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Eino Keskitalo

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  • Real Name
    Eino Keskitalo
  • Location
    Oulu, Finland
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
    Mixing & Mastering
    Recording Facilities
    Synthesis & Sound Design

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  1. Super fun track, sounds pretty darn good! Both of these games are on my bucket list to properly sink my teeth into some beautiful day (I think I own both in at least two separate releases each ...) It's cool to see more representation for OCR for them!
  2. Wonderful playing! I didn't even think about the time signature change at first even though I've sung this melody many times as a lullaby for my kids. It fits well and felt like a fresh approach without me even realizing the rhythm is different. What a fun and sweet arrangement.
  3. I was interested enough with the hubbub to try out some Firefox alternatives, and ocremix.org was the first url I typed in. This is great 100% fucking fun all in all! I do appreciate the discussion.
  4. Ohhhhh, I feel like I missed this one back when it was posted. It's right up my alley when listened to in a vacuum, but having recently played Beneath a Steel Sky, it's a delicious treat!
  5. Alternatively to the reverb, a gap could be masked by some other sound as well. Sometimes the some "harsh digital silence" needs just some subtle noise and it'll feel better. Something I've struggled with in this scenario (reverse cymbal -> crash cymbal) is that it lessens the impact. I don't think I've actually even thought to have a little pause in there! But I've layered some other drums to accent the hit. Bass drum of course often falls in there naturally anyway.
  6. I think I wanna be done now 😅 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v4k1kk3qgbn9hw6k2qcrf/eino_keskitalo_-_ninjan_graali-20250108-rc.mp3?rlkey=9z7vmrdurm3o1u752bh57gtka&st=50rct5h0&dl=0 submitted!
  7. Ah, fun to see a thread on Gameable Audio! I've enjoyed it so far - listened to it only a little bit. I think I stumbled upon the 'cast from somewhere else; I listened to a "grab bag" style episode or two which didn't have a theme if I recall. I have some other episodes earmarked. I might even try and see how rusty my Swedish is with the earlier episodes.. !
  8. Woof, love this ... amazing tension & uneasy release at the end. Wow!
  9. New wip, basically still addressing the frequency hogging bass, and the ending https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/soxh60hm2zupc6hu07ap8/eino_keskitalo_-_ninjan_graali-20250106-wip.mp3?rlkey=lp1dky244qn63esr7n1a78pip&st=74oxwkcy&dl=0 And wow what a difference with bass 😳 kill your darlings, everybody ☝️👴
  10. One more (maybe my favourite) * Olof Gustafsson (Blaizer / The Silents) - https://www.mobygames.com/person/597/olof-gustafsson/
  11. Ahh, such a good pull. The arrangement kicks ass and I appreciate how it doesn't waste any time doing it. It's to the point! Let me be a pedant party pooper and question if the music is eligible for OCR - from https://www.bogozone.net/lyle.html It sounds like the music is not composed specifically for the game and was probably previously released separately? Sorry to bring this up after the ReMixer was already frustrated with the judging process. 😑
  12. Very atmospheric track, contains multitudes successfully; Psamathes versatility showcase, especially love how the lower register brings a LOT to the piece!!
  13. Love this question. Anybody have a list at hand of demoscene musicians who also made game music? That would get us close. Also I imagine if you arrange some Amiga music, you might accidentally be in that zone!
  14. Ahh, this theme is so much fun on the guitar. I really like the approach taken here. Maybe I'm nostalgic for listening to jam session tapes back from my band-playing days ... I can see the thing about the abrupt ending. My brain is working hard to interpret what the ending means musically ... the love this piece describes wasn't built on a solid ground, sways and then it was abandoned soon with a final bittersweet note? 😅 At least it kinda loops nicely if you have it on the loop!
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