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Very nice song, getting closer and closer to OCR standards methinks. I like how it's rather simplistic and traditional; and it breathes life into the Mario RPG game once again ^^. Though I prefer that you made it more upbeat and turned it into a kick ass techno song, like the opera one from 5th Element ^^. But with that aside, it's a good song


Ok here's the updated, much better eqing and such, I think it's pretty high quality, if you don't think so, let me know and help me make this good, I'm still a noob at Fruity Loops 7, so if there's any suggestions on that I'm more than happy to listen :-P


I hate to rain on your guys parade, but the soundfonts on this piece are quite poor, and it really sounds incredibly mechanical. Not to mention, there's very little variation aside from instrument. It's all from the same small piece of the song. Admittedly the source doesn't give you much to work with, but be creative! There are tangents you could explore. I love the thought and its starting out ok, but it does need a lot of work before its close to OCR material.


The main thing this song is lacking is any sort of direction. It sounds like you've got some sort of buildup to something for the first ten seconds or so, and then it just kind of wanders in circles from there as instruments drop in and out. The flute at 1:05 hurts my ears. There's nothing to really capture your interest; the whole thing seems to drag on without really doing anything. Also, as mentioned above, humanize your instruments; offset the timing by small amounts, changes in velocity, etc. Bring in some new instruments, start some sort of a beat, something. A few timpani hits every few seconds aren't nearly enough to drive this song. You did do a good job as far as not having anything that's really muddy and stuff, but the arrangement itself needs to be focused on before that really counts for anything. Don't be discouraged, keep working on this and improving it in every way you can. It's far from submitting, but it doesn't sound like a "my first song" attempt, which is a good thing.


Let me clarify. By direction, I mean some sort of progression or "direction" that the song is heading toward. Listen to something like Black Wing Metamorphosis. It starts off with a simple chiptune. The orchestra gradually comes in over it, making a transition into completely new instruments. The song builds up until the drum track comes in alongside some epic chanting, and then even further into some strings, then it breaks down into a section where it kind of marches forward. Drums come back in to propel it forward, then it goes back to the chiptune, but it manages to keep the momentum the drum track gave it. Then it picks right back up with pretty much every instrument you've heard thus far all joining together. They drop out into the creepy-ish chanting... etc.

The point is that it's constantly doing something and deliberately bringing the listener towards the next section. You can skip the cursor around in Winamp or iTunes and know exactly what part of the song you're at based on how it sounds. Right now, this song doesn't have that. Instruments come in and out, but it doesn't sound like there is any specific reason for putting them there, not because it enhances the song, works toward the next section and brings the listener along. Get an idea of exactly what you want to do with this and where you want to take it. Then work towards that. That's my take on it.

EDIT: For a great example of what I'm talking about, listen to Citizen Erased by Muse.

wait wait wait, this does have a direction. I think ppl have been using that term so bloody frequently and haphazardly. Honestly people; if this didn't have direction this would be playing 5 notes, repeating over and over...sheeshkabob.

I really hate to be the one that says this, but you REALLY have to stop posting. All your comments aren't the least bit helping LagunaCloud and you're more then anything giving false hope.

This ISN'T mastered well.

This DOESN'T have direction.

This ISN'T THE LEAST BIT CLOSE to "OCR standards".

As DeathBySpoon put it, this doesn't sound like a 'this is my first remix ever' kind of remix, which (especially if this is your first remix ever) is a good thing.

The beginning itself scared the shit out of me, as I heard faint strings in the background and I decided to adjust to hear it better, only to get a head full of piano.

The samples really aren't all that great, which doesn't help the cause. The trumpet causes clipping here and there. I was expect by 0:45 you'd bring some groove, some life, something strong there to keep the listener interested, but you killed it, only to eventually move back to the same pace as the intro.

This relates to the 'no direction' because I keep waiting for something epic to happen, and it never does. This isn't orchestral, this is waaay waaay to poor sounding to be orchestral. This is lacking a shit load of orchestral sounds for it to be orchestral. I can't think of any kind of genre this would fall under either =\ .

Hate to piss on your foot like this, but this falls way below anything. I can see where sabrigami is coming from by saying 'turn it into techno'. At least with that you can insert a beat at 0:45, and bring some spice to this pretty vanilla sounding song. However, if you don't want to do it, that's fine, it's your creation after all, but unless something epic is inserted into this mix, then all you will have is 45 seconds of potential and 3:24 of flavourless ice cream.


Hate to piss on your foot like this, but this falls way below anything. I can see where sabrigami is coming from by saying 'turn it into techno'. At least with that you can insert a beat at 0:45, and bring some spice to this pretty vanilla sounding song. However, if you don't want to do it, that's fine, it's your creation after all, but unless something epic is inserted into this mix, then all you will have is 45 seconds of potential and 3:24 of flavourless ice cream.

haha, love your ice cream analogy.

anyway, yeah you've got to fix the EQing on this. at least on my speakers, it sounds a lot of the middle frequencies are just cut out. it's especially apparent on the piano soundfont you got there. the beginning too, did scare be quite a lot. it is kinda fitting for post-halloween I guess =P if you're going for an epic tone, you've got to have more contrasts in harmonies, rhythms (add some percussion), dynamics....well I guess you could contrasts in general. With these sorts of contrasts, you'll surprise your listeners in a good way. This being said, for your 'first' this is amazing. don't get discouraged at all and definitely don't give up! Cheers!


wow, I get back from a long day of stuff, to all this. I'm happy and sad at the same time,

happy that I'm getting good feedback, sad at some of the mean comments.

I'll try to redo this and show you guys what I come up with, hopefully you'll like it.


oh no not at all, I'm referring more to the vulgar comments and meanness directed to Hoboka.

He was just being a good friend

No I take all comments about the song as constructive criticism

yeah T_T now i'm going to have to go emo now and cut myself, wtg Skry.

Don't take this too badly, but I think Skrypnyk does have sort of a point. You can't just say that it's close to OCR standards because you like it, you HAVE to compare it to similar songs that are in fact on OCR (at least in terms of production). Do the instruments sound as fake there? I think not. Getting it up to standards is literal. Spend a LOT more time (that goes for both of you) in fact LISTENING to OCRemixes and pondering what you still have to do to get on the same level. You shouldn't keep on fooling yourself all the time when you still have a long way to go.

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