SomeCrazyGuy Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 (This isn't directed at those of you how fully understand just what has occured, I am not trying to be condescending, but too many posters just don't seem to get it. I chose to post this outside of the regular topic because I fear people would take it the wrong way and flood the topic with arguments against my post, which is not what I want at all. This note was written after deciding to move this post to its own topic, so some things in this post may not make perfect sense. I also underlined the final sentence, because I found that this was a good summary of my thoughts.) Why do I feel that at least half of you don't even realize the gravity of the situation? A person has DIED, and yet every time I've visited this topic, hoping it has changed, I still notice a large amount of people saying 'Aw, that's sad, he was a good remixer'... Is that really all you think he was or ever did or was?! An entire life of loves, hates, joys, pains, care and distain has and shall forever be gone from the mortal realm. He had a family, friends, so many people cared for him, yet you only pay homage to his music. You quibble over something like how to pay respects yet don't even start... If you have the means, do so. If you respected and still respect him, then show some respect already, this isn't some school project you are talking about, after all. He wasn't just random collections of text that appeared on a message board every now and than, nor was he just a name that appeared under certain remixes... There was a man who typed all those words, and there was a man who worked hard on those songs you see that name next to, but outside of the text and the music, there was more. Myself, I don't have the means to pay homage to Reuben Kee properly (I don't know him or loved ones, their language, or just what I would say that wouldn't sound too general), nor did I know him before his death, but he was a good man, so I hope, if there, in fact, is a life after death, that his soul has found peace. Please, I know that a lot of you honestly know just what it means to die, and that your post was the best you could think of while knowing this... For those of you that is true for, this post isn't directed at you... But I can't stand the idea of a good man dying, only to be seen for a great talent he had, rather than the great man he was.
Admiral_C Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 I get what you're saying, but a lot of people only knew him through his music. Its natural to use that as a point of reference if its all you got. I don't think it detracts from him as a person at all. This is a musical community and we pay our respects to how he bettered our community. Through his music.
zircon Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 When someone passes away, how we feel is determined by how well we knew them. How we pay our respects, and what we say, is determined the same way. I would wager a guess that nearly everyone here never met R.K. in person. Not only that, but I'd say the vast majority of people here have not even spoken with him - or if they have, not for more than a few sentences. I had the privilege of working with him, albeit briefly, on the FF7 project, but even then, we only spoke about music. We can read his website, read what his personal friends have said about him, read articles that he has been mentioned in, but at the end of the day it would be disingenuous to say these things could replace actual, prolonged interaction - at best, they give us a cursory glance of what his personality and life was like outside of music, but hardly enough to truly know him. Thus the only way most of us can honestly say we knew Reuben was through his music; and that was a substantial part of his life, which a lot of passion went in to. I do not think it is disrespectful for those who appreciated his work and contributions to speak of him in the context of the single thing they knew him through.
anosou Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 As you said, someone DIED. People die every day, in a year thousands of people die but nobody cares. Most of us cared about Reuben's death only because we knew him through his exceptional music and because he shared our interest in VGM arrangements, otherwise we would never had heard of him and probably wouldn't even know a young man died. That's also what most of us will remember with him, his music. And honestly, I think he'd like it that way because that was, after all what he was here for.
The Legendary Zoltan Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 Hey, SomeCrazyGuy, it's been a while since I've seen you. To say that what you're thinking has never crossed my mind would be a lie, but I agree with what the other people said. No need to regurgitate it. It's already been said in 3 different ways. I too have never met the guy but I went ahead a payed my respects as well as I could. If we only mention his music, it doesn't necessarily mean that we only liked him for that. But Like Zircon said first, that's how everybody knew him. So of course, when we're trying to think of how we can pay our respects, or how we can say something good about this guy whom most of us don't know, naturally his music is gonna come up. If anything, the fact that all these people who haven't met him are trying to say something nice about him ought to be thought of as a very good thing. Brings optimism to the world.
DarkeSword Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 (This isn't directed at those of you how fully understand just what has occured, I am not trying to be condescending, but too many posters just don't seem to get it. I chose to post this outside of the regular topic because I fear people would take it the wrong way and flood the topic with arguments against my post, which is not what I want at all. This note was written after deciding to move this post to its own topic, so some things in this post may not make perfect sense. I also underlined the final sentence, because I found that this was a good summary of my thoughts.)Why do I feel that at least half of you don't even realize the gravity of the situation? A person has DIED, and yet every time I've visited this topic, hoping it has changed, I still notice a large amount of people saying 'Aw, that's sad, he was a good remixer'... Is that really all you think he was or ever did or was?! An entire life of loves, hates, joys, pains, care and distain has and shall forever be gone from the mortal realm. He had a family, friends, so many people cared for him, yet you only pay homage to his music. You quibble over something like how to pay respects yet don't even start... If you have the means, do so. If you respected and still respect him, then show some respect already, this isn't some school project you are talking about, after all. He wasn't just random collections of text that appeared on a message board every now and than, nor was he just a name that appeared under certain remixes... There was a man who typed all those words, and there was a man who worked hard on those songs you see that name next to, but outside of the text and the music, there was more. Myself, I don't have the means to pay homage to Reuben Kee properly (I don't know him or loved ones, their language, or just what I would say that wouldn't sound too general), nor did I know him before his death, but he was a good man, so I hope, if there, in fact, is a life after death, that his soul has found peace. Please, I know that a lot of you honestly know just what it means to die, and that your post was the best you could think of while knowing this... For those of you that is true for, this post isn't directed at you... But I can't stand the idea of a good man dying, only to be seen for a great talent he had, rather than the great man he was. I only know Reuben through his music. I never talked to the guy, never really interacted with him. What the hell am I supposed to say? "He was a great guy?" Maybe he was, but without firsthand experience, me saying that is disingenuous. I've heard he was a great guy, so that's all I can say. How is anyone supposed to pay tribute to the other aspects of his life if they know little about it? Honestly SCG, I've noticed that you tend to get indignant and upset on other people's behalf far too much, and tend to express those feelings quite vehemently. You're overreacting and getting angry at people for no real reason. Cut it out.
Liontamer Posted November 28, 2007 Posted November 28, 2007 I get what you're saying, but a lot of people only knew him through his music. Its natural to use that as a point of reference if its all you got. I don't think it detracts from him as a person at all. This is a musical community and we pay our respects to how he bettered our community. Through his music. It was truly over after the first post. SomeCrazyGuy, I'm not sure what else you can reasonably expect without implying that people should be insincere in order to provide the reactions you want.
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