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I'm sitting here at 4:04 in the morning thinking, "Ya know, OC Remix has got an idea of what music really is," while doing my daily/nightly browsing. The concept that "video game music is not just background" as the mission states. I have always agreed to that. I have been listening to, collecting and enjoying VG music since I can remember. I've endured the arguments about how Video game music is just "stupid, repetative, annoying, NOT MUSIC (grr), and NOT NECESSARY for a game" and come out on top in most cases (depending on how stubborn the person was).

I've always felt that Video game music has so much passion and work into it, that its more than just music. Unlike a lot of todays nobody music artists, who have people writing for them and they just sing about things that really are quite arbitrary, every aspect of VG music has life to it. It has a function a purpose behind it. It sets a theme, defines a moment, makes a memory, even participates in the actual gameplay. Without the music there wouldn't be a game. I listen to it, and it crosses my mind "I remember that moment when so and so died" or "Man that is my favorite stage" just because I here that theme.

Game music, is in fact, music as any other music is. And, yeah, I'm stating the obvious to everyone who reads this, because, we'll I know we're all gamers here, but I really enjoy the fact that this site exists. I hav been blown away by the remixes put out by all the DJs on this site (since theres so many to name lol). So simply put, KUDOS to OC Remix for one of the best sites on the net and my homepage. I wish I had the talent you guys had. And maybe someday, I'll get my own remix made and submit it. Til then, I'll just enjoy all yours :).



You are correct. I have been berated too many times for listening to vidjagame music but it has always been better to me for whatever reason than mainstream music. Seriously I would listen to sound tests in video games on end when I was a youngin'. It was almost a crime to me when a game didn't have one.

You can imagine my surprise when I discovered this website with people who love video game music as much, if not moreso, than I do.

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One of my favorite things about video game music is how it brings back memories. Another thing is that most of the time there are no lyrics (not to offend anyone who likes lyrics. I just don't). And then there's always the fact that video games just have really great music.

I'm really glad there are a bunch of people who appreciate it. Seriously, sometimes I'll make a comment about a certain song that just played in a video game and the person next to me will be all like "I wasn't listening." Painful... D:


we need a thread to discuss the serious social implications of ocremix

when you're a kid, and you're playing through ocarina of time for the FIRST time, you remember the fucking music

you don't just remember the tune and can hum it at will, you remember the EXPERIENCE of playing ocarina of time for the FIRST time... it is such a complexly-ingrained memory that recalling it is one of the most rewarding accomplishments in communication I've ever discovered

it's about digging deep inside the almost instinctual part of the brain that holds any given gamer's memories of frustration and anger, redemption and reward, fucking GOOD AND EVIL... finding that part of the brain, scraping your socks on the ground, and shocking the hell out of it with music

and don't even get me STARTED on the implications of creativity and real musical expression... it's so deep

let's just put it this way: there is a very very good reason I've been remixing for as long as I have... do you guys know that I tried to quit remixing and never come back to the community? well, I did. and I couldn't. I came back, because I love it so damn much

just something to think about next time you hear a remix that makes you listen more than once through, I guess

ps. anyone willing to actually start a thread about the serious social implications of ocremix? I would totally do it

we need a thread to discuss the serious social implications of ocremix

when you're a kid, and you're playing through ocarina of time for the FIRST time, you remember the fucking music

you don't just remember the tune and can hum it at will, you remember the EXPERIENCE of playing ocarina of time for the FIRST time... it is such a complexly-ingrained memory that recalling it is one of the most rewarding accomplishments in communication I've ever discovered

it's about digging deep inside the almost instinctual part of the brain that holds any given gamer's memories of frustration and anger, redemption and reward, fucking GOOD AND EVIL... finding that part of the brain, scraping your socks on the ground, and shocking the hell out of it with music

and don't even get me STARTED on the implications of creativity and real musical expression... it's so deep

let's just put it this way: there is a very very good reason I've been remixing for as long as I have... do you guys know that I tried to quit remixing and never come back to the community? well, I did. and I couldn't. I came back, because I love it so damn much

just something to think about next time you hear a remix that makes you listen more than once through, I guess

ps. anyone willing to actually start a thread about the serious social implications of ocremix? I would totally do it

I see... Well, I've always agreed with that idea, that the song attributed to a certain event in a game, be it an actual plot event or noteworthy portion of the gameplay, can and often will create similar emotions as when you first played through that area.

Like in Metroid, when I was a kid, after playing the game for countless hours, and finally reaching the final section of the game (Tourian (sp?)), I remember getting latched onto by a Metroid, and feeling completely helpless... Both immediately in trying to escape the present danger, and later realizing that I just got killed by the first enemy in the stage, how could I possibly hope to beat the game? It gave me nightmares, where I am being painfully being sucked dry of my very life essence. Why would I care now though? Sure, it is frightening to a small child, but I'm a grown man now, who has seen things far more fearsome than deadly jellyfish, I've seen my share of Game Over screens... Heck, I can look at the Unholy Trinity of internet pictures without flinching... But when that theme for Tourian comes to ear, my mind will still reach at least a minor level of caution, even in the midst of more creepy or otherwise unsettling music.

Much like in movies or television programs, music can be... no... IS an incredibly important part of setting the right emotional state for the viewer/player. But it doesn't JUST have to be a tool to help plot, as is easily known to most of us who frequent OCR.

In the early days of video gaming, developers didn't have great graphics to rely on to distract from crappy gameplay, they had to work with poor music generators as well, so they HAD to rely on good gameplay, and while at low quality, they had to try hard with each track to make a quality song, to offset the quality in which it was being played. Many hear the music as mere blips and beeps, but what we hear is the effort of an artist to provide quality where quality is near impossible... and succeeding. At OCR and the few similar sites, we strive to show the public our own efforts to provide quality where others deem it impossible, and dare hope that we, too, may succeed in such an endeavor.

...You know I don't know why I'm ranting on this way... Maybe just an interesting subject. Maybe I'll add to this later or something, or elaborate at least... But what is off-topic posting to be besides free-floating thoughts and ideas?

attention offtopic

this is a good thread

fucking POST IN IT

OCR has personally inspired me as a person and actively helped me prove to people that VG music is not just noise. My buddy Jon at work, avid outdoors man, works out, bikes, athletic and probably someone you would never see playing video games more than once in a blue moon. I got him jamming w/me in the car to OC Remix tunes. He was howling to a Tetris remix (Thirty-Plus Mix by R3FORGED) I had. I played a SMW remix (Monstrous Turtles! by zircon) and he looked at me and said "Holy shit, Super Mario World" which was a surprise to see a extremely casual gamer remeber something like that. I could say that the social influence of OCR has gotten so far that, I went to a rave and heard JENOVAD Trance by FFMusic Dj, and I yelled in my friends ear right when I heard the first note (I listened to it at least 300-500 times in my life maybe more...I can recognize THE first note) "JENOVA REMIX" she looked at me funny and when she finally heard that first recognizable note from the song, she was like "SWEET".

I'm curious as to how OCR has influenced other people.

I'm curious as to how OCR has influenced other people.

On that note, it hasn't really influnced me much, besides giving me a place in which to find a decent collection of songs. Honestly, I can never say, in the least, that VG Music could ever replace other forms of music that I enjoy, not that it is bad, but it isn't so good that it in itself is enough to usurp all other types and genres. Often enough, though, in between the Red Army Choir and Nicolo Paganini, I'll hear an OCRemix, and think nothing of it, just as if it was another band or genre playing through my playlist... This, it seems, is the true wish of video game music fans: To have VG Music recognized not just as music, but as music of strong enough quality and power to be playable in the playlists you listen to usually.

So mine isn't a single-minded uber-fandom, but a passive acceptance, not really even worth a thought, because they can be just as any other form of music is.


As they might say, "post in epic thread".

And yeah. OCremix has definitely influenced me in that it was the first musical scene I associated myself with, the first time I saw appreciation for a particular type of music as a social thing. It also certainly broadened my musical range within the world of game music immensely, as there are all kinds of games with good music that I haven't ever played, but whose music I now love.


I'm curious as to how OCR has influenced other people.

Well if It wasnt for Kazaa, I would have never discovered this site so long ago. And if it wasn't for this site I'd never discovered Electronic music that I love so freaking much.

This site open my ears to a whole lot of different music stiles, and I'm very grateful to DJP for creating such wonderful site.

Also by opening my ears to more music genres, this site gave me individualism, so I could finally listen to what I liked. Which slowly drove me away from generic radio stations and into the iPod.

So THX DJP and KUDOS to the OCR and everyone who makes this place what it is!!!

... written on my wii ;p

DING!: Hooray 200 posts!


All this stuff, you know, it'd would go without saying for us though. I mean it would be good to have a thread like this, but it would end up being, no offense, a bunch of rants from different people and it's really what you feel individually while listening and that is really hard to put into understandable words. and isn't that wat music is all about anyway? It's more an image thing that comes to mind rather than words.

Anyway it's not us we need to convince about the significance of VG music...

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