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  1. sad
  2. i had to look 3 times to process the initial post date
  3. worked from home for a while now im back in my office, i dont really wanna be there though, florida is doing real bad now
  4. there is no arcade
  5. thank goodness for steam refunds
  6. its not a star wars game
  7. drag the sound effect onto mario
  8. i speedrun http://twitch.tv/atmuh
  9. you mean kaizo and the game does need any more automatic levels, mario doesnt need cutscenes and the thing is kaizo levels were not bad but the way people try to emulate them is kaizo levels were for the most part very challenging but fair levels that focused around a concept and got progressively more difficult, which was able to happen because it was a progression of levels not just one people just skip the progression and put the stupid stuff in their level so the player will have no idea what to expect but in the actual kaizo game because of the progression, would
  10. i almost beat skyzo and after that im gonna try to beat all his levels, probably with the exception of p-break edit beat skyzo
  11. relax man i was just giving a bit of advice anyways, someone submitted this level on my stream yesterday and it was probably the greatest level ive seen yet Middle Earth: The Ring's Journey FBC4-0000-0034-2BF2
  12. if you have to message the creator of a level for help it's probably not the best level
  13. letting people submit levels in twitch chat has been a neat and fun way to actually get people watching my stream
  14. if you can believe it he actually has slept through almost every night since 2 weeks
  15. I have a 3 month old baby
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