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Hello OCR! The presently unofficial Legend of Dragoon Remix Project is looking for more remixers.

There's plenty of time to pick and choose tracks, and we won't be pressuring people until we can finally set down some due dates. We're aiming for a minimum of 15-20 tracks, as the track list is rather huge, at around a grand total of 50 tracks.

The only thing that we expect from you, as a remixer, is a positive attitude and the drive to do the best you can, and we'll do just fine :D

Contact me or Brandon Strader if you're interested in joining up.


claimed track





1. If You Still Believe

2. Battle 2 (HoboKa)

3. Battle 1 (Neblixsaber)

4. Boss battle 1

5. Boss Battle 2

6. Boss 3

7. Hellena Prison

8. Village of Tragedy

9. Grassy Plain(Brandon Strader)

10. World Map 1

11. World Map 2

12. Peace Between Hills

13. Dart's Theme(Brandon Strader)

14. Sorrow

15. Crystal Palace

16. Ruined Celes

17. Remeniscence (HoboKa)

18. Silver Land

19. Emperor Doel's Death/Requiem

20. Title Screen Music

21. Twilight of Rose

22. Royal Castle

23. Forbidden Land (Radiowar)


Shirley's Shrine

Black Castle/Velweb

Meru's Theme

Enemy Attack

Lloyd's Theme

Queen Fury

Holy City

World map 3

World map 4

Death Frontier

Frontier Village


A Dragoon Killed in Action

Long, Long Ago

Uneasy State

Riding on a Positive Note (Dabas' theme)

Hokes Village

--Youtube Sourcetunes--

1. If You Still Believe

2. Battle 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VpWNeSaJr8

3. Battle 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6A45-i4xxM

4. Boss Battle 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_GTxb85Ctc

5. Boss Battle 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef9SbktYNY0

6. Boss Battle 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hueiNU7P20M

7. Hellena Prison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBOU0E9cy8E

8. Village of Tragedy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6ZV5Sdw9jQ

9. Grassy Plain

10. World Map 1

11. World Map 2

12. Peace Between Hills

13. Dart's Theme

14. Sorrow

15. Crystal Palace

16. Ruined Celes

17. Raminiscience

18. Silver Land

19. Emperor Doel's Death/Requiem

20. Title Screen Music

21. Twilight of Rose

22. Royal Castle

23. Forbidden Land


Don't forget about Queen Fury! Youtube:

There are a lot of tracks that didn't make the ost, a typical product of trying to cram everything onto one disk. They're on the psf though: http://www.zophar.net/music/psf/legend-of-dragoon.html [side note: the psf is missing tracks 1, 3, 32, and 50 from the ost]. Some of the notable ones are (with arbitrary psf numbering):

901: Main Menu

911: Shirley Shrine - Fort Magrad

922: Long, Long Ago

923: Black Castle - Vellweb

925: Valley Of Corrupted Gravity - Gigantos

926: Wingly City

930: Queen Fury

That's a somewhat arbitrary selection, since there are other tracks that were BGMs or played at significant events. I think tracks 916, 917, 924, 927, 929, 931, 935, 936, and 937 all qualify, and even then I'm probably missing some. Bottom line: it's worth checking out what didn't make the ost.

The soundtrack is also uploaded to youtube. The videos feature several tracks apiece, but lengths are given for each track so it's not too difficult to skip to the one you want to hear. Quality is 480p.


I'm not as big into this game/soundtrack as a lot of other people seem to be, but there are several really good tracks here. So it would be great to see folks capitalize on this and make this album happen. Best of luck!

Don't forget about Queen Fury! Youtube:

There are a lot of tracks that didn't make the ost, a typical product of trying to cram everything onto one disk. They're on the psf though: http://www.zophar.net/music/psf/legend-of-dragoon.html [side note: the psf is missing tracks 1, 3, 32, and 50 from the ost]. Some of the notable ones are (with arbitrary psf numbering):

901: Main Menu

911: Shirley Shrine - Fort Magrad

922: Long, Long Ago

923: Black Castle - Vellweb

925: Valley Of Corrupted Gravity - Gigantos

926: Wingly City

930: Queen Fury

That's a somewhat arbitrary selection, since there are other tracks that were BGMs or played at significant events. I think tracks 916, 917, 924, 927, 929, 931, 935, 936, and 937 all qualify, and even then I'm probably missing some. Bottom line: it's worth checking out what didn't make the ost.

The soundtrack is also uploaded to youtube. The videos feature several tracks apiece, but lengths are given for each track so it's not too difficult to skip to the one you want to hear. Quality is 480p.


I'm not as big into this game/soundtrack as a lot of other people seem to be, but there are several really good tracks here. So it would be great to see folks capitalize on this and make this album happen. Best of luck!

holy smokes, good eye there K.B. I will have to find a way to squeeze those into the already bloated list =p...maybe Ill make them "bonus" tracks or what have you.


Don't forget about Queen Fury! Youtube:

There are a lot of tracks that didn't make the ost, a typical product of trying to cram everything onto one disk. They're on the psf though: http://www.zophar.net/music/psf/legend-of-dragoon.html [side note: the psf is missing tracks 1, 3, 32, and 50 from the ost]. Some of the notable ones are (with arbitrary psf numbering):

901: Main Menu

911: Shirley Shrine - Fort Magrad

922: Long, Long Ago

923: Black Castle - Vellweb

925: Valley Of Corrupted Gravity - Gigantos

926: Wingly City

930: Queen Fury

That's a somewhat arbitrary selection, since there are other tracks that were BGMs or played at significant events. I think tracks 916, 917, 924, 927, 929, 931, 935, 936, and 937 all qualify, and even then I'm probably missing some. Bottom line: it's worth checking out what didn't make the ost.

The soundtrack is also uploaded to youtube. The videos feature several tracks apiece, but lengths are given for each track so it's not too difficult to skip to the one you want to hear. Quality is 480p.


I'm not as big into this game/soundtrack as a lot of other people seem to be, but there are several really good tracks here. So it would be great to see folks capitalize on this and make this album happen. Best of luck!

Wow, just... wow. Great work there, KB! I actually spent about five hours looking for those tracks (which tells you how much I suck at finding music files online), as well as a couple of other battle themes I could've sworn were in the game but couldn't find, before I gave up and figured we should just go with the OST; but if anyone wanted to remix those as well, that'd be great, we can make them bonus tracks or some such. Shirley's, Vellweb, and The Valley were actually three of my favorites from the game, so I'd love to see them given attention.

Count me in, but I'm too busy to claim something right now. I played this game but never finished it, I always really liked it though.

That's fine - we knew we were pushing the envelope by doing this so soon anyhow :nicework:

Just pm me or Frahma when you're ready to claim one.


On second thought, you guys don't really have a deadline yet, and I'll probably be much more clear by the time you set one. I'll go ahead and grab Dart's Theme if that's ok. I don't know your stance on vocal mixes but I would definitely grab Grassy Plains for that as well if you'd allow it. Thanks!

On second thought, you guys don't really have a deadline yet, and I'll probably be much more clear by the time you set one. I'll go ahead and grab Dart's Theme if that's ok. I don't know your stance on vocal mixes but I would definitely grab Grassy Plains for that as well if you'd allow it. Thanks!

Lol yeah, we're figuring that we won't even be setting one in quite a while...too soon to make an estimate...or maybe i'm too scared to make one =p

And yes to both requests Mr. Strader. Glad to have you aboard :)


You sure it is such a good idea to do the full list? I mean it's probably fine to leave it all open now for claims but you will probably have a lot of songs here that people aren't interested in. They're not the overboard melodic type. I'll try to support you guys as much as I can just for poops and giggles, but there's a lot of songs that I wouldn't know how to approach. I think I picked the easiest 2. :-x

You sure it is such a good idea to do the full list? I mean it's probably fine to leave it all open now for claims but you will probably have a lot of songs here that people aren't interested in. They're not the overboard melodic type. I'll try to support you guys as much as I can just for poops and giggles, but there's a lot of songs that I wouldn't know how to approach. I think I picked the easiest 2. :-x

We'll cut the list down to size later on. For now, I'd rather keep it fully open so that potential remixers can have a look at the whole ost beforehand.


You want a midi track of 'if you still believe'? I can probably do that (been doing midi rewrites of that sort of thing for... over 10 years), but my computer completely fried, atm, so it'll need to wait until I'm back up and running.

You want a midi track of 'if you still believe'? I can probably do that (been doing midi rewrites of that sort of thing for... over 10 years), but my computer completely fried, atm, so it'll need to wait until I'm back up and running.

Ouch...I know how that feels - hopefully youll be back in working order soon enough =D

And yes I would be elated to have you do a midi write for that track =D - you wont need to do the whole thing, as the song is freaking long and gets to a certain point where its pretty much a rinse and repeat thing. We will figure somehting out Im sure.

BTW, how do you get rid of that quick find feature? It doesnt let me use apostraphes or slashes :S

Whoever wrote that as "intro" clearly got it wrong haha. That's the theme for when Shana's hometown gets raided by Doel's men. So yeah, in a way it is the intro, but its not "If You Still Believe". Confusing eh? q.q. You get an A for effort though :<

Here's the sheet music for it on Violin lol http://www.freewebs.com/infinityex/The%20Legend%20of%20Dragoon%20-%20If%20You%20Still%20Believe.pdf

And a MIDI of said violin that sounds like poop http://www.freewebs.com/infinityex/The%20Legend%20of%20Dragoon%20-%20If%20You%20Still%20Believe.mid


well this a start :D, might be able to work with the midi for now. I'm re-taking piano lessons, but I'm not quite at that level...not that piano and violin are quite the same. Then again, maybe this will be easy to learn since it's only one hand :nicework: Thx a mill Brandon.

Now...need to sleep.. so tired.

You want a midi track of 'if you still believe'? I can probably do that (been doing midi rewrites of that sort of thing for... over 10 years), but my computer completely fried, atm, so it'll need to wait until I'm back up and running.
Ouch...I know how that feels - hopefully youll be back in working order soon enough =D

And yes I would be elated to have you do a midi write for that track =D - you wont need to do the whole thing, as the song is freaking long and gets to a certain point where its pretty much a rinse and repeat thing. We will figure somehting out Im sure.

Hey Gario, I did a few measures of the first part last night before giving up (realized it was gonna be too time-consuming for me).

Here's what I got. Even for the part that I did, the guitar isn't finished. I also started doing the voice before realizing that would likely be unnecessary. Feel free to take it and pickup where I left off. I hope I saved you a couple minutes at the very least, heh.

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