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I remember this fondly from the recent Pokemon album. True, it may sound a little dated in comparison to other tracks I've noted from WillRock, but it still has its atmospheric charm towards it, capturing the feel the source tune portrayed while also interpreting the source tune well. It also managed to stand the test of time quite well in comparison to his other tracks posted this year, which stands as a testament to the draw the track has arrangement-wise.

It does to me feel somewhat quieter than his works, which won't be a bad thing at all; though, I also remember when in discussion of humanisation he brought up this as an example of his struggles with humanising flutes, and this is where I can practically feel for this issue here. :cry: Thankfully the synth/rhodes work really lift this up and push the flutes further into the background and not be too much of a distractant.

All in all, definitely a different direction taken and I'm glad to see Will's nature as a versatile artist. Keep up the solid progress, and it was fun seeing you earlier today too :D

  • 2 weeks later...

I've always loved the Azalea Town song and to hear it given a ReMix like this brings a smile to my face. It really holds onto the feeling of the original, chill and peaceful, but with a nice upbeat arrangement. It's a good tune to relax to, Pretty cool to hear WillRock change it up a bit and still deliver immensely. Really well done.


This is my pokemon face when i listen to this song ---> 8-)

I feel like I am sitting on a patio with some shades on watching all the kids wander around aimlessly in some tall grass, battlin with teh pokeymans.

Anyways, 2:20 was awesome, the delicate touch on all the synths really made this one for me. Good stuff, sir Rock!

  • 2 weeks later...

I loved Azalea town. This does it justice. Very mellow.

I love the lead throughout this. Nostalgia literally grabs me around the throat and takes my breath away.

The flute(?) is a big departure from all the stuff you've previously done Willrock.

But I've got to say, it makes the nostalgia all the more heavy.

I put this song on repeat for fun. Cause you can't EVER have enough mixes that give you nostalgia.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR02267 - Pokémon Gold Version "Slowpoke Shuffle"

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