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Jack Polo

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  1. Serious Monkey Business specifically zykO's "Token Up" which is rather excellent IMO.
  2. Ohhhhhhh this is all making me so excited... WOO!
  3. Hardest boss ever? Definitely Bowser in the first Super Mario Bros... ESPECIALLY if you have a Fire Flower! OMG... soooo impossible. (P.S. kinda joking)
  4. - Beatles stereo remasters box set - iTunes gift cards (approx. $50?) - many, many sweaters. - Wii, which I'm using to write this post, because I'm just that cool - AND a star wars lego set!! yeah, be jealous everybody.
  5. What can I say, I think a nice welcome is always a pleasant thing to find. Merry Christmas to you too, and i hope you enjoy yourself!

  6. Hey there, I happened to be reading the Newbie Introduction thread for no reason, when as I scrolled down the page, I found your reply to my little intro spiel thing. You may not remember it but I thought it was pretty cool nonetheless. 8-) Anyway, I figured I'd reply so as to not come off as seeming unfriendly or etc, might be a little late for that but oh well. :-P

    Also, thanks to you good sir, I picked up my free EastWest Symphonic Orchestra, much thanks!

    And on an unrelated note: Merry Christmas!

  7. This mix always succeeds in making me feel awkward... It's a little weird, I don't think I ever would have thought about the happy, bouncy World 1 Map theme as porn groove... now every time I play SMB3, first thing that comes to mind in World 1 is... yup. Need I say more? Lewdness aside, however, the music actually sounds quite nice, it's almost a shame that this mix is so short; it makes me wanna hear what this would sound like if it were longer and not as sexually explicit.
  8. A really relaxing, lounge-y feeling piece. Mustin does a great job on all the instruments he plays here; production sounds really warm, it feels like Mustin's right there (with a backing band of other Mustins, o'course) serenading you on a beach (or similar seaside locale). ... sweeeet.
  9. Hey man, I'm glad to hear I've left an impact on you, even if that impact comes in the same form as, say, an annoying television ad that's always on no matter what channel you're watching :tomatoface:

    But seriously, I appreciate the congratulations. I had loads of fun doing it and I became a lot more familiar with some of the other people partaking in the festivities that I wouldn't even recognize otherwise (yourself included!)

    As for the track I've requested from OA, I'm keeping it a secret for reasons that will hopefully become apparent within the next month, if all goes as planned ;-) Stay tuned!

  10. Hey man, just thought I'd congratulate you on your 200 reviews! I must say, you've pretty much become a part of my daily OCR experience these past few weeks: on virtually every ReMix page I explore, I see your name at the top of the reviewing thread... wherever I go, I can't escape from the Emunator! AAHH! :-P

    But seriously, congratulations once again, 200 is definitely no easy task! Looking forward to seeing what your selection is for OA to ReMix. 8)

  11. Just like the original Hot-Head Bop, this piece is very heavily reliant on atmosphere. I agree with OA that this could benefit from a nice fleshing out in the middle sections, but as is, the sort of minimalist sound it has going works for it. I especially like the atmospheric sections at the beginning and end, they really add a lot to this track (the ending especially ). Really nice and fleshy-sounding compared to the rest of the piece.
  12. This Mix has really grown on me. I wasn't a big fan when I first heard it, but yeah, I definitely appreciate it more after a few listens. I really like the alternation between the darker, experimental sounding sections, and the upbeat, saxy section. It really makes the Rainbow Road theme shine like it should. A very interesting atmosphere in this piece throughout, and it works.
  13. Hmm. While it does sound nice, I think the arrangement is a little too similar-sounding to the original for my liking. Also, I don't think it was Hawaiian enough for me. I agree with DragonAvenger; having the mallets play the lead melody would have rendered it a lot more "Hawaiian" sounding. Maybe could have benefited also from some steel drums, ukulele, etc? As is, it's still a nice interpretation of a fun source
  14. At the time that I downloaded this, I had kind of forgotten how the Outset Island theme went. I knew it was great, but I just couldn't quite remember how it went exactly. Needless to say, I was really happy at 1:01, when the lead melody came in for the first time; it all came rushing back to me You've done a really great job with this song. So great, in fact, that it is a contender for my personal "Best of 2009" playlist which is, of course, the highest honour anyone's music can be bestowed with, as we all know.
  15. Ahhhh... I can see myself now, creeping around the facility, silenced PP7 in my right hand (my arm aching from holding the gun directly in front of me at ALL times)... goooood memories. Nostalgia aside, Mr. Peeples' aptly titled Hacker Mix perfectly conveys the tension of stealthing around the facility. It's been said before, but the all the dial-up/hacking in etc sound effects, followed by the alarm sounding: genius.
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