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    • The intro sure is quiet, but it really sets the mood well.  I like it. I really like this arrangement, no surprise there.  Great dynamics and storytelling.  I love the instrumentation and part writing and all the varied ear candy.  I think this one is pretty close but there are a couple of remaining issues as the guys pointed out: - In the section from 1:40-2:17  there are a few sour notes here and there, perhaps have someone go over it with you to figure out how to fix them.  It's not terrible, just enough to feel awkward. - From 2:17-2:54  as Larry said, the backing strings and sometimes the piano are playing notes that are out of key. - From 2:54-3:51 the mallet backing instrument is playing a line that doesn't always fit in the key, and the strings are too loud here. - From 4:03-4:36 again there are sour notes in the backing elements. I like the music box ending.  So many cool ideas in this arrangement.  Generally the mixing is working well other than the loud strings at 2:47 and it wouldn't be bad to address the issues that Brad and Larry brought up.  The biggest issue here for me is the out-of-key notes that appear throughout the piece, mostly in backing elements but sometimes in the lead writing.  This is something you worked hard to remedy in your last resubmission and you did an excellent job of it, so I know you can do it with this one too.  Looking forward to hearing it again! NO (resubmit)
    • SO DAVID, to cut it short i think the roddenberry utopia is a fallacy. i would love to go in to this, but i would prefer to do it in PPR. why did you cut the forum????? because no one writes here anymore.     but i loved our exchange in 2019 or so. idk if it's still here. OCR was all about weird inspiratshun from VG. it all translated perfectly into talking about philosopha. wanna try something regarding that? can i open a thread about simulation theory? somewhere`?   we are gamers and we should talk about whats happening today through our very own lense. you like roddenberry and me too but your view is much different from mine.    mby lets start there; what do you like most about TNG????   i like the friendship of worf and troi and picard and riker and ginger doctor (name forgot) and stuff. ah yeah data. data is very important 2day. i HATE beaming and stuff. it's like cloning. spooky to me. so djp, let's disseminate why we both like TNG.     revive teh PPR     possible`???       drunk post
    • Simple but effective, this remix still holds up for me. Agreed that it improves as it goes on, but the simplicity kinda sets that up to work. Also agree that the ending is too abrupt, but otherwise 👍
    • I'm wondering if that video ever got made! Regardless, this piece is still hanging out on my playlist. Great take on the source, always a pleasure to listen to this smooth tune
    • Cheers to Zack for another strong mastering effort. I was a solid NO last time, so let's see where the snow falls this time. The extended intro remains solid, and on the arrangement side, I'm basically on board. I like the texture overall at 1:41 when the source melody kicks in and I like the delayed sting writing working together with the wind lead. There's still areas where there's non-melodious/off-key writing that's impacting this. At 2:16-2:37 the pizz string writing off-key; if that were the only area, it's subtle enough that I'd let it go. The strings at 2:47 were too loud and dry, which exposed the sample, and the texture was too muddy; the strings didn't need to come in that loud and bury the supporting elements, like the mallet percussion, which practically inaudible, and then there's drum hits that still sound like they have popping/distorting going on. Still much too muddy. At 2:53, there's brass support underneath that all sounds like indistinct mud; zero clarity, so you have to be paying attention for that part to even really register until it gets even louder (and muddier) at 3:24. The piano transition's at 3:50's nice, but then we have that keyboard stuff at 3:54 and that sounds off-key as well, plus the tone of the part doesn't fit well, IMO, due to how stilted the timing felt (a problem all the way until 4:34). At 4:10, this is another section where there's loads of mud and it makes it very difficult to parse what's going on. The plucked dulcimer/harp-type stuff, whatever that was until 4:34, is buried. The booming bassline and vox padding are too muddy until 4:34 as well. At 4:26, I still dislike the lead due to how stilted it sounds. And then again with the stiff-sounding lead from 4:38-4:46; like 2:16, this writing was also more meandering and non-melodious but in a subtle enough way that I can look past it. Same issue with the music box stuff from 4:52-5:11; again, not egregiously wrong notes, and the tone's actually very good for that instrument, but the writing's meandering rather than melodic so it doesn't lead the listener in a direction. Good mixing/clarity for that closing section though, and solid sound designed for everything else. To summarize: * The arrangement aspect remains a pass. Now, most of the production/mixing sounds solid. * 2:53-3:47 needs less mud/clutter. Let the texture have more breathing room. * Pull back the string volume at 2:47. * The non-melodious writing needs tweaks. On the whole though, the structure and dynamics of the writing here are solid. * Some of the leads sound stiff to me, which may be a personal taste thing. Definitely a marked improvement in terms of mixing/decluttering things, so this resub's well in the right direction. Even if you need some time away from this for perspective, this one's getting closer and closer. No need to be discouraged; I think this has a place waiting for it, but some further refinements are needed to tip it over. NO (resubmit)
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