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    Aiedo, Motavia, Algol Star System

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  1. Mcvaffe out here doing the work of the angels covering the stuff that needs more love. The entire Tides of Time soundtrack is heavily atmospheric, frequently unsettling, and always alien, really giving you the impression of an earth that's not our earth even when you aren't traveling to a Roger Dean inspired good future or an HR Giger inspired bad one. There's a lot of ways to mix this music and have it still be itself but in very different ways. This mix makes me feel like sensory overload is happening, lights and motion and sounds from every direction, much like Ecco must feel when he's going through those time tunnels.
  2. I'm not sure I'd called it Trance, personally, but nevertheless I've always really liked the vibe of this one. Sort of like all of the sounds have been run through some kind of scrambling filter to make them seem washed out, except it really, really works and sounds great in execution. Lot of creative, unique sound to this, one of DJpretzel's better early works. I don't agree with the earlier comments that say this is good background noise, I feel like I'm compelled to pay attention to it when it's playing.
  3. This is happy music. It makes me happy. Arrangement-wise I don't think it's actually all that different from the c64 original, but it feels more fleshed-out. Like we're going from 8-bit c64 to an amiga cracktro from some warez group that's full of dumb kids but somehow snatched up some amazing demoscene musician who should rightly be out of their league. Arkanoid 16-bit glow-up. Sometimes that's all you need.
  4. The same musician who made Ecco Dorsal Dub made this? Really? I really do not like this mix. It feels unfinished, like it's a first draft of ideas before the ideas had been actually implemented. The instruments sound strange, effects are... I don't have the language. Other reviews from many years ago called it 'raw', I think that's the correct term. It just sounds grating and unpleasant to the ear, the whole way through. That's a shame because Rolling Thunder is not exactly a VGM darling and if it deserves a chance to shine it should get that chance. Wasn't one of the games I grew up playing, so I really don't know! Resub this to the workshop, I bet modern-day djpretzel could do it a lot better.
  5. I've been listening to ocremix for most of my adult life and tonight is the first time I listened to remix #04. It is _very_ goofy. It is also _very_ early 00's. Those drums just scream the era out loud. The style is very different from what djpretzel was doing at the start. I could see this being played at a dance party at Magfest or something, it holds up well, especially that over-the-top scare chord warble. Seems like Instant Remedy did a very early VGM arrangement album, from what I can tell from song info? Interesting. Tried to find out more but "Instant Remedy" doesn't really get associated with commodore music by the search engines.
  6. This is absolutely the first really good mix posted to the site. I played this over and over back in the day. It absolutely could have appeared in-game. Those sonar pings are really the icing on the cake. Took me many years before I noticed the sort of hard stop on the drum loop, like they don't actually loop and are instead just stopping and starting over. Makes for a great effect. Never listened to any DJ Shadow myself, so I can't compare it to that stylistically. Only ever seen DJ shadow mentioned twice that I know of, the description for this mix and an aside comment by Fred on one of the megatokyo rants around the same time I first started getting into OC remixes. Weird the sort of oddball meaningless things that form memories.
  7. Starts poorly, gets better fast, ends well. Love those old-fashioned drum machine loops, love the wah,love the robovoice, love the dirty dirty synths. 2:30 and for a while therafter reminds me a lot of Jonathan Dunn's soundtrack on jurassic park SNES. Combining two great but radically different musicians' styles works out well. Streets of Rage seems to have been really popular back in the early internet days. Me, I never much cared for basic beat-em-ups; I had TMNT 2 and 3 on the NES and that was enough. Shamefully long time it took, appreciating what koshiro was doing with his compositions. I think it was Hardcore Gaming 101's Ys articles that opened my eyes there. Heard Ys, went back to listen to everything else Koshiro did.
  8. Another one where the youtube link is broken. My biggest issue with this one has always been the complete lack of an ending. It just sort of stops. There's something about the sound samples in here. I don't know what it is, but they're immediately recognizable. I feel like I've heard those same samples many times in the past. On old VGmix mixes maybe? VGMix is long gone and the vgmix archive is woefully incomplete and has been abandoned for over a decade now, hard to go back and compare. I assume that whatever software this was written on back in 1999 was very common, maybe a free program. Or maybe the sample library was free. I have no idea. The style absolutely fits Space Harrier and makes me smile at the happy vibes, so it hits what it's supposed to.
  9. I'm not hearing the xmas. What I hear is sort of a goofy kid's TV show tune, which I suppose is fitting for the source material? Maybe early 90's jpop vibes, like a fan remake of the Dual! theme I might randomly download off kazaa lite back in ye olden dayes.
  10. Gotta fix that youtube link there, webmaster. Somehow I've never actually listened to OCREMIX #1 until today even though I've been listening to this music for my entire adult life. It really holds up. Very funky slap bassy. That flute sound is artificial in a way that reminds me of listening to MIDI pieces on my old packard bell win95 machine. I mean that in a good way.
  11. PS3 was only a decade old when this remix was posted. The remix is more than twice as old now as the actual game was when it was posted.
  12. This mix more than any other on the site is a time capsule of a specific time, place, and culture. It's infamous not for the actual music, which is fine, but because to this day I am still encountering people who think System of a Down did a Zelda cover at some point, all because this music was labelled that way and spread around on Napster and Kazaa. This is a living artifact of a bygone world. This site has been around a really, really long time.
  13. Happy to see this game finally get some respect, and it's an excellent piece. The opening in particular is good stuff. The bells around 0:54 are very early OC remix in the best possible way. There's a phantasy star 2 mix on this site that did something similar. Also happy to see that I'm not the only person who remembers Spencer Nilsen.
  14. This piece of electro-zazz could be something from the first couple years of OCremix. I mean that in the best possible way.
  15. Undertale/Deltarune remind me why I play video games. This mix reminds me of why I still check in on OCRemix.
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