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FLMC - FruityLoops Music Competion 8: Kirby's Block Ball

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That should be more than enough if you aren't running 15 3xosc's per synth...

Even if you are, as long as you don't use the reverb effect too much, then you should be fine. That's the most processor-heavy effect, by the way.


Also I'd like to mention that omg sytrus is expensive.

I was playing around with it last night, decided I was going to buy it, saw the price tag (about three times what I was expecting) and ran away. It was scary.

Also I'd like to mention that omg sytrus is expensive.

I was playing around with it last night, decided I was going to buy it, saw the price tag (about three times what I was expecting) and ran away. It was scary.

It's not so bad when you look at the prices of other synths.


Dammit, I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to run things.


Here are the entries, both project file and .mp3, zipped up:


If you want the .mp3s individually, here they are:

DDRKirbyISQ - FLMC8try3

RocketSniper - KirbysCocklolfinal

Smenelian - Kirby's Block Boss

Bundeslang - NotinDreamland

I am implementing the voting system suggested last time. Entrants get 5 points for voting, but cannot vote for themselves. First place gets 3 points, second place gets 2, third place gets 1.

Votes should look something like this:


Numbar one:

asdfdsads - derp

d00d this song was <img src="http://remod.cakearmy.org/images/icon_awesomes.gif" /> it roxxed my sox lol bcuz of teh synths + drums! gr8 job keep up teh gud wurk.

Numbar two:

darkshadow31531957 - starrs

sweet this was pretty cool i liekd teh way the breakdown wnet also the buildup was cool.

0 points for originality tho

Numbar three:

unts - unts

hmm this song wuz ok but maybe sum moar beatz wud hlep. also it wuz short maybe lengthen it nice try tho.


Deadline for voting is FEBURARY 1ST at 0000 HOURS PST OR EST I DON'T REALLY CARE. (or January 31st at 2959 hours if 0000 is confusing)


I will take my five points soon, I have some time after tuesday, but maybe I will vote earlier.

This is even better than just voting for myself. Hopefully all entrants (and 332629862 others) will vote so I just don't give myself the victory. If all entrants vote, I have at least 8 points. I'll go for that.


Ladies and gents, we have a winner and his name is:


Voting tallies:

Rocketsniper: 15

Smenelian: 13

DDRkirby: 9

Bundeslang: 8


1st - DDRKirby(ISQ)

2nd - RocketSniper

3rd - Smenelian

DDRKirby(ISQ) - I like the intro, sampling is really good, but the intro is too long. Then, when it's over, you are doing very wel in the middle. There's no end, which is the only thing what's a bit dissapointing. Nice job.

RocketSniper - Messy beginning, but not bad. I like the way you've placed these samples together. I like the switch at 1:00 but this part is all the same. I don't like the 'whatever' what's coming in at 1:40. The 'silence' at 2:08 is too long and it takes too long to bring the song back alive. I like the way you've ended the song.

Smenelian - This song starts really nice, but there's not much variation. The whole song is a bit the same, except for the end.

Bundeslang - ...............

1st place:



It's a full song, it's got some originality, though a bit bland through most of the middle section.

2nd place:



Sounds kickass, but it's only two minutes long.

3rd place:



I think my head was actually in danger of exploding this time.

Number 1:

Rocketsniper - Kirbyscocklolfinal

Sweet. Intro is great, I like the bandpass filter. Synths and drums are awesome, as usual. Nice work on the speech synth, as well. GOOD JORB

Number 2:

Smenelian - Kirby's Block Boss

This is great. Drums are nice, I like that shaker. Arrangement is good. Yeah.

Number 3:

DDRKirby(ISQ) - FLMC8Try3

Omfg I love that supersaw. I wish you'd been able to finish this, but oh well.

1st: Rocketsniper

Fairly decent arrangement as far as I'm concerned. Interesting cameos from other games in there as well. Very solid entry, which I found enjoyable.

2nd: Smelnian;

It feels so empty for some reason. You might want something to fill out the lower frequencies to make it sound more complete.

3rd: Bundeslang

Man, that is some crazy dissonance you have going for most of the piece. It's like.... Ouch. It doesn't resolve or seem to have any purpose as a dissonant line. I'm sure it's a stylistic choice, but ergh... Not feeling it at all.

Uno: DDRKirbyISQ – Try3

This threw me off at first because I couldn’t figure out what it had to do with KBB, but then I realized it probably didn’t have anything to do with it. Pretty generic stuff, but catchy, especially the beginning. Minus points for not having a real ending.

Dos: RocketSniper – Kirby’s Cock (lol?)

This would have gotten the top spot if it weren’t for some bits that rubbed me a bit too much the wrong way. That “Kirbeeeeeeee” voice is one of those things. Some of the fast paced drum stuff you did with the voice was cool though. Another thing I wasn’t a big fan of was the amount of changing around the song does. I like variety, but there was just too much here. A lot of the individual sections were cool and I think you should have expanded on a couple and taken the rest out. The breakdown around 1:55 and the part between 2:10-2:50 were my favorites.

Tres: Bundeslang – Not in Dreamland

The bass and beat grew old pretty fast. I wasn’t a big fan of the synth choices either. The source tune was probably the most annoying song in the game (in my opinion), so you had your work cut out for you from the start. I can’t say I would have done a better job myself, so props for attempting.

This threw me off at first because I couldn’t figure out what it had to do with KBB, but then I realized it probably didn’t have anything to do with it. Pretty generic stuff, but catchy, especially the beginning. Minus points for not having a real ending.

Uses the melody from...er...the "gameover" music, iirc.

I didn't like the beginning, it was weak and lacked substance.

I didn't like the middle because while the side-chain effect was a little cool, the sequencing was such that some notes stuck out. It was annoying.

It didn't deserve an ending.

cool beans.

Uses the melody from...er...the "gameover" music, iirc.

I must have been too skilled at playing the game to hear that song. I proudly stand corrected. *cough*

It feels so empty for some reason. You might want something to fill out the lower frequencies to make it sound more complete.

That's probably what I get for using boo bass as my main low end.

Congrats to Rocketsniper.

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