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  1. You've earned some rest mate. You lead the charge in building an amazing project at the bleeding edge of the internet frontier. This place was a huge cultural force during those wild west years! Enjoy your family time and can't wait to hear a Lunar remix or two from the Pretzel Family.
  2. Crystalis! I remember because I thought I was the only person who ever owned that game until I found OCR and he had it in his signature
  3. real ones remember spram's favorite game
  4. 1. Midna 2. Boo 3. Felicia
  5. I'm sad I didn't realize this thread existed here. I've got some reading to catch up on.
  6. That was great lol
  7. lol my birthdays on the 29th XD

  8. I got a hold of a leaked copy of the new Deftones album coming out around the end of May, and I've been listening to it religiously. It's pretty good stuff.
  9. Caption contest is yours

  10. I've had plenty of these moments. The one that made me the angriest was my Excalibur 2 run for FF9. Got the sword and went to save it so I could finally go to sleep. The game froze while saving and corrupted the data. Only got to use the damn sword like twice.
  11. You may remember me better as Jungle Boy back in the days of the Hi! thread. Or not
  12. They're all coming outta the woodwork this week!
  13. It doesn't hurt that you have one hell of a creative streak, Coop:-P I'm pretty sure if I had an idea that would take a thousand pages, I could fill those pages easily. I've never been one to be daunted by the scale of what I'm working on, I always get frustrated over the quality of what I'm writing. Idk I've had an idea for a story or novel I'd like to write, dealing with the TVA flooding valleys (think Deliverance and O Brother, Where Art Thou for reference) and someone using that to conceal an atrocity they committed. There were going to be supernatural elements to it, but nothing too overboard to keep the sense of realism intact. Problem with me is that I pull my creativity from the events in my life. And right now, my life is pretty good, yet uneventful. But when you're done with what you're writing, I'll definitely be wanting to get a hold of it
  14. I hear you on that one. I haven't written anything in quite a while, even longer for anything worthwhile. Just don't see the point of it, and that makes for big lack of inspiration.
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