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  • Location
    St. Catherine, Jamaica
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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

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  1. Ok. I decided to listen this before downloading...just to check it out. When I saw the theme, my mind went to Project X's rendition. I started listening...I heard the static. I thought something was up with my headfones/speakers to be honest. Then the progression finally hit me. Way to captivate the audience Dude...I'm quite impressed with this particular mix. Even the ending said something, as I was waiting to hear the rest of the theme being played...in came the static again -laughs- As always,and particularly THIS time around...Kudos to you Mazedude. =--- Keep on WINning.
  2. 'cuddly pyramid head'...
  3. some games should NOT be on the Wii Dead Rising is one of them. still, I won't knock it - who knows? It might be succesful... 0.o
  4. ^.^DOA4 ^.^ *back to the topic*
  5. wow... OCR mixin' it with SF cant wait to listen: should be awesome
  6. Oh man...I missed it... in anycase, hope u had a good one dude! May you live to see many more. p.s - congrats on the engagement [if i never mentioned it b4] 1!
  7. ...sad stuff. my prayers are with u dude.
  8. we can only hope so...
  9. Chrono Trigger for the DS.... MUST...OWN... I'll DEFINATELY buy a DS just for this -reads that link below- hmm....wait wait...I dunno yet
  10. SF4... drools...drools...
  11. thanks much
  12. There was a particular Metroid mix from a while back. Im wondering if: 1. when remixes are no longer existent, are they stored somewhere here on OCR? 2. or are they just discarded? If there's a topic like this already. forgive me. I just wanna know where the remix is...even forgot the name. All I remember is the progression -8-bit intro of samus' entry into brinstar --techno-esqe intro of brinstar theme...and so it goes on. I may be at a loss, but I liked that mix. Hope you guys can help.
  13. This should be interesting. Can't wait =)
  14. Wow... I dunno what to say. I haven't been exposed to much of his work but he was OCR. RIP Kee.
  15. I harmonized with the vocals but thats not the point. i love this track. everything just flows together...so dreamy... *ahem* gud stuff guys
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