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  • 3 weeks later...

The opening and ending background reminds me of The Extreme from FF8.

The Primey synth first four notes remind me of Chrono Trigger theme.

The remix reminds me of Skytown and Prime 3 opening theme.

Ok, fine, enough with my obvious observations.

(3rd line is sarcastic in nature, obviously.)

Overall, if I don't think about other ways to remix this diverse theme, and just listen, it's solid and great. Can't think of anything else (maybe some more volume dynamics). I wouldn't mind looping this for awhile. It seems like you like remixing the best themes. Great philosophy! :]

This is great stuff. I wish we could get some more Prime remixes.

indeed...I wish we didn't just whore off all the games that people seem to keep on wanting to hear remixed. We need a lot of more stuff like Mortal Kombat, Terranigma, Metroid Prime 1-3, Smash TV, Undying, Monkey Island, Tiberium Sun, Devil May Cry, fuck the list could go on for ages ;-)

Point I'm trying to get across is we need to broaden our tastes here people, gawd!!

indeed...I wish we didn't just whore off all the games that people seem to keep on wanting to hear remixed. We need a lot of more stuff like Mortal Kombat, Terranigma, Metroid Prime 1-3, Smash TV, Undying, Monkey Island, Tiberium Sun, Devil May Cry, fuck the list could go on for ages ;-)

Point I'm trying to get across is we need to broaden our tastes here people, gawd!!

Why are you talking about this in my release thread? Go post in ReQuests or something. :whatevaa:

  • 2 weeks later...
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