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  1. Well, so I come back to somewhat replenish my collection (lots got deleted by accident). I decided to just stick with the Wingless to give the bandwith a break.. 'sides, I always liked his remixes since I discovered them. And what do I see? A new one. What can I say. I find it difficult to find the Stormwind theme, but heck.. do I care? This is a remix full of changes yet with a theme that holds it together.. like all of The Wingless' remixes. And it has this depth that makes me think it may be as deep as Zebesian Midnight (another favourite of mine) which allows for different interpretations during the times I'll listen to it. So, thanks for this new remix!
  2. The white noise some mention I guess is the wave sound.. although it sounds more like the plastic bags used to make the sound. It's too much in the foreround.. I'd prefer a softer, less pervasive and if possible more realistic wave sound, mostly noticeable in the end and beginning. It sounds like heavy waves crashing hard. Just change that and it'll be perfect. Very good.
  3. What can I say? It's on my remix playlist. Very, very, very good. Kudos to Vigilante.
  4. I really like the first and last part.. and the on the whole it sounds nice, but the middle is a little too chaotic for me. The drums could've been a little more subtle, too, but the guitar is great. A relisten made me think a bit more highly of the middle, but that's it.
  5. Ah.. not my favourite. It starts abrupt, the drums don't.. really work.. the effort is there and it is not bad to listen to, but it just doesn't come together. Doesn't really sound inspired.. but that's what my ears say.
  6. I like. Especially the first three minutes. What follows is good, but.. Ah heck.. good enough to make this a very good song overall.
  7. Pff.. I like it a lot. Definitely an excellent song, just not my cup of tea. I like his 'Secret of Mana' remix more.
  8. Oh, but I love this song. Again I do not know the original, but I cannot but express my liking of this song.
  9. It's not my thing.. I don't really like the voice (could need some polishing in my opinion) and I'd like a bit more refinement in the guitars. But then again, don't mind me.
  10. Ah.. but I am not able to find it here on this site. Was it removed in one of the 'purges'? Or do you mean 'Xenogears - SoftWindsCry'?
  11. I don't know.. I don't really like this one. The beginning already really puts me off.. and the song never comes to grip me. It sounds.. flat. The piano does some good (I love pianos), and some others are okay as well (the chimes/xylo, for example) but still.. I don't know. Not for me.
  12. I like this song. As usual I do not know the original. I do like the flute.. but then, I like atmospheric music and it does fit in.. it isn't really 'jagged' or 'cut' anywhere. *shrugs* Just like it a lot. -edit- Just wanted to say it made me think a bit of the Legend of Kyrandia (a Mac/PC game for you consolers ). And that I don't mind repeating myself saying how I like this remix.
  13. Nice remix.. I dislike the abrupt ending, though. Well done!
  14. What, pray tell, is professional music? Good music or music which can be sold (I am pointing at the fact that the word professional indicates that professional music is music made by someone who makes money with it.. as a profession)? Now I am aware that 'good music' is a highly subjective matter, but it definitely need not be the same as music which is sold (the more the better). I find the term good music, however ambiguous, preferable when attempting to discern the quality of music. If, for example, I like a song I made, however crude or simple it may be, I value it above the loads of professional music which I do not like. I think that what you mean is that because of the association people have with the game they make the link between the remix and the game and therefore can 'see' more in it. Is this so bad a thing? No. Does it change a person's tastes? No. I think that the emotive association, while perhaps intense, does not somehow befuddle the listener. Perhaps someone may like such a piece a little better compared to similar pieces of music but one can also argue that because of the association with the game a person is more keen (critical) on the atmosphere of the game/the music. Personally, I like this remix a lot. I haven't played FF6, I do know Terra in Black and I think I prefer this remix. I also listened to the original and I found it to be much less touching than the remix.
  15. Aye this is a nice remix. Funny, I like 'mod' type music whereas in non digital music I favour rock and classical music. I love the effects, and the way they somehow fit. Yeah.. this is a nice remix. The tune of the forest was just the coolest in the game, and as this is a remix I won't take that into account. Great job!
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