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Donkey Kong Country 3: Double the Trouble! - History

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Also FFFFUUUU. Draconiator/Flexstyle, I'm going to have to come up with a new title for one of my Seasons mixes. Or you guys could change your track to Just Regular Frost.

It's the lemon who saved Christmas! :-D Love your WIP man, you tore it up so far! This is the kind of work ethic I like to see.


<3 u


I am SO PUMPED for this album, you all have no idea. LOVE, love, love the DKC2 remix album, so I am eagerly awaiting great things from you guys!

Keep up the great and musical work!


So wait, just so I'm sure, are you dropping the song from the bonus disc entirely or do you just want your revised version to be OCR-exclusive?

So, Level 99 is finished with his track!! Didn't know Level 99 was doing a remix? Well, he is... as of last Friday. This is definitely one of the fastest claim-to-completion streaks so far on the project. He threw together a wonderfully quaint acoustic mix of Treetop Tumble with a bunch of classic DKC themes mixed in there that'll inject a healthy dose of nostalgia into the project. Stellar work bud :-D

I changed my mind about the CD part.

I want this to be a solo mix on the website.

You know you could do both. You could have it release early on the site, and still reserve a spot for it on the bonus disc. Or if it passes maybe emu would put it on a main disc, who the F knows. That's how it should happen though. :-PJust saiyan

So, Level 99 is finished with his track!! Didn't know Level 99 was doing a remix? Well, he is... as of last Friday. This is definitely one of the fastest claim-to-completion streaks so far on the project. He threw together a wonderfully quaint acoustic mix of Treetop Tumble with a bunch of classic DKC themes mixed in there that'll inject a healthy dose of nostalgia into the project. Stellar work bud :D

Err, wow! Nice work Steve! I bet it's awesome. :-P

So wait, just so I'm sure, are you dropping the song from the bonus disc entirely or do you just want your revised version to be OCR-exclusive?

Revised version OCR-exclusive. The other version stays on the CD, but rename that one to "Rocket Rave Lite", because that will be kinda what it is, heh.


So yep, if you look in the first post, you'll notice that Me and Flexstyle are done ours!

I hope you like it once the CD comes out. I know I loved making the initial version, when Emunator basically asked if I would re-make one of my originals into a DKC3 mix. Did that, and when Flex came on, it turned into all sorts of awesome. :mrgreen:


Merry Christmas everyone! (Well... sort of. We're a little late on the delivery here but things didn't quite happen as we hoped they would.) We've got some nice little previews here for you, including 2 pieces of promotional artwork by myself, Cody, and TheMaverickk, 5 lightly animated promotional signatures for your personal use, and a quick little audio preview showing 4 tracks that you guys have never heard before. It's not quite as much audio content as we wanted to debut, but that's how things go. We hope you all enjoy what we've got to offer!

Here goes:

Remixes by Draconiator/Flexstyle, Blue Magic, Zyko, and Malcos


Custom Sprite Art - Myself and Cody (my edits are on the left, his on the right. Consider this a very small teaser of what will be released with the final project ;-) That's all I'm saying there...)


Custom holiday art by TheMaverickk

5 Animated Promotional Sigs

Happy holidays everyone, hope you all enjoy!!


So I've been thinking wich source is the most awaited in DKC3? You Know like in KiC it was Aquatic Ambience and in SMB was Stickerbrush symphony.


Ergosonic... man, I swear, this guy should have been the one composing Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's been a long time coming but I've finally gotten a WIP from him for Rockface Rumble SNES and I swear it NAILS the OST's mood/sound but does a way better job with it. This song's definitely going to be one of the album highlights. Song's not done yet but I just had to hype it up because it's really that good.

As for the rest of you... I've gotten a WIP from Rozovian and... that's it. Come on guys, I've set the deadline so soon because if we don't wrap this project up soon, I've recently learned that there won't be many (or any) open slots for release until very late in the year... there's no need to delay the project, so as long as everyone puts their best foot forward and works towards meeting the final deadline, we can have a timely release without making everyone sit on their finished tracks for half a year. I'll do everything in my power to make that happen, as will Cody, Flexstyle, and TheMaverickk. But we can't do it without every remixer getting done what needs to get done :-)

So please, for the sake of everyone out there who wants to hear the music, let's make this happen and get it done on time!


Some exciting things happening on all fronts right now...

First off, Ergosonic's Rockface Rumble remix is DOOOOOONNNNEE!! It's definitely going to be a first-day mixpost, I can already tell that much... For someone who's only published 4 or 5 remixes in his time, Ergo's come up with something that's absolutely blown away my expectations for the track, and will surely do the same for you. This is one to get hyped about! :-D

In other news, we've lost McVaffe for the time being, who's having computer troubles... however, we've had the amazingly talented Doc Nano, big-name mixer prophetik and the ever-lovable Rozovian come on board with some new WIPs that are just fantastic. Expect great things from the both of them.

Lastly, ARTWORK! I've showed this to a lot of you guys already, but for those who haven't seen it yet, we've finally got artwork done by TheMaverickk and we'll be posting a preview in the next few days with any luck :-) At the risk of sounding smug, I feel confident that this will be one of the best looking projects, from an artwork standpoint, that OCR has ever seen. More to come soon!

LOVE YOU GUYS who've been working away at your songs. Let's see more of that soon!

...we've had the amazingly talented Doc Nano, big-name mixer prophetik and the ever-lovable Rozovian come on board with some new WIPs that are just fantastic. Expect great things from the both of them.

Great things from _both_ of them?

Wait, lemme guess which two... amazingly talented... big-name... "ever-lovable"!?

Thanks a lot.


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