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FAC - Fan Art Competition 10: Castlevania [RESULTS]

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That's right people we made it to 10!!!!


ok this has got to be the strangest thing ever


i dont even know


i am very sorry to all of you


for some reason

the winner




if you dont believe me

here ya go

11 votes

Atmuh 12

Rambo 11

SolidSnake4564 4

The Phalanx 11

Vilecat 11

OA 10

Ninja-san 4

ocean_storm 3

ok so


sorry people



but uhhhh

I guess I get to pick

I'll let ya know


pm me your top three in order by the 29th

Atmuh <-- best ever fyi I DIDN'T ACTUALLY MEAN THAT!!!!



The Phalanx







Welcome to the April edition of OCR's "official" Fan Art Competition (FAC).

All previous contest entries can be found here. Thanks to MiamiGuy for setting that up and maintaining it.

If your unfamiliar with FAC then please refer to the next post that contains all rules and regulations.

As you know the winner of last months FAC gets the privilege of choosing this month's theme. Rambo, our winner from last month's INTENSE competition, has selected Castlevania.

Here's a link to the wikipedia article since there's a TON of games in the series.

I know that you people can come up with some CRAZY stuff for this series, and I say GO FOR IT!!!

PM me all entries by:

April 23rd

Alright! Lets get started!

Support this thread by wearing one of these:






Possible Questions (now with answers)

What is the Fan Art Competition?

The Fan Art Competition is a monthly event where artists create some form of art based on a certain theme.

What is the theme?

The theme is decided by the winner of the previous months competition and must be video game related.

What if I don't know much about the theme?

Information resources are provided in the first post of the thread.

Who can submit art?


What are my restrictions?

You are allowed to submit one entry, but other than that there are no restrictions. There are no size, quality, image size restrictions.

Who decides the winner?

OCR of course, the whole community votes on it.

How does voting work?

On the day after the deadline I will make a post that displays all of the art submitted. Then users will be allowed to see every entry and decide which three they like the best, in order. Afterwhich they will send me a PM with their vote and maybe a few comments about the contest. They must do so in the announced voting period. If not then they fail at voting.

When and how do we see the results?

After the voting period is over I will count the results and figure out which peice has the most points. When voting the voter sends in their top three favorite peices. The one they like the most is worth 3 points, the second 2 points and the third 1 point.

If I enter the contest can I vote?

Yes, and voting for yourself is allowed if you REALLY wanna.

Once the points have been counted I will send a happy PM to the winner that tells them that they one and explains how they are to choose the next months theme. *deep breath* Once I get a PM back I will post the results and artists choice for the next months theme.

Rules and Regulations!

1) Any art submitted must be based off of the months theme.

2) No P0rn.

3) Your entry must be created within the month. It cannot have been something you've created in the past or partially finished prior to the announcement of the theme.

4) All entries must be 100% your work. Simply altering something created by someone else may be cool, but is not allowed as an entry.

I think rambo should have been more specific. The style varies a lot between games and well, picking one game would leave room for competitions in the future.

But I'll keep an eye on this nonetheless.

Sooo.. untill I saw that wiki page, I hadn't any idea that Castlevania strayed from Nintendo consoles.

If I had to pick one game, it would've been Castlevania 3 for the NES... and I'm not sure just how many people have played or would be interested in that. I wanted to see a lot of entries. Like in the other series competitions (Metroid, Zelda, Megaman) :sad:

Sooo.. untill I saw that wiki page, I hadn't any idea that Castlevania strayed from Nintendo consoles.

If I had to pick one game, it would've been Castlevania 3 for the NES... and I'm not sure just how many people have played or would be interested in that. I wanted to see a lot of entries. Like in the other series competitions (Metroid, Zelda, Megaman) :sad:

yeah I think that it's better that we do the whole series. As with previous months, large a series like this one generates a lot of entries.

BTW, congrats on the win Rambo and excellent selection for this FAC.

Thanks! 8-)

I'm in a bit of a slump though... My NES just up and died on me. lol...

I might have to draw inspiration from Castlevania 4 or Legacy of Darkness... Tis a sad day :sad:


I shall be honest and say I've never been a HUGE fan of this series, but I did play Super Castlevania IV and Symphony of the Night, and they were pretty fun.

some SoTN stuff might be nifty

nice sig dude

edit: where the heck did that post go

What the fuzz... good question. :-(

Well.. thanks no less. Hope this one .. stays..

EDIT: Can I make the sig linked to this thread?

Metroid, THEN Castlevania? Its like I'm personally gettin' some love up in here.

Now here's hoping I'll do better than 4th fucking place this month.

well you're quite skilled at drawing crazy scary monster dudes

castlevania has PLENTY of those!

and rambo just wrap the image in url tags

|url=thread url|then the image in here|/url|

gotta replace those vertical lines with brackets

Nice theme choice, and congrats! I've already got a pretty decent idea, hope I have time to get it done this time.

Thanks man :smile:

Glad to see you're interested this month too. Are you gonna finish your Metroid comic though? If / when you do, let us all see!

Oh, definately =] Since it's no longer a contest entry, I'm gonna add music to it too.

Heh, after midnight, and look what day it is now! But seriously, my post says the truth. Or does it????

Very clever... damn you. lol

I hope you're serious though, and music, well that would just be kick ass. But I really liked the two panels you submitted, so I hope you ACTUALLY do finish and present the rest. With or without music

...Preferably with


Holy shit, Castlevania! *drools*

I've only played through AoS on the GBA, but if i stop procrastinating i'd like to give it a try. If i get the hang of drawing people soon >_<

Hmm. I've never really gotten into the Castlevania series - I might have to sit this month out.

Yay, now that I'm unbanned for suggesting Icecrap was a joke... lol

I'm going to try and convince you to do some research and enter anyway!!! :-D


Sooo... This is pretty much what I have to work with for my idea. Guess I'll have to be a bit more creative than in the Metroid FAC.


Anyone else thinking of starting anytime soooon? ;-)

EDIT: Guess not...

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