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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2015 in all areas

  1. SnappleMan

    Joke Music

    I thought that's what OCR was about...?
    2 points
  2. Clear, irrefutable evidence that this is a real thing!
    1 point
  3. u guys should have kept going. ya going to the light house is the ultimate goal but the last 2 packages u get from brother vance also gives u etheric light. I was able to reach the lighthouse with my titan and I got the jewels of Osirus (Void H.Cannon) and the free exotic weapon I got was the no land beyond.lol
    1 point
  4. BMC_WarMachine opens the WiP season, and blends metal + orchestra for something that sounds epic! ---- Frendly reminder that the next deadline is in ONE WEEK! And that the final one is in FIVE WEEKS! Check the spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/VV3OCR RED: Tuberz, Sixto, and Brandon (and Nick Cage) -- need to turn a WiP and/or finished track asap (@Tuberz: you claimed the track recently, so you can have a lil' extension). ORANGE: Eino, Dj Mokram, and AngelCityOutlaw -- a substantial update is needed asap (contact me if you need help with arrangement/production) GREEN: Rexy, BMC, Existence Zero, and aensland -- an update by the deadline should do it ; try to get me a finished track by mid-June if possible PURPLE: Jorito, Sbeast, Timaeus, Slimy -- a finished track by next deadline or mid-June is needed ; it's time to finish your tracks, isn't it? Everyone (including people who are done): I will contact you by next deadline to get your artist bio, track notes, and other stuff OCR and the website needs.
    1 point
  5. Just a little character theme I wrote. Hope you enjoy it! Also, let me know if there's anything in the mixing/mastering department I could improve on, since that's always been my weakness.
    1 point
  6. Volume 2 is up: https://shnabubula.bandcamp.com/album/vgmcast-vol-2
    1 point
  7. DarkeSword

    Extereo Audio Player

    oof. While an impressive piece of software, I've got to say that we really don't want people constantly streaming MP3s from the site every time they want to listen to remixes. We prefer people download the MP3s or use YouTube as a streaming solution. I realize that YouTube's sound quality doesn't match the MP3 download, but OCR's bandwidth isn't free nor is it unlimited. We run through a lot of bandwidth every month already, and if something like this is used more and more by visitors of OC ReMix in lieu of downloading once and playing the music from local files, that's only going to increase bandwidth usage. It also directly accesses MP3s and circumvents the download pages, which have ads on them that keep OCR up and running. :\ Gonna have to close this.
    1 point
  8. I find the note entry inconvenience insignificant compared to the other MIDI editing features that S1 has. It's one tiny thing you have to get used to (only once) as a price to pay for all the really nice things FL can never do because of its pattern system (which is starting to show its age). Patterns just downright aggravate me, especially because I've been trained to use it for so many years and find myself struggling to write basic linear music because I'm so accustomed to writing one clip and then just painting it across the timeline for repeats, which stifled my ability to learn how to write music for... 8 or 9 years since I started learning what notes and beats were? You can get the same repeat change-persist (change it once, changes everywhere) behavior in S1 as patterns but without the restrictions, and without it being forced onto you. Ghost notes are more important to me than any other MIDI Editing feature, so I deal with the pencil/erase tools (and like I said earlier, you have to cram a bunch of instruments into one pattern for ghost notes in FL).
    1 point
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