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OCR00854 - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon "Rude Awakening"

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Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 'Rude Awakening'

While far from my favorite genre, a lot of work must have gone into this. I don't care for the sound of the drums, but they are very well put together. The guitars are amazing, but then again, I'm sure that was obvious. I think the part that gets me about these drums, is because of the panning that separates the guitars, they seem to stand out to much. When I listen to a piece of music like this, I don't expect to be able to identify every beat individually, and so easily. Or maybe that's not it at all. I'm not sure. Great work, Rize.


Well I heard this over at vgmix back when it was up and going. So I'm eagerly awaiting something different by Rize. Of course, this piece rocks and it is what made me download Legendary Strings at vgmix as well.

I think it's good to hear drums and not have them be lost in the shuffle. These drums are more aggressive, so the snares and cymbals are going to stand out. And of course, the guitar is very good; the quality is good, the playing is pretty good, the solo and improv are very cool. I'm just curious, Rize, how long have you been playing?


Good God.

I usually never have the energy to review songs. Jesus man, finally, more real metal.

The drums are pretty simplistic, but fit the style perfectly. Great use of ride cymbal bell in the middle portions, gives it a great late 80's groove. The mixdown is great, the different instruments all complement each other greatly, and guitars scream cleanly into each other.

As a drummer, It's my nature to think I'm a better than anyone else. That's how we are. I would have made the drums a bit crazier, but I think in this context, they played an integral role in creating a cohesive work.

Please, please keep making more metal.



I don't know what's wrong, but I can only downoad a 21 second clip of the song...And it has that 'nbsp;, 0kbps' thing....Is there something wrong with the server or my computer?

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

EDIT: Okay...Must have been a cache thing, it's downloading now.

EDIT 2: Grr...Now it's downloading a 2:37 clip....I'll have to fluch the cache anyway...


This song was good to hear after the frustration I had over the weekend beating Circle of the Moon. I was playing it on a tv (have an adapter for gameboy advance) and got mega-frustrated at the Battle Arena rooms (or whatever it is)......never did pass the Battle Arena section but luckily it's not necessary to beat the game. Unfortunately, my DVD copy of Big Lebowski that someone gave as a birthday gift was not so lucky...in my frustration I mangled the case with the dvd inside....oops.

I like this song. I like the way the drums flow with the verse...I also heard this on VGMix and it was a motivator to get my own first metal remix up here. Rize has some mean metal crunch skills and I look forward to more...I did not like the repeated high root note (done by a synth in the real song) as I don't think distorted guitar can convey the coolness of that note as well as a synth, but everything else was tight and great fun. Hopefully all of us metal remixers will make popular this most-worthy genre of music ;)


Man, OCR is taking a beating right now.

JTD: does your player support variable bitrate songs? My MP3 is variable bitrate (unless DJP doesn't allow them and resampled it into a fixed bitrate).

Ryan: I've been playing guitar for 9 years now, but I really stopped progressing after about five years and have only marginally perfected what abilities I had then since. I've been playing drums for about the same, which is why my drums are rather distinct (not saying they're great, but I think they're kinda fun to listen to at least).

I love a good metal/rock remix, so it's only natural that this is what I intend to do next. It's possible I may throw a little synth in from time to time, but that's not really my thing and I probably wouldn't be very good at it.

Goat: glad to here I inspired someone. I would think that Ailsean's Bloody Hell or Terra in Black would be more inspiring to guitarists, but I suppose my tracks are a little heavier.


I must say, after comparing this to technomancy, I must say they're both different styles, and I love them both. The countermelody and counterpoints were put in beautifully. I think it'd be better to hear the bass clearer... you sort of just hid it within there. Must agree, it's put great to the late 80's style as well as the 8-bit chips of technomancy.

Yeah, I know thats a different mixer, but they're the same song, right? There ya go, then.


Technomancy is what first inspired me to do this mix. Shael Riley uploaded an incomplete version to VGMix by accident.

I heard it and decided that he had befouled a good song :) so I set out to do better. I've since heard his final version, and it's quite good. Especially after beating mine own to death in the mixing stages.

By the way...

if you got this song off of VGMix previously, download the OCR Version too. It has a slightly different EQ which you may prefer.


It's really overwhelming to think that I inspired this mix. It's a great compliment really. ;)

And while it's hard to compare our two mixes due to their drastically different styles, I must admit that you have me beat on finesse and production value hands down.

I absolutly love this mix and have listened to it very nearly as many times as I have my own. It's straightfoward, no-fucking-around, kick-your-ass rock. And while a little variation within a piece is usually preferable, I don't fault the occasional piece that establishes a mood imediatly and sticks with it throughout -like I said: straightforward rock.

The tweaking you did on the OCR release really brings out the natural brightness of the dist guitars; particulary, the rhythm sounds a good deal crisper on my system.

Rock on, man. ;-P



And I probably would have gotten around to doing this song eventually since it was just screaming to be remixed (I've yet to find a song that is as easily rock-remixed as that one; but I've also been extremely busy).

and uh... tech on :)


Actually, it's not hard to make things into rock... sometimes you just have to play with the tune a bit more to do so.

9 years is right around where I would've pegged you (I think I have been playing for 10 but still expand in ability as there are still some really hard things to play in terms of speed). I can't wait to hear more from you, actually. And then I'll go pimp it at the Minibosses forum like I do with most metal mixes that come through here. Got anything in the works? What is it (unless you'd rather keep it secret).

Also, it is cool that some motivate others. I think that the band Game Over's song being posted was the punch I needed to stop trying my hand at techno, which I submitted two remixes of that failed, and then just go at it with what I knew how to do... metal. Then expand from there as I grow. It would be interesting to see how you grow, Rize, because what you have already put out is quite interesting.


Well, I was *thinking* about doing Metroid Prime because the game rocks so much, but I'm not sure if that's going to fly.

We'll see.

If not, I'll likely had back to the land of 8-bit.

Games I'm considering:

Blaster Master

Bionic Commando



Mega Mans

Ninja Gaidens

Snake's Revenge

I really have no good ideas at the moment, but I'm not thinking too hard. First I'm going to graduate, then on Monday afternoon I'll give it some serious thought.


First, I want to say how much this remix rocks, and how much justice it does to the original song. Download it, listen to it, and enjoy. Rize mixes up the melody perfectly, and uses awesome guitar work. That's all I can say, other than it's just plain great.

Games I'm considering:

Blaster Master

Bionic Commando



Mega Mans

Ninja Gaidens

Snake's Revenge

Secondly, that is an awesome list of games you chose. If you could remix the Area 2 theme from Blaster Master, you would rock. If you could remix the Area 2 and Area 5 themes from Bionic Commando, you would rock very much harder. Not only have these themes not been remixed, thaey have not been remixed for just too long. I know how much justice you can do to a song. I'd love to see what else you could do.


The general lack of attention those two games have recieved is rather shocking itself. However, I can see why. They don't strike me as particularly remixable songs (not easily anyway). Not from a rock guitar perspective, but I'm going to consider it. Even if not for this time, there's always next time.

I'm seriously considering a collage of two songs from Mega Man X at the moment... I have to finish that last final tomorrow and find some free time to really explore it though.


Holy shit, Bionic Commando has HUGE potential (although probably not so much straight rock). I actually did a rock thing for Area 2, but it was long ago and poor quality. And I must say that is a great list of games to choose from. I look forward to it. I'm probably one of the few who's played Snake's Revenge.

  • 4 weeks later...

Holy crap, this remix is AMAZING. I may be a little biased, as I love the rock genre, and I love the source song, but this is such a well done piece of music, I have have no choice but to give it praise. I particulalry like how well done the part at 2:00 is done. The guitar solo from 2:20 to about 3:00 is great, also. The drums are intense, the guitars are awesome, and the remix as a whole is just crazy.

On another note, the ID tag included with this song introduced me to Dracula Battle Perfect Selcection, and DB2PS, two incredible Castlevania rock CD's. I can't express how wonderful this remix is for being a great song and having a great ID tag. :wink:


Wow, nice to know that putting the DBP link in the ID Tag wasn't in vain!

Those are some awesome CD's eh?

The DBP CD's can be downloaded from the Castlevania Dungeon and come highly recommended for fans of rock and Castlevania: http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/cd/dracbat1.htm and http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/cd/dracbat2.htm

Also, I suggest exploring the rest of the Castlevania Dungeon for a ton of other cool stuff for/about Castlevania. For example on this page of weirdness ( http://www.classicgaming.com/castlevania/weird.htm ), there is a link where you can download a song by a guitarist with a penchant for writing fantastic instrumentals one of which happens to sound a lot like the Battle Perfect CD's and even has some riffs which are similar to the Castlevania 2 Mansion theme ( http://dl.fileplanet.com/dl/dl.asp?classicgaming/castlevania/mp3/farbeyondthesun.zip )

In other news... I think I've finally decided on the exact song I'm going to remix next. It'll probably take some time since I'm trying to break some new personal ground. What song you ask? Well, it's not from a game that I was considering above. Here are some hints: it's from an SNES Konami game that is part of a franchise (not Castlevania). And naturally, the series has awesome music :)

  • 2 weeks later...
In other news... I think I've finally decided on the exact song I'm going to remix next. It'll probably take some time since I'm trying to break some new personal ground. What song you ask? Well, it's not from a game that I was considering above. Here are some hints: it's from an SNES Konami game that is part of a franchise (not Castlevania). And naturally, the series has awesome music :)

Could that possibly be...Contra? Well, I'll definately look forward to anything you put out next. :D


That was one of the two franchises I know of that fit that bill...

...unfortunately, I graduated recently and am seeking employment so this is going really slow. However, the song is forming in my head at least (and I'm learning some of the basic riffs on guitar).

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