from a video game and those from a television program or from a DVD. How can an LCD even determine that a video game system is connected to it?

Well that was my logic to it. A quick search on Wikipedia yields no mention of the phrase "video game" and a quick scimming of the Drawbacks section of the article mentions nothing about an LCD dying faster nor does it even mention life expectency.


What I think is that he probably hates VGs, so he invented the aforementioned excuse.

He also said that he could not explain it with word, but mathematical equations.

And then is when I figured that he was bullshitting.

But I needed to make sure, so I asked here, cuz u guys r da best. :P


don't call me an expert but I can't see how there's a very big difference between a modern LCD TV and an LCD monitor and your dad or whatever's probably just being a dick

he's probably thinking of a non-digital projection TV or plasma or something


He also said that he could not explain it with word, but mathematical equations.

And then is when I figured that he was bullshitting.

....I would call him on that, for no other reason then to see what he pulls out of his ass. Your only worries when gaming on LCDs are stuck/dead pixels, both rare(dead being even more rare), both have a chance of being fixed.


Just show your dad the Burn-In prevention option on the Wii and maybe that'll change his mind :P I mean, burn-in isn't really a big deal on an LCD. Plasmas are the ones you have to be careful with.


Burn-in is not an issue on LCDs, as a couple of others have mentioned. Plasmas, apparently. LCDs, no.

I work in a NOC. We just replaced all of our monitoring CRTs with 5 large (46" and 42") LCDs, and I can tell you these things will have the same images displayed on them for the next 8 years if the life of the CRTs was any indication. We aren't concerned about burn-in. Hell, one of the replaced CRTs had the same thing on it for at least a year and there's no hint of burn-in even on it (the other ones, sure, but remember those are CRTs).



The thing is this was a real problem in OLD LCD's the first and second generation stuff not what we currently have today. If the man had one of those way back then (10-15 years ago) It is very possible he experienced that problem. LCD and projections back then had major problems with videogames over extended periods. So while today's TV's might not have it, the guy might have real reason for no video games on that TV.

Personally i think you guys are right and its BS he is making up but i have seen the results myself on the older stuff.

My soon to be step-dad just moved in with his LCD TV. So I thought,

"Sweet, I got a new home for my Wii!"

So I told him about it and hes like,

"No, No video games on this TV"

his excuse was that VGs make LCDs die faster.

Is that truth? or is it just a lame excuse?

you should know by now that anything your parents tell you is a lame excuse.

burn in only affects plasma screens, and even then youd have to be letterboxing CONSTANTLY or leave a game on pause for months before it even becomes an issue.

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