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  • Real Name
    Joshu Skowronek

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. Strong Blue rendition! Hey funny synchronicity; In track #10 from by track dump, i think i used the same "CMON" Sample, and it's a Genny track as well - funny!
  2. Dude! Great Feedback! I'm Happy you Like #2 (NPI), because i think it's the strongest of the brunch. Very simple composition, but i Simply havent Heard It B4. #7 i started same day as #6, and wrote a bit Fürther next day. A sorta 3 synths + Drums challenge Thing. Never played cave Story For more than One hour, but your "outer Wall" comment Sounds so mysteriös, i feel Like there's some serious MV quality i missed. Eh, mby this year! I honestly think Out of These 10 Trax #4 belonx in EB! I think the beautiful Thing you say about #10, like the warm coat, that's partly this wonderful MKII EP that i can't play over Here becaus CPU will Just die. New plugin. But the rest Is a beatsliced drumloop and a sega Genesis emu. Hm, i could actually run this here. I could do One single instance of a CPU chewing plug and do the rest lofi. But i tend to not do that 'cause when i set up a system, i try to give It the Instruments It can run easily. It's a bit OCD... You see i'm kinda techy minded RN. FL setup on new PC Is Always techy work!
  3. So cool, Shadow; i vaguely Remembered the same After my Last Post. And wasn't sure If i fantasized that! I think i First played Sonic 2 at my cousin's Place at mby Age 6, on her MS, and then properly played It on my GG Age 7. My dad was Always fascinated by new gizmos and that`s why i could enjoy that colorful, battery sucking gameboy. Yeah i mean the GG version. It was so cool, Like a "drop the bass" Moment in a club i Guess. Even though it's Not the greatest piece looked at in isolation, It fit the game 1000000% Give It a spin on emu It you havent! DJ M: sure!! Show me!
  4. You got It! Exactly. There's such good Plugin stuff from 15 years back, Just gotta make them Shine. And Samples don't rly age...Just gotta use the good soundfonts and, again, Mix em Till they sparkl ;) The Brass Is WIVI and that's really cool Age old physical modelling actually. Runs fine on any netbook today. You gotta do lots of velocity and modwheel microsequencing, but then It Sounds good and different. Glad you Like!
  5. Hey, i'm listening on my crappier €100 speakers again (80-2k Hz). It Sounds good! Good Sign. I Like the intro noise. Maybe a Harder crescendo and a sudden cutoff when the 4 hit would give It more Energy, but idk B4 i Hear It. U Happy with the length? I do feel this could easily be a ~4 min piece, and If you Go the extra Mile/minute with It, work on some Crazy extension whatever It Is...you might Cook up some truly EPIC cheeze. It could be a restructuring with 1 or 2 calmer parts in between mby, or a simple extension If you find a fitting One. It's good as It Is, but maybe you should Double down on this one and make It AWESOME. It's Wörth It!
  6. Thanks! Yeah a bit of funk. It needs a lot moar :) As i Said i couldnt get shit done in my old Place. But enough to remind myself that dark world could be a killer funk piece. Actually tried For an orchestral/funk hybrid 10 years ago...i think i even posted It Here. JEez, 2014 Is a decade ago! Inconceivable!
  7. I am Happy i went full hippie. Else i wouldn't have gotten a decent PPR response. From good old Pretz. I'm on cell, i'll respond over the week. Ftr i love Rogan, lol. But i think he's weak on that One. Starstruck by the Billions. You sound Like Elon, Pretz. I can See where you're coming from i think. Hm. I'll wait until i have a good response. And a keyboard Cu <3
  8. just to go full hippie: i dearly hope we grow enough as a species to find these fangled new things boring soon enough and deepen our spiritual bond in a sense that we know doing it ourselves is infinitely superior. as far as personal development. i honestly despise good ol' JRE for jumping on the "hey, can't be avoided" bandwagon (because musk is his buddy/influencer/handler?) just think how many kids will never pick up a pencil because stabul diffushun can do it betta. (not that it necessarily can but it sure will seem like it to any 10 yr old trying for realism.) i think we all need to wake up a bit to accurately portray to non-artists why this whole AI thing is so bad for the arts. or at least, potentially bad. like, i include myself. i don't wanna do a moralistic sermon. i just *feel* how bad this development is but i wanna do some deep thinking to be able to better express why i feel so very bad about this. "hey, can't be avoided someone's gonna build it anyway" is just so cheap and binary. yes they will. but everyone's philosophical stance and how they express it WILL determine how dominant these tools will become in everyday human expression. and how deeply the users will reflect on the usage. ideally, A.I. should be developed, if at all, in a peaceful period where the whole world can come together and do public philosophy over pandora's box. why, do you think, is the diametrical opposite the case? HM.
  9. hope it don't offend no one ;) sf1_122722_6trak.mp3 1130kopop1.1.mp3 protX.mp3 1128.mp3 sf2_mezzel_1228.mp3 brab1.mp3 epep1.mp3 sure!_2.mp3 yogo.mp3 fasuch.mp3 i picked 10 tunes from the trashpile that's accumulated over the last year. some are a year old, some a week. i find these fun or funny. couldn't finish shit but hey it's *something*. ohey track 6 is finished kinda. i did that one week ago as a daily challenge thing. my soundcloud is nearly full so ty djp for da bandwidth!
  10. so i've been back to northern italy for 3 weeks, and these two bits are about as much as i've been able to cook up here regarding remixes. (feeling pretty lethargic here lol) darkworld1.mp3 smwjank1.mp3 it's not so much, but i did finally incorporate my hardware synths into something. i've had these for years and never used em much. a behringer deep mind 6, microfreak and behringer WASP. all three in use in the zelda bit, only the DM6 in the SMW credits theme. hey i know it's not much. but maybe someone digs the kondage. tomorrow i'll be off to berlin, and chill there a few months. my 2nd netbook is waiting there, and i hope to get some more musicking done (more than here anyway) so i'll have like an axis of evil of studios. southern italy/northern italy/berlin. sounds about right. the CPU power is in the south, the hardware stuff is in the center, and...i'll see what the berlin studio is gonna be. probably only 15 year old plugins and shabby soundfontz!! stay tuned lol
  11. https://www.xlnaudio.com/ the demo of addictive keys is 4 octaves of the grand piano; i don't have it installed but i think most of your arrangement would fit into the 4 provided octaves. maybe not the lowest notes later on. but their keys sound great, i picked up the upright piano for free with something ages ago. you just gotta download their online installer thingy and get the grand demo. find a good patch in there and tinker with the velocities a bit to get rid of unwanted mechanical sounding repetitions. just one idea. there's lotsa better free pianos out there as well, kontakt stock is iffy for piano i think. not using NI stuff anymore, but i think the grand included with the orchestral stuff was a bit better.
  12. hey, that's a bunch of very sudden great feedback all at once! ha. this one is gonna be a lotta work for me to get it as good as can be. unless i get a stronger laptop over here, i'll have to finish it next winter because i started it on that pc in southern italy where i've been for jan-may. i have the project file here in case i wanna get another good studio pc. the ample sound guitars and waves keyboards and stuff are just crushing my crappy netbook. i *might* try a rework with 10-15 year old vsts. but probly just do new mixes with them in the meantimes. it's a great tune right dj mokram? i really think that for some reason it's not ez to arrange with modern instruments at all...like it was written to perfectly fit the PSG chip. i think Boss Battle is a far fourth or fifth looking at the whole soundtrack, BUT when Boss Battle first hits after underground, i agree that it's totally badass. the experience of first playing Sonic 2 on GG/MS as a young one is something to behold! that little nasty crab thing down the ravine on the right with bouncing cannon balls incoming from the left, and no rings in the stage for safety....fucking horror show for a kid!! maybe one could do a medley of the first 10 minutes of play of sonic 2 that culminates in the boss battle. incorporating the stage intro and stage won jingles. i think there's too few remixes that directly incorporate the real time experience of intense gameplay sequences! and sonic 2 was really intense. stage 2 is very unique as well...very chill vibes for sonic. the music as well as the hang glider prop. that damn hang glider took everyone a lotta tries i think. totally untypical for sonic as well, but it worked! and that's sonic 2 for GG/MS kinda...very untypical, sort of the most interesting sonic game. ymmv.
  13. Invest into a AAA piano library! And see what you can do with It. This can be good 4 free but mby you are Better off getting One pristine piano.
  14. Yeah i dunno italo disco well, my recipe would be "octave basslines all the way, and molto formaggio!" But i love taking Something cheeezy and making It work on another Level. Hey, maybe we can collab on Something this year. If you're Game. I use FL as well, and am mostly working on crappy netbooks. So we could get Something going with harmless or a synth Like that.
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