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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello! I'm new here. I've been a sound designer in games for a few years now (partly inspired by a talk djpretzel gave at my university) and I thought my latest project might interest the OC Remix community. I've been deconstructing classic sound effects, putting them into musical notation and MIDI, and analyzing what makes them work in-game. So far, I've put up sounds from Mario, Zelda, Metal Gear, and Pacman, and I've got lots more in mind for future updates. If you've got a second, I'd love it if you took a look!
    2 points
  2. Hey music aficionados, I recently came back to a strange and interesting soundtrack that I had to share. It's for a GBA game that was ported to DS called Mazes of Fate, one of a few first-person fantasy RPGs for those handhelds. The music is crazy diverse and original. Check it out for yourself: https://reduz.bandcamp.com/album/mazes-of-fate I don't have a particular request, but I thought you guys would get a kick out of how cool this soundtrack is, and maybe somebody would be inspired to update a song or two. A few of my favorites: "Character Select" is gentle and sublime, though doesn't offer much to work with as far as source material goes. Could be a good intro and outro to a mashup with another track. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/character-select "Latin Dungeon" is snazzy and has a fun rhythm with interesting use of instruments. I like how casual and meandering it is. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/latin-dungeon "Mountain Town" has as distinct Secret of Mana feel, IMO. Upbeat and adventurous. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/mountain-town "Rashtel Town" Suprisingly funky. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/rashtel-town That's all, hope you've enjoyed.
    1 point
  3. I see times when someone is in the middle of a lift and they start exploding blood out their nose. What blood vessels are breaking when that happens?
    1 point
  4. Someone's gotta do this ost!!
    1 point
  5. It's results time. Total number of mixes - 1 Bundeslang gets the last place wooden spoon. Wait, this is a golden spoon. This means: Bundeslang wins. Congratulations Bundeslang, after submitting several songs which didn't even come close to win, you are now the winner. For the first time since PRC177 (by default of course). You may select a source for PRC297. Send your source to me (with a MID/MP3 file, otherwise send a second source with a MID file) by PM, other options are PM me @ ThaSauce or by e-mailing to bambombim@gmail.com (I prefer a PM @Ocremix). If you don't understand this, feel free to ask Bundeslang for more information. Send your source as fast as you can, but before this Friday (14 May), 10:59 AM ThaSauce time. Otherwise, Satan will wait for you in hell and something bad will happen to your country. You may select any source for any game, but not a source with an OverClocked remix or a source which has been used in PRC before. An overview of the past PRC's can be found in the following links: http://sites.google.com/site/bambombim/prc http://bambombim.googlepages.com/PRCRemixList.doc (also downloadable via the link above). You can find the votes here: http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/prc296
    1 point
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