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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Christopher Sweeney
  • Location
    Arlington, VA


Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Guitar

Velocifero's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Does anyone have room for two more people? Myself and Pauline (my girlfriend)
  2. Yeah I had no idea that screen existed. I imagine the sound system they have there too is pretty sick.
  3. http://youtu.be/XAKgWwReh6w?t=4m40s
  4. PM'd you Arrowman
  5. Woohoo! Downloaded. Sounds great guys!
  6. x2 this. Very ambient like SoM+
  7. I'm trying to log in with my Facebook account and it's saying "Oh Dear! Something went wrong. We don't have your account on file."
  8. Much appreciated, but I may not need that after all. Finding a room for just me and my girl was a last resort but I actually wanted a room for 4 people. I tried using the official Gaylord hotel website and even tried calling and they are booked, BUT if you use the link in the OP, it appears Magfest reserved a bunch of rooms and has availability. This can't be true as I JUST booked rooms for Jan 2-5 for $135/ night from the link in the OP, which I believe is the Magfest rate.
  9. Does anyone have room availability for me and my girlfriend? We are willing to pay of course and sleep on floors or air mattresses we can bring.
  10. "There's no such thing as bad press."
  11. thanks; I gotta get people to remember me somehow xD

  12. your signature is a fucking laughing stock. omg.

  13. melody is always killer with the percussion. Great track.
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